Final Event Date: Clarification

Final Event Date: Clarification

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mondy of War.8964

Mondy of War.8964

May I ask why this has happened? The Halloween event no longer features the actual day.

Final Event Date: Clarification

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Noviere.7309


The 31st is a Wednesday — most people will be working during the day, and then dealing with real-life Halloween(giving out treats, taking their kids out, going to a party, etc…). Making it on Sunday allows more people to participate.

Final Event Date: Clarification

in Halloween Event

Posted by: dahkot.3579


Excellent decision on their part, thought that middle of US working day was a very odd time to pick to begin with for event finale.

Final Event Date: Clarification

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BaergusMaximus.6904


Why not just extend to the following weekend?

Final Event Date: Clarification

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Blueroseknight.7954


That would be better; more time with the event would be preferred to less time. Gives people more of a chance to enjoy the content they worked so hard on.

Final Event Date: Clarification

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Duckzor.4327


I’m glad so I don’t have to wait to see what happens.

Thief WvW Solo Roam Video

Final Event Date: Clarification

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Phaze Delta One.2834

Phaze Delta One.2834

I’m glad they moved it to the 28th.

Final Event Date: Clarification

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mondy of War.8964

Mondy of War.8964

Oceanics still get screwed. The event occurs at 5am on a Monday Morning in Australia.

Final Event Date: Clarification

in Halloween Event

Posted by: FalconDance.1637


Not been announced by GW2 team yet in any of the usual spots, so reserving belief until then.

BirchFlower [RBW] – Sylvari ranger, Isle of Janthir
Lili BirchFlower, Adjutant, Royal Black Watch

Final Event Date: Clarification

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BaergusMaximus.6904


They’ll get everything polished. I have faith

Final Event Date: Clarification

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kaz.5430


The Shadow of the Mad King page lists phase 3 beginning on the 28th and phase 4 on the 31st.

If the finale has been moved from the 31st to the 28th, does that mean the acts are scheduled to change at new intervals?

Or does it mean that phase 4 will now begin ‘after’ the whatever the finale is going to be?

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Final Event Date: Clarification

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mondy of War.8964

Mondy of War.8964

^^ That’s the question I want answered.

Logic would denote that if Act 4 has been moved back to the 28th, then Act 3 is is now on the 26th and Act 2 is the 24th.

There was/is an inexplicable 4 day gap between Act 1 and 2.

(edited by Mondy of War.8964)

Final Event Date: Clarification

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Fingal Hoy.4129

Fingal Hoy.4129

My guess is that the Act 3 will be on the 28th and will be a finale(Mad King appearance), the Act 4 may be the aftermath of the meeting.

What is worrying me is the fact that it is a one time only event ( why not a repeatable event every 3 hours like in GW1) that is in mid-day Pacific could see large portion of player(Oceania and even Europe if the event is in mid afternoon) unable to attend it.

Anyway I hope my fear will be proved wrong and that we will all be able to enjoy the event.

Final Event Date: Clarification

in Halloween Event

Posted by: ConterK.3972


what u mean Final Event?
is there an event currently going on? beside all the updates and stuff??

Final Event Date: Clarification

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Regina Buenaobra

Regina Buenaobra

Content Marketing Lead

Just wanted to clarify a few things:

  1. The pinnacle of the event (Act 3) was not rescheduled. We incorrectly listed the pinnacle as occurring on October 31 in the Game Update Notes. The date of Act 3 in the Game Update Notes has been corrected to October 28. The correct dates are displayed on the event page on the website.
  2. Act 4 will still occur on October 31.

Nothing has changed except to correct an error in the date as originally displayed in the Update Notes.


Content Marketing Lead
Twitter: @ArenaNet, @GuildWars2
In-Game Name: Cm Regina Buenaobra

Final Event Date: Clarification

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mondy of War.8964

Mondy of War.8964

So Guild Wars Insider got it wrong. That’s a first.

Final Event Date: Clarification

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rainasa.3471


So Guild Wars Insider got it wrong. That’s a first.

more like arena net’s twitter got it wrong, it clearly said the final event would be moved to the 28th

Final Event Date: Clarification

in Halloween Event

Posted by: skulldrip.1374


My guess is that the Act 3 will be on the 28th and will be a finale(Mad King appearance), the Act 4 may be the aftermath of the meeting.

What is worrying me is the fact that it is a one time only event ( why not a repeatable event every 3 hours like in GW1) that is in mid-day Pacific could see large portion of player(Oceania and even Europe if the event is in mid afternoon) unable to attend it.

Anyway I hope my fear will be proved wrong and that we will all be able to enjoy the event.

I would also like to hear a clarification to if this is a one time event. The wording does make it sound that way but I’m truly hoping that’s not the case.

Beya Valentine [EPIC] – Sanctum of Rall

Final Event Date: Clarification

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mozzyrella.4517


Any news on this?
Also, as been asked a few times before: when I miss an Act (lets say this particular Act 3), because I can’t log in for 3 days, will I be able to finish it when Act 4 hits? Or do I not only miss this ‘final event’ (now sceduled 3 days earlier), but the Halloween chain-quest as well?