Guild Wars 2 Halloween update video

Guild Wars 2 Halloween update video

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rannulf.9417


Guild Wars 2 Halloween update video

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Hopeless.8195


Looks good. I wonder if I will manage to get everything!!

Guild Wars 2 Halloween update video

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ageia.5843


Oh, I can’t wait! That looks like such cheesy fun

Guild Wars 2 Halloween update video

in Halloween Event

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Oh wow…. That bow!

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Guild Wars 2 Halloween update video

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Noviere.7309


If you look at the stats for the new skins, they say “Time Left 4 Hours.” I really hope they aren’t temporary, but they seem to be Maybe the ones from chests will be rarer and permanent.

Other than that, it looks great

Guild Wars 2 Halloween update video

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MajorMelchett.6042


I am so getting that staff for my guardian, here’s hoping it drops from the chests.

Zilori: Guardian – Desolation.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.

Guild Wars 2 Halloween update video

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flurdy.2831


The weapons may have time limits, but what will happen if you transmute them?

Guild Wars 2 Halloween update video

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mondy of War.8964

Mondy of War.8964

Don’t panic folks.

In the video, the bloke is standing at a vendor. He isn’t opening Chests. I’m fairly certain ArenaNet are not so sinister as to encourage people to buy Black Lion Keys on the basis of a promise for a unique weapon skin, only for you to find out it only lasts for a few hours.

The skins you saw in the video are probably unique to the vendor, and are specifically for players who don’t want to fork over real money for the skins, but still want to experience the same thing as those who do just for the duration of the event.

However, if that is what ANet have done and I’m wrong, that is probably the single worst thing any developer could ever do. Surely, they’re not like EA or Activision and are smarter then that.

Guild Wars 2 Halloween update video

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Dirk Jan.9534

Dirk Jan.9534

I’m also quite sure Anet is not so sinister to have you mine 1500 Candy Corns ( 500 nodes) only to let you enjoy the weapon for 4 hours.

Guild Wars 2 Halloween update video

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mondy of War.8964

Mondy of War.8964

I’m also quite sure Anet is not so sinister to have you mine 1500 Candy Corns ( 500 nodes) only to let you enjoy the weapon for 4 hours.

That is to suggest that Candy Corns are that hard to get. From what I’ve read, you can earn them from simply opening a treat bag.

Guild Wars 2 Halloween update video

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sinnyil.3648


Watch, as the price of ghost peppers skyrockets because of the brief showing of the halloween cooking recipies! Woooo

Sinnyil – Beastgate Flaming Charr Mesmer of Doom

Guild Wars 2 Halloween update video

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NickChabby.8907


It’s 150 candy, not 1500. The other “zero” people see is in fact the background of the candy icon (compare it with the one at the bottom).

Secondly, it would be interesting, while we wait for the update, if Anet confirmed us that the skins from the vendor aren’t temporary. Otherwise, it’s sad and it goes against Arenanet ideology.

We could get permanent skins in GW1 events (well, especially in Wintersday). Giving only temporary skins goes not only against that, but it just sends the message that if people wants to enjoy unique skins, that they should buy thousand of keys and hope that one of their chest has one. :|

Guild Wars 2 Halloween update video

in Halloween Event

Posted by: InfernoCrossing.8063


I’m fairly certain ArenaNet are not so sinister as to encourage people to buy Black Lion Keys on the basis of a promise for a unique weapon skin, only for you to find out it only lasts for a few hours.

I’m gonna quote you on this one. It’s not that I doubt ANet, it’s just that I’m… undecided, if you will, about their recent changes.

[Stormbluff Isle since September ’12] |VZ|
Ragnarune | Lily Vinheim | Voirdere

Guild Wars 2 Halloween update video

in Halloween Event

Posted by: AnthonyOrdon


Game Designer

I’m fairly certain ArenaNet are not so sinister as to encourage people to buy Black Lion Keys on the basis of a promise for a unique weapon skin, only for you to find out it only lasts for a few hours.

I’m gonna quote you on this one. It’s not that I doubt ANet, it’s just that I’m… undecided, if you will, about their recent changes.

See here: