Feedback on part 3

Feedback on part 3

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Artorous.8573


If you actually jump at the areas you’re suppose to jump at you won’t take more than a 50% hit in HP. That’s not ANet’s fault.

Feedback on part 3

in Halloween Event

Posted by: abstieg.1782


You’re not jumping in the right areas, then.

Feedback on part 3

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Shevek.2691


I’m starting to think this whole “IT’S GATED!” argument is getting excessive—people are applying it to everything, now; the jumps aren’t that bad.

Feedback on part 3

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Artorous.8573


50% my kitten There are jumps in there where there is only one possible spot to jump from (and live); and you take more than 50% unless you came prepared with the jump damage reduction trait. And when you land either the Mad king or mobs are waiting on you.

I’m an Elementalist. I don’t have a trait that reduces drop damage. You’re not jumping from/to the right spots.

Feedback on part 3

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Boo.5743


That was fun. Descent into Madness trait came in handy.

My camera position was wayyyyy back. Did everyone experience this?

Feedback on part 3

in Halloween Event

Posted by: misshap.1045


Yawn is there anything people don’t complain about? It’s called Descent into Madness for a reason. What did you want? A Leisurely Stroll Through a Plateau?

Feedback on part 3

in Halloween Event

Posted by: JackBurton.1803


I think they should make a 1st person view option.

Feedback on part 3

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Shevek.2691


50% my kitten There are jumps in there where there is only one possible spot to jump from (and live); and you take more than 50% unless you came prepared with the jump damage reduction trait. And when you land either the Mad king or mobs are waiting on you.

I’m an Elementalist. I don’t have a trait that reduces drop damage. You’re not jumping from/to the right spots.

Don’t really care. Either I make the jump or I don’t. The damage % is only how long I have to wait while I regen my health. Are you missing my actual point or just trolling?

I think most people just aren’t seeing the fuss.