(edited by guide.1487)
Halloween Event Guide (Spoilers Included)
The Sixth Clue: Gendarran Fields (Provern Shore Waypoint)
For this clue you need to port to Gendarran Fields, the Provern Shore Waypoint and head west from here. You’ll find an entrance to the Provernic Crypt just south of the “Pr” in the word Provernic, I have a picture of it on my map below. Once inside the Crypt follow it all the way back until you reach the Heavy Door. Be careful of all the traps and dangerous things throughout this crypt. If you’re not careful you can quickly die from the things in this cave.
This door is locked but in order to open it you need to put Boulders on the Pressure Plates to spawn a Champion Spider, kill her and then the door will open. Lord Humphrey Fallen is who you need to speak to for the clue, hug the right wall when you enter and he spawns around the corner. He can also spawn in other locations in the room so just watch where the train of people are going to find him. Also there is a Grand Chest inside this room that has loot similar to what the World Dragons have. Be sure to grab this!
To leave click on the Mysterious Rock which will port you back to the entrance of Provernic Crypt.
The Pressure Plate Puzzle:
Alright so there are a few different Boulders around this cave. Grab anyone that you come across because you will need it for the Pressure Plate if the door is not already open. The Pressure Plates are little plates on the ground as seen in the picture below. They can be found in a “Hidden”, I use that word loosely, part of the cave off the southwestern end of the large room leading to the door which leads to Lord Humphrey. It may sound confusing at first but once you find the area leading to the Pressure Plates room it will be a cake walk from there.
After you collect all six of the clues return to Magister Tassi and turn them all into her. She will then mail you the completed book which can be finished via the next parts of the Halloween Event which are going to be added in as time goes on (a few days between each as far as I know).
I am currently working on a video for all 6 clues and a separate video entirely going over the Pressure Plate Puzzle which is part of the 6th clue for anyone who is stuck on that part.
Check back early tomorrow morning (by 10am EST I will have the video done) if you would like to see it!
Keeping the long text of how to do the “hunt” off-site is fine. I’d much rather you add in what else there is in the event to do and where about to do them. This way your “event guide” is less a single quest guide and more about the whole event.
I plan to finish the other parts of the Halloween event today. I found a haunted door last night but I wasn’t the one to knock on it although I did participate in the skeleton kill.
Sorry if it wasn’t exactly what you were expecting Pennry, I am going to get the other stuff done throughout the day today!
Just made the video version of this guide for anyone who prefers videos!
Working on the Haunted Door page for my website. Should be up soon. On a similar note is this whole forum just being filled with complaints and really nothing else?
No one is posting on helpful posts like these and filling up the QQ posts about how this event either sucks, is broken or pointless, not fun and the list goes on.
Come on guys! Show some holiday spirit! =D
I love your guide, thanks for putting it together!
You’re very welcome! To the above poster whom for some reason I can’t quote! =P
So far for farming Candy corn I have found Dredgehaunt Cliffs, Blazeridge Steppes, Cursed Shore and Frostgorge to be pretty good. Dredgehaunt and Blazeridge both also have gold and seasoned wood logs so that really adds up with bonus money quick. and Cursed Shore and Frostgorge are two of the endgame zones so, well you probably know about them if you’re max ;D
Added a long list of Candy Corn Farming Locations onto my website:
Does anyone know if part 2 starts at midnight tonight or later sometime tomorrow? If it’s midnight i plan to stay up to write Part 2
I’m pretty sure (if they follow GW1 tradition) it’ll be right around midnight, give or take an hour. Not that they have followed GW tradition all that often so far.
Thanks for the heads up, I’ll be sure to post the guide the second I get done tomorrow =)
Here is a page I just put together for the Pumpkin Carver Achievement in GW2. I am going to get a video together soon and also add in more locations outside of Lion’s Arch but we’re off to a great start!
I created both a written and video guide for Haunted Doors since I have been getting a lot of questions involving them such as are they used for achievements? is there any point to hunting for them? What do they give? and things of that nature. If you’re interested in learning about these haunted doors take a look at my guides!
Video guide explaining them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNUjcLMJnxo
Written Haunted Door Guide: http://www.almarsguides.com/gw2/GettingStarted/Halloween/haunteddoor/
Any locations yet for the Act 2 scavenger hunt?
Part 2 is up and can be found on my website. If you’d like to see the written part on this website here you go: