Halloween Diorama Contest.

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kelzack.3182


So pump. Got my super sculpey today. Anyone else gonna give this one a go?

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Regina Buenaobra

Regina Buenaobra

Content Marketing Lead


We’re looking forward to your (and everyone else’s) entry.

Content Marketing Lead
Twitter: @ArenaNet, @GuildWars2
In-Game Name: Cm Regina Buenaobra

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eveningstar.7834


I started working on it the day it was announced.
I work with air dry clay so it takes a while.

It was super quiet. No one was making posts, so I figured many wern’t interested.

Miia~ GoM

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kelzack.3182


I’ve been using super sculpey!

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Curae.1837


I’m working with Fimoclay, oven-bake-dry stuff x’D Since I couldn’t find all the colors I’ll have to pull out the paint too before it’s done…
First time working with this, it’s actually quite fun

“When we remember that we are all mad.
The mysteries dissapear and life stands explained.”

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eveningstar.7834


I’ll still have to paint it and add a bunch of detail. Progressing through it nicely.
I think my diorama’s more on a smaller scale. But might get bigger when I add in more stuff.

Miia~ GoM

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Twyll Blackleaf.9641

Twyll Blackleaf.9641

Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I had a couple of questions about the contest, actually. Are we allowed to use pre-fabricated elements, like miniature chairs bought from the craft store? Also, the rules say to submit “a picture,” but what if your entry is complex enough that you don’t feel like you can show it in one picture, or if it looks different in light and dark environments?

Anyhoo, I am indeed super-excited. I’ve always loved making little models with Sculpey, and for my favorite game to have a competition of one of my favorite things is awesome

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Regina Buenaobra


Regina Buenaobra

Content Marketing Lead


The main restrictions we have are on content that infringes upon someone else’s copyright or IP. No mash-ups of Guild Wars 2, Halloween, or some other game. No using another artist’s work as part of your own. Etc.

Content Marketing Lead
Twitter: @ArenaNet, @GuildWars2
In-Game Name: Cm Regina Buenaobra

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eveningstar.7834


Thanks for the responce.
What about his questions to multiple images? Since this is a diorama and is 3D can we post a “gallery” of the finished product(from different angles)?

Miia~ GoM

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Regina Buenaobra


Regina Buenaobra

Content Marketing Lead

If you send us a gallery of images, we will consider one image as the entry. Unless you identify one image, we’ll probably choose the one that we feel best represents the work.

In other words, you can submit a gallery if you want us to see it from different angles and such, but we’ll only count one image as the official submission.

Content Marketing Lead
Twitter: @ArenaNet, @GuildWars2
In-Game Name: Cm Regina Buenaobra

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Arghore.8340


@Eveningstar, instead of a ‘gallery’ i would suggest going for a ‘collage’. Obviously you would pick one shot to be the center piece of the collage, to then place around it (in which ever fashion) various shots from other angles. To then send in the collage as one image. This prevents having to go through a whole gallery, and it gives you the opportunity to still portait your 3D sculpture in all it’s glory.

- Most important rule of thumb, make sure the center picture is large enough to show off your work…

- Most important rule of experience, make sure you make a TON of pictures from a TON of angles! Be like a paparazi in a sense. Also think of about all sorts of different lighting angles. This will make it that much easier for yourself to actually pick the right photo(s) in the end.

- Most important rule of presentation, depending on your 3D piece, you may want to decorate ‘around’ your work of art. A 3D piece on a kitchen table (while it may be a cool piece) is less attractive than putting that same piece in a decorated area.

We are peace, we are war. We are how we treat each other and nothing more…
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Odinius.9826


Real busy here trying to make the dreaded deadline.
As always I make a simple sketch and halfway through the project I realise I have loads more work on it then first intended
When the contest began I only had the sketch and wanted to wait for some concept art or screenies before I did my initial idea and then I found out that the deadline was the 22nd !!! (/panic)
The concepts are very nice, but I have to see things like that ingame before I can give it my own spin.
So for this year I stuck with my initial idea and it’s taking shape now that all the parts are coming together.
Still have loads of work that has to be done and my tradition is saving the mad king for last so I HAVE to be done before the time runs out
ah, I love stress and halloween.
All who participate: have lot’s of fun and can’t wait to see all your creations!

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eleri Tezhme.3048

Eleri Tezhme.3048

I has glue on mah fingers, and paint on my nose, and I think I traumatized my hubby by using a substitute material when I found out I had no balloons…

Must still go to Kinkos, cause my printer is smoking something. Augh, deadline!

(edited by Eleri Tezhme.3048)

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Odinius.9826


Blood, sweat and yes, tears.
The diorama took me about 2 weeks to finish and along the way it broke, I cut myself, punctured my skin a few times with copper wire, superglued my fingers, burned myself, electrocuted myself, lights burned out and look like a zombie from the lack of sleep, but it’s finally done!
Just a few minutes ago I submitted the final enrty which I finished about 3 hours ago.
My camera wasn’t doing what it must so I took the best shots I had and assembled the entry with my 1337 MsPaint skills :P

The Mad King arriving in LA at the docks:

Initial concept:

Mad King placing:

Concept setting:

Concept Mad King:

Final Entry:

(edited by Odinius.9826)

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Curae.1837


Clay now going into the oven, still have painting work to do
I barely think I make a chance, but would be a shame to not send it in now that it’s almost finished P: And ah well, it was fun to make

And that looks really nice Odinius :O

“When we remember that we are all mad.
The mysteries dissapear and life stands explained.”

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: morris.4980


Yay! Got mine in.
Great work Odinius! I love the outfit on your sylvari
I am wondering if all entries will be posted? I would love to see them all. And will we get to see them before Halloween? Kind of silly to look at Halloween stuff in Nov. If not, I guess I can hope everyone posts them in here!

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Marithia.2063



That’s my final entry. The album has bits of the process. It’s been turned in and now I feel sick to my stomach. :P

Gaah! I looked at Odinius’ and kinda felt like crying :P (I really don’t feel like I stand a chance when I saw his/hers!)

However, it looks awesome. Great job with the colors!

Best of luck to everyone!

Legacy Of Retribution [LORE]

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: sylvanari.3951


Just submitted mine last night ! Here’s a slight peek ! ^ ^


Good luck everyone !

~TATSUMI~80 Asura Thief~ Caedas[CDS]~Sanctum of Rall~

(edited by sylvanari.3951)

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eleri Tezhme.3048

Eleri Tezhme.3048

Well, I got mine all done… and then my camera refused to work. I am not ashamed to admit I cried.

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Marithia.2063


Oh my god I’m so sorry to hear that.

All the hugs to you. <3 <3 <3 <3

You should share it on here anyways when you can.

Legacy Of Retribution [LORE]

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eleri Tezhme.3048

Eleri Tezhme.3048

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Marithia.2063


I love it!! especially the “foo or treat”

Oooo, I hope they acknowledge it. <3 I love the little masks. x3

Legacy Of Retribution [LORE]

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Maulor.9847



not my most proud work, but i did enjoy how my charr dressed as a jungle worm turned out

(edited by Maulor.9847)

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Merrunz.4730


It sounds like so much fun… But I’m not very artistic.

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Buliwyf Kulich.6379

Buliwyf Kulich.6379

This is my entry, I wanted to do more characters etc… sadly I ran out of time, its about 3 days work as I found out about the competition late.


hope you like it!

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: lemyxienn.2057


Wow! Great work, guys! I’m sad because I was too busy to participate this time around, but I hope to see more diorama contests for other holidays

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: morris.4980


These are so neat to see, thanks for sharing!

Here is mine. I used a bunch of different materials and had so much fun! The air dry clay was my favorite, it was like taffy. I had to take it apart soon after because the moss trees made my office smell funky.


Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eleri Tezhme.3048

Eleri Tezhme.3048

Yeah, I had it done in time, but no good pictures. I am bummed. However, I think I have perfected making baby quaggans, so I expect some of those to go up in my shop soon.

Also, my developmentally disabled kiddo has been telling everyone “Mommy made houses for the quaggans!”

(edited by Eleri Tezhme.3048)

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Marithia.2063


So when are we going to hear about the winners, or at least an update on what’s going on with this?

Will it be announced or are we going to get contacted privately about it?

Legacy Of Retribution [LORE]

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lirium Valdessa.6134

Lirium Valdessa.6134

I love the variety of entries. Awesome work, everyone! For my entry, I was only able to upload a single faraway shot of my diorama as I didn’t have time to take close-ups. At any rate, I figured I’d share my diorama with you all along with some close-ups I took afterwards.


Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eveningstar.7834


@Lirium Valdessa:
I don’t want to be rude… but did you sculp those figures? They look a bit too much like Warhammer figures.

Miia~ GoM

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Telenn.6945


I cant wait to see these. I love the hylek one my favorite race.

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Buliwyf Kulich.6379

Buliwyf Kulich.6379


I was thinking the same thing… I thought the point of the diorama was to create the scene using your own techniques?

I’m not taking away from the paint job though, its pretty nice work

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eveningstar.7834



I was thinking the same thing… I thought the point of the diorama was to create the scene using your own techniques?

I’m not taking away from the paint job though, its pretty nice work

Yeah, I’ve been wrecking my brain around it.
I do think if it was the original artists work the “charr” would look less like a werewolf. ^^;

Miia~ GoM

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Yumiya.3951


Oh wow you guys are really talented. Loved checking out your creations. (Especially considering I possess the artistic skills of a badger.)
I’d have a really hard time choosing a winner from those fantastic entries.

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BowmasterSol.3457


I sculpted the most glorious and epic diorama for that contest. It was the most amazing sculpture of Mad King Thorn’s noble steed Gum Drops. However, I misplaced it and lost it forever. =(


Knowledge is power.

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Marithia.2063


Bahaha. Mr. Gum Drops.

Oh man, I’m sure it looked amazing, BowmasterSol!

Legacy Of Retribution [LORE]

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: sylvanari.3951


Silly, you left Gum Drops over there by your air guitar collection! =p

~TATSUMI~80 Asura Thief~ Caedas[CDS]~Sanctum of Rall~

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eveningstar.7834


I’m bad at taking pictures, but this is what I send in.
I can never take clear photographs. :/


Miia~ GoM

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Marithia.2063


Eveningstar! That’s beautiful!

Is it possible for you to share the process by which you made her? She’s adorable.

Also, how’d you get her to stay in place? Was it glue or did you wire her in? (I’m assuming you used super sculpey?)

:3 I’m hoping to make little statuettes like that one (but of my friends toons).

:D Any tips?

Legacy Of Retribution [LORE]

Halloween Diorama Contest.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eveningstar.7834


Thank you!
I used air dry clay(can’t get super sculpey in my country) and Epoxy Putty type clay.

I started with her head (made a ball out of paper and wrapped in clay) than made a wired anatomy based on my asura ingame. When I decided what pose I’d like her to have I used tape to hold the wiering in place. Than added clay and formed the basic body. Since the head and the body were made seperatly I had to attach it before going into detail. Making it stand in place with air dry clay is almost impossible since the weight and the long drying/hardening process takes so long. I used Epoxy Putty since it dries rock hard in a matter of minutes, adding good support to the neck.

Epoxy Putty is rather expencive so I only used it on the cape, neck, fingers, the scull on her pants and the rock she’s standing on.

There’s a wire sticking out of her left leg making her detachable from her stand. Basically she’s balancing in the whole thing. I can also easily remove the hat, cape and broom.

The reson I like air dry clay is that I can make a mesy sculpture and sand or carve it after it’s dry. It’s a rather fragile material and does take longer to dry depending on how much clay you added. It’s sometimes cracks easily while drying, but you can use that to make some awsome textures(like the hat).


Miia~ GoM