Elonian Wine
250 orichalcum ingots, 20 ectos, 100 lodestones and 500 dungeon tokens and it’s only an exotic?
Yeah, if it was legendary you’d be gathering ten times that much stuff.
It’s just silly that every item GW2 has players pursue is tied directly to gold and, usually, the mystic forge. Done this way, no item represents anything other than your wealth. It has no meaning. So the halloween event basically = go to Orr and grind DEs to get as much money as possible (or insert any other efficient gold farming technique here).
Please please please give us actual content that we must participate in to earn specific items/titles/skins/vanity whatever (for holiday events and otherwise). At the moment, the only gear set that has any significance whatsoever is the Arah armor, because it’s the only set that comes from a specific source that not absolutely everyone can farm effortlessly.
Just relax and wait. This is only Act 1 with much more to come. Regardless, save the Halloween materials and craft the item at your own convenience. It’s not complicated and gives you a goal to aim for when you have nothing better to do.
250 orichalcum ingots, 20 ectos, 100 lodestones and 500 dungeon tokens and it’s only an exotic?
Ähm … tja … well, it’s not really an exotic.
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
They are named as exotic but have the coolness and rarity of a legendary, in my opinion.
Who cares if the color of the weapon name is purple or gold? The stats are gonna be the same and the skin is not going to change. By having items made in the forge Anet made items have a real and measurable cost rather than purely RNG drops which are then purely set by supply and demand. Dont worry, your ego will be fine, people will know what it took to craft the weapon even though it doesnt have a purple name.
my pursuits are fun, i dont need the best and shiniest weapon to have fun…I explore, go through the events, dont make myself miserable over not having johnny schmoe’s weapon and have a great time over all
well, i checked out buying 40 of them, they alone has a price of 13-14g, so i just bought the receip i needed straight off for about 9g.
the rest will take ages to farm, buy etc, but i have the receip and one day….im a happy owner of The Crossing