Diminished return is ruining my loot off madking
The chest in the mad king instance isn’t affected by DR; you just have kitten luck.
Stop crying for loot, it’s just luck. I’ve got mostly greens and also did plenty of runs. You are not guaranteed to get anything from it…it’s RNG. If everyone and their mom got something worth 10g+ every few runs then they wouldn’t cost 10g+…don’t you think?
DR doesn’t apply on the chest (as in armor/weapon rarity), I did the dungeon pretty much on repeat because of the ton of dungeon influence our guild was getting and eventually I got an exotic out of the chest even though the pop up reward was at the lowest. If it were that DR did apply I would’ve gotten only whites by that time.
The chest in the mad king instance isn’t affected by DR; you just have kitten luck.
obviously it is because its definately effecting me, 30+ runs and no good loot, how dare you!
You should send Anet a ticket asking them to mail you a couple of items, and also a few thousand gems because you should have got rich by doing the dungeon.
As others have stated, chests are not effected by DR.
Random is Random.
If you want to improve your luck, stack MF.
Chance will always be chance and involve luck if you want something specific.
Even with 50% drop chance it’s still possible to not get an item in 100+ attempts. Not very likely but very possible.
MF doesn’t really help much on chests imo, i never noticed the difference on MF opening chests so far :O
RNG is RNG, news at 11.
Chests are mainly luck based. Maybe if you have more Magic find, it might help your chances. And thats one spoiled and petty reason to rage quit a game.
Tizzle Mindwrack – Crazy Asura Lore Keeper of [AARM]
I wonder if the kobold burglar can drop from the chest. Would be hilarious chasing him up and down the chains :-P
Rng is Random, tell us something we don’t know.
to quote a great line in Tomestone…
“Well… Bye.”
Now Musty Britches since someone decided Shortbus Rider was offensive… [LoS] [NSP]
This is the same idea as the inevitable thread that comes after every update: “Mystic Forge nerf?!?!?!?!” RNG is RNG. Enough people play the game that SOMEONE will get lucky or unlucky, assume everyone is experiencing the same, and post a complaint. Now I’m not saying they shouldn’t. We do need to confirm after all that it is an isolated incident. However phrasing it as an attack on the game and refusing to believe other people’s accounts is unreasonable. It happens way too often. (If you don’t believe me look through the forums for mystic forge nerf and check the dates of the original posts)
Yaks Bend
I opened 2000+ ToT bags, and no endless tonic. I’ve done the MK dungeon 6 times, and gotten The Crossing and Arachnophobia. Luck is luck. +the end chest is NOT affected by DR, only the popup reward with ToT bags.
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
Sef.6918If this DR carries on, bye bye Gw2.
bye bye Sef. Don’t let the DR hit you on the way out
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
Chest isn’t affected by diminishing returns? Wow, the turn of the chest versus the cost of the time spent in that dungeon is totally worth it then. Not sure why people are complaining about it especially with the amount of time it takes to complete regular explorable dungeons.
Not only is the chest not affected by DR, the halloween mobs and the mad king himself aren’t affected by DR. I ran the dungeon 26 times in a row yesterday with the only break being when the server died. I got 3 of my exotics between runs 20-24 and the only rare I ever got was off the Mad King himself on run 25. Every run I walk away with 4-10 trick or treat bags from the door mobs in the beginning.