Halloween Event updates ('Site' and Halloween Costumes)

Halloween Event updates ('Site' and Halloween Costumes)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Funax.8037


I started playing the Halloween Event. When I received a letter, I read there I need to do something with those ‘Site’. I don’t know what that is… Can you please help me out? (More information: I got ‘Site 1 and 5’).


When I took a look at the new costumes, I saw something about ’ This costume can only be equipped when in Town, not in Combat’. Does that mean when I am fighting the costumes just dissapear? (For example the ‘Mad Kings’ costume) Does this also count for normal costumes? (For example the ‘Krytan Armour Set’?)
Thanks you for reading, hope you can help me


Halloween Event updates ('Site' and Halloween Costumes)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: valemiroqi.4309


The “sites” are a scavenger hunt. Use the candy-powered meter you receive in the mail from the Priory person in LA to locate ghosts at the site in the clue.

Costume Brawl does not count as combat. The costumes are Town Clothing, and like all town clothing they get replaced by regular armor when you enter real combat (IE mobs)

Maguuma Server

Halloween Event updates ('Site' and Halloween Costumes)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: dulfy.1493
