Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kaellok.8143


You’re talking as if it’s bad that it’s hard to do as a lower level. Firstly, it’s definitely possible to do as a lower level (I did it as a level 30), and secondly, it adds to the challenge. Instead of strolling your way over to the objective, you need to be careful and smart about it. That’s what makes it fun.

Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Grim.6415


I had a great experience running this with others and I helped them with my main and received help in turn with my lowbie alts. I also escorted and was escorted myself by guildies.

Time to break out the friendlist/guild group or make a new friend, or ask in map chat. Totally doable and helps build community if you ask me.

Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Grandizer.6278


I tried this too yesterday and couldn’t get anyone to party up with me. No guildies on and no random friends on either. I wasn’t even going to attempt to do it alone and few people were lower levels than me and we would not survive it. By that time, the servers crashed and I gave up.

Not a complaint just a comment….I’m trying to figure out why all the events weren’t launched together and run for a 2-3 week period so everyone can do them within the same time frame, whenever they want. I never got a chance to do Act 1 due to work and yesterday was my best chance at doing the current events. Coming off another FtP MMO that has holiday/seasonal events all the time, they are held in both high and low levels and run for a designated time frame. Their trick or treat event takes place in towns, where a mount on safe paths or portals can take you Plus some events that offer titles with stat buffs and nice items are allowed once per day so for a few weeks you can take a shot at it when you can.

Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mimizu.7340


i have done the 12 page-2 book hunt a total of 8 times now,
7 were for all my alts and the 8th time i guided some stranger from LA.
my 7 characters are levels 13-47.
once you know the route, it is just a matter of dodging at the right time, running the right way and ticking off waypoints in case of failure.
using speed buffs will make it a lot easier, even the 10% faster sigils will do.

Mimizu Heavy Industries [Doll] – Underworld

Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Fayte.1803


dead jezebel.4359:

name some high levels that are willing to deal with a random low level laying dead waiting for assistance… i personally had several run right by me through the crypt and not one of them even thought to res or help me

Hrm I thought I heard something squish when I ran by… kitten my boots are dirty again

Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


I’m not level 80 yet (72 atm) and I’m always willing to res people, if I’m in the area (and sometimes if I’m not). when you’re half way across the map though it does get difficult to get there and most people wp out before you can get to them (wish there was a way to say someone was coming). saying that I know there are alot of people who will just run past your dead body like you don’t exist, but this happens across the board.

personally I don’t have a problem running with people lower than me, just yesterday I ran a level 4 around to get the pages for both sets of books. we both enjoyed it, and I’d do it again for anyone. same with the Mad King dungeon, me and a friend took 3 other lower level people in so they could do it.

thing is though I don’t see much in the way of looking for help in map chat for doing the books, if I did I’d help. just saying.

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Hunter Theron.6428

Hunter Theron.6428

Well you don’t need to be max level to get all the pages. I got them all on my level 55 thief, probably would have managed if I was lower then that. Honestly I agree with the practice of having the majority of the content be available to everyone but reserving some for higher level characters.

Theron Aquila – Human Ranger

Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Melchior.2135


name some high levels that are willing to deal with a random low level laying dead waiting for assistance… i personally had several run right by me through the crypt and not one of them even thought to res or help me

I’m sorry to hear that. You may want to consider another server, if that’s the sort of community your current one hosts. For example, on Tarnished Coast I’ve been able to get the Complete Edition with all 8 of my characters… one of whom is 80, and the rest range between 10 and 24. Friendly escorts were abundant, and people only passed someone in need of a res if they saw there were already 2+ people helping them. I run a small Guild with only 10 members, of whom I’m the highest level/most frequently on, so it was almost 100% strangers helping me out. In the meantime, if you want to hang out on the overflow server, I’d be happy to back you up with my 80.

Former Guild Wars 2 fan. RIP, ArenaNet’s integrity.

Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tinni.4351


I myself put-up with a ton of really rude lowbies to guide them through the events. Most were polite but at least one was impatient and irritating but you know, you help the bad with the good.

I also got help from high level characters on my one lowbie character I attempted the final book with. So really, I can’t see why a polite player can’t get help from the, on average, friendly player base of GW.

My brain is shagging under the weight of changes… having six characters was not a good idea!

Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Renegadeslx.4703


I like to review a post for proper spelling, punctuation, and coherency before I devote anytime in addressing their concerns

(edited by Renegadeslx.4703)

Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Brown.8560


dead jezebel, fyi, those traps in the crypt will instantly kill anyone, regardless of level and armor. I have a level 80 guardian with full exotic armor with toughness and vitality stats. I too will die if I just blindly run through the traps. The point is to avoid them. And as for people not rezzing you, it’s most likely because you died in a trap. No one can actually get to you without dying themselves.

Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Draco Aurum.7520

Draco Aurum.7520

You can do all the Halloween events at any level, I was whooping the Mad Kings butt at level 3 and by level 6 had the books from Act 1 and 2, all with no guild.
You’d be surprised how helpful players are, I encountered many helpful and generous people while I was collecting the books from Act 1 and 2.
Seems like GW2 has attracted a much nicer crowd than that “other” mmo.

Screenie of my lvl 6 Elementalist with the Act 2 book:


Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Unspecified.9142


I’m getting really sick of these threads honestly.

First, if someone asked me for help I’d probably do it. I always rez everyone (unless their naked in an obvious botting place), I even make detours to rez people and it seems like most people are the same so if you’re patient some random kind soul will rez you. Also, if I saw someone who was obviously trying to get the book I’d stop and help.

Second, it takes around 1 hour to get a level if you try. The event will have been going for 11 days. The first book required Gendarran Fields. That’s a 25 to 35 area. Level was a concern and you got to level 25-35 (let’s say 30) then you would only need around 20 levels (you can get by in a level 55 to 60 area at level 50) over 7 days (26th to the 1st) to get the 2nd book easily and alone. That’s 2 to 3 hours a day, it’s not that much.

I understand some people may not be able to do it for various reasons but most people who have had the game for a month or more should have no problem at all. One hour a day average for someone who bought the game on October 1st should be level 31 by the end of the month and easily get the first book (and the second wouldn’t be that hard if you just ask for help).

It’s just not a staggeringly difficult problem to overcome if you are actually motivated.

Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Betrunken Affe.8476

Betrunken Affe.8476

So you can pretty much sum up most of the counter arguments of dead.jezebel with: I did it, I am awesome, you must be doing something wrong.

What seems to be the point a lot of people are missing is that while you can definitely go into an area that is far above your level, require other people to basically kill everything and continuously res you (and generally need a crutch at all times). Is it fun? I personally don’t play games for the purposes of NOT having fun, and I don’t find alot of enjoyment of going into an area and being completely useless.

In regards to the “GW1 events” being better, they were imo. Even if you were playing out in the fields and not actually doing “festive” events, you picked up tidbits here and there. While you do to some extent in GW2, it’s only components to make the previously dropped potions/cookies/etc and the drop rate (for me) has been worse than most decent items. Overall it feels like a massive grind to get festive items so instead of a happy feeling from playing, you just feel ripped off.

The suggestion to downlevel players instead of uplevelling them was a good one and I hope Anet investigates that for future festive events. Not everyone has 2-3 hours per day to spend playing video games.

Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Dra Keln.2015

Dra Keln.2015

Another summary of the counter arguments: the game has been out for two months, the majority of the player base is fairly high leveled. There is plenty of content that people of any level can do, including MKL, MKCT, LI, RR, AM, and doors. Things that require a specific level OR HELP FROM A GENERALLY WILLING PLAYERBASE: Book. A handful of people are complaining about not being able to do stuff period, most are complaining about not being able to do it on their alts. The former is a reality of having not put much time into the game as of yet. The latter is entitlement. The reason components drop is the same reason there are dungeon tokens, so you are able to makes progress towards your goal no matter what. The reason players are scaled up rather than down is because look at what happens when 80s go to starter zones. And in regards to GW1. Style of event is a matter of preference, however content being soft gated by level is infinitely better than content being hard gated by campaign progression, especially when there are multiple campaigns and many players don’t do all of them on every character.

80 ele
Yaks Bend

Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tinni.4351


So you can pretty much sum up most of the counter arguments of dead.jezebel with: I did it, I am awesome, you must be doing something wrong.

What seems to be the point a lot of people are missing is that while you can definitely go into an area that is far above your level, require other people to basically kill everything and continuously res you (and generally need a crutch at all times). Is it fun? I personally don’t play games for the purposes of NOT having fun, and I don’t find alot of enjoyment of going into an area and being completely useless.

In regards to the “GW1 events” being better, they were imo. Even if you were playing out in the fields and not actually doing “festive” events, you picked up tidbits here and there. While you do to some extent in GW2, it’s only components to make the previously dropped potions/cookies/etc and the drop rate (for me) has been worse than most decent items. Overall it feels like a massive grind to get festive items so instead of a happy feeling from playing, you just feel ripped off.

The suggestion to downlevel players instead of uplevelling them was a good one and I hope Anet investigates that for future festive events. Not everyone has 2-3 hours per day to spend playing video games.

Okay, you do realise that book is equivalent to a level 80 item. Please let me repeat, that book is equivalent to a level 80 item. I played GW 1 too and I don’t ever recall there being an option to get an item that I could actually use in combat during any of the GW 1 festival events. Sure after the introduction of the “costume slot” you could wear your festival hats while PvEing but that was about it!

This Halloween event was not doable by everybody BECAUSE it had a nice item associated with it. IF Anet listens to you whiners, all that’s going to happen is that come winters day – there will be no item reward. Maybe if we are lucky we’ll get a skin that we have to transmute on to something but an actual item with stats: forget it!

Of course, the irony is that you whiners will probably be back here whining again if Winter’s Day quest rewards are skin only. Just like the complaints about Halloween exotics being too rare and then being “too common” because it is possible to get it from MK chest.

My brain is shagging under the weight of changes… having six characters was not a good idea!

(edited by Tinni.4351)

Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Gaina.4819


I am not surprised no one wanted to help anyone with an attitude like yours. For someone who is supposed to be a grown up, you dont act very.. grown up.

Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Wor Machien.9657

Wor Machien.9657

Griping and coming to the forums to post about this is wasting time. Every holiday in GW1 there was an influx of players. More players = more help. Ask for help and be patient about it.

Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: admcd.4503


“and before anyone starts trolling… i apologize that i have a life a job and a family and cant spend every minute of every day on guild wars and didnt make it to level 80 within a week of release”

Are you implying that anyone with an 80 now hasn’t got a life or a job? It’s well past “within a week of release”.

I have a life, a job, a family, and I certainly don’t spend every minute of every day on GW2, and yet I managed to get myself to level 80.

People would probably be more willing to help you if you weren’t so bitter, angry, and insulting.

Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: IcyMind.2634


I am no level 80, but I was able to help other people in the scanvenger hunt. I also was helped too. the game is multiplayer you are suppose to be social somehow.

Halloween Events and Quests Ridiculous!!!!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Betrunken Affe.8476

Betrunken Affe.8476

Of course, the irony is that you whiners will probably be back here whining again if Winter’s Day quest rewards are skin only. Just like the complaints about Halloween exotics being too rare and then being “too common” because it is possible to get it from MK chest.

I personally wouldn’t mind festive quest rewards being skin only. Then again, it must be whining instead of feedback. Before making blanket statements, try looking at it from another person’s point of view (namely, casual gamers)