Events in the labyrinth

Events in the labyrinth

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Redbell.5763


The events in the mad king’s labyrinth are way too easy imo.

The mob you need to kill is always a normal mob and it dies like a fly… I’ve been in the labyrinth with a few friends for over an hour and haven’t found an event yet.. I’ve found like 3 before but now I can’t seem to find one.

It would be nice if there were more events in the labyrinth and if the mob or mobs we needed to kill were bosses or at the very least veterans… And collect events like in the Halloween spvp would also be great. I don’t have unlimited gameplay and I don’t have hours on end to look for just one event per 4 hours -.-’

Events in the labyrinth

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Well it should be fun and doable for characters of various levels, not just level 80’s. Yes, they are easy, but I had fun. I completed a few of the events, and then moved on to other fun activities. I suppose that is how it was intended.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Events in the labyrinth

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jnaathra.6549


Sadly after they nerfed the chests I had little reason to go back, since I had experienced all the events in there.

Events in the labyrinth

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Redbell.5763


Well I don’t mean to say it’s only for lvl 80’s. You get up-leveled when you get there and even if you’re not as ‘big’ as a real lvl 80 it’s still doable. I’m running around there with my alts and I can kill mobs just fine.

Thing is, I want the achievement and the title so I’m trying my best to do the events. Thing is, I’ve been there for OVER TWO HOURS and I still haven’t found ANY event. They are few and far between is what I mean. And even if the events DO spawn, the people that are close to it kill the event mob before I can get to it BECAUSE it’s so easy to kill… I’m not complaining that it isn’t fun, it is and I like it. It’s just the lack of events that annoys me…

Events in the labyrinth

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

There are a lot of events, and they spawn often. But there are also a lot of players, and they are all over the labyrinth. Often what I do, is join the biggest mob of players I can find, and zerg my way through the labyrinth with them. It seemed the most sure way to get around the maze quickly, and encounter lots of events.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Events in the labyrinth

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ren.7539


There is 2 champions that spawn here, The Skeleton SE and Candy Corn guy. You are able to loot each chest once a day … I have 5 characters so that’s 10 chest a day.

For those who gave up early on this.. sucks to be u .. I have looted 6 pieces of Mad King equipement. Shoulders, Chest, Pants .. both 2 times each and sold them on trading post for at least 2g each…. Between the JP CT and MK dungeon and labyrinth ive made about 14 gold in the last 3 days.

I am very happy. I had barely no money prior to event.. i have no characters over lvl 70 and now all my characters are stocked up with greens for now with money to spend.


Thanks Anet

Events in the labyrinth

in Halloween Event

Posted by: synk.6907


Perhaps it’s an issue of the number of people in there with you at the time? When I’ve gone in, I’ve found large groups of other players running about. As a result, doors seemed to spawn in more than one place and spew forth a lot more enemies. I have some screenshots where a group of us split from the main cluster, found a door, and got owned by superior numbers. I think there wouldn’t have been so many if the number of players in the area was lower.

But if you just mean that there are only a few champions, OK, guess I can’t offer any insight there.

Events in the labyrinth

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ren.7539


Basically Doors will spawn all over with Veterans… nothing special here.. As more doors spawn.. it eventually opens up the doors that spawn the champions. Usually within 15-25mins both champs have spawn and i have looted both chest.

The only reason a player should be in Labyrinth is to Kill both champs.. loot chest … leave and come back next day or with another character.

Events in the labyrinth

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Seras.5702


Stick to the corners & the center. There are a lot of events that pop up. Also, swap toons. You get up leveled to 80 so bring your lvl 30 alt and have some fun. You’ll get gear and XP a plenty.

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