Halloween and european players :(
I’m on holiday from Friday, so I miss most of it anyway, including the final event. Ah well, there’s always Wintersday.
Isn’t the “don’t miss it” part at mid-day PST on the 28th? (around 7pm GMT)?.
In this post it does state that.
Did they change the time of the “don’t miss it” part or something?.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Why do you need to be online exactly when it starts? There is nothing special happening at the exact time that the event starts. You can still enjoy the event. I mean, I guess if it would make you happy they could make the European event start later than the US one. Don’t see why that is necessary though.
Really, again an EU player complains? American players get to have that lovely 5pm PST reset on our dungeons and daily counters. You know what that means, every day we have to wait until that time (8pm EST/7pm CST… right in the middle of prime time) to run dungeons again. And didn’t finish your daily achievement cause you were at work, sorry we reset it while you where playing. We deal with this every day, you can deal with it the like 5 times there is a holiday event.
Just because someone has taken a piece of the cake before you got there, it doesn’t mean the rest is going to taste terrible =)
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope
What is the point in having separate region servers if US times are gonna be used for EU servers anyway ?
X event launch Oct 22 US 8pm PST
X event launch Oct 22 EU 8pm GMT
If not done like this just merge the regions because there’s no freaking point to have them !
What is the point in having separate region servers if US times are gonna be used for EU servers anyway ?
X event launch Oct 22 US 8pm PST
X event launch Oct 22 EU 8pm GMTIf not done like this just merge the regions because there’s no freaking point to have them !
Agreed, I guess Anet have to favour their country men.
“After several hours I’m still swinging this sword with1 lodestone drop”
I’m a European player and couldn’t care less. We get it a day late and it goes on a day longer. So what? We still get the same amount of time with the patch.
@ parisalchuk , i can understand why you are having problems with the reset times , but then nobody else is allowed to have a complain? this is the first time i complain about the game . i just wanted to say that i dont understand the way they do this. seperate starting and ending times for usa/eu would be much better. i am someone who loves to be there from the start till the end ,but its made imposible . @kasama :P the middle of the cake is the best .
and i checked times again and MajorMelchett is right , the ending is earlier then i said in my first post, sorry for that . but maybe its a idea to make times more clear for everybody. so people in all differend timesareas know when it starts/ends.
This morning i woke up and thought YES ! halloween event today YEEEEY . untill i was told it starts at 1.00 then it was QQ.
@ parisalchuk , i can understand why you are having problems with the reset times , but then nobody else is allowed to have a complain? this is the first time i complain about the game . i just wanted to say that i dont understand the way they do this. seperate starting and ending times for usa/eu would be much better. i am someone who loves to be there from the start till the end ,but its made imposible . @kasama :P the middle of the cake is the best .
and i checked times again and MajorMelchett is right , the ending is earlier then i said in my first post, sorry for that . but maybe its a idea to make times more clear for everybody. so people in all differend timesareas know when it starts/ends.
This morning i woke up and thought YES ! halloween event today YEEEEY . untill i was told it starts at 1.00then it was QQ.
Ive already tried to have this discussion with a Dev about separate or better placed reset time. They weren’t very receptive. So the fact will remain, 1 party will be upset no matter what. I just find it funny that when I complained about this plenty of EU players jumped on me saying it wasn’t a big deal and that I should just deal with it, and now here the same player base is complaining about the exact same thing.
What is the point in having separate region servers if US times are gonna be used for EU servers anyway ?
X event launch Oct 22 US 8pm PST
X event launch Oct 22 EU 8pm GMTIf not done like this just merge the regions because there’s no freaking point to have them !
Agreed, I guess Anet have to favour their country men.
A company is using their own timezone to tell their community when they will be releasing an update? Sounds like an injustice to me.
What is the point in having separate region servers if US times are gonna be used for EU servers anyway ?
X event launch Oct 22 US 8pm PST
X event launch Oct 22 EU 8pm GMTIf not done like this just merge the regions because there’s no freaking point to have them !
Yeah heaven forbid it’s actually done fairly like that. Would mean EU players get it before those in the US which we definitely can’t have.
What is the point in having separate region servers if US times are gonna be used for EU servers anyway ?
X event launch Oct 22 US 8pm PST
X event launch Oct 22 EU 8pm GMTIf not done like this just merge the regions because there’s no freaking point to have them !
Yeah heaven forbid it’s actually done fairly like that. Would mean EU players get it before those in the US which we definitely can’t have.
Why should anyone get it before anyone else? How is that fair?
What is the point in having separate region servers if US times are gonna be used for EU servers anyway ?
X event launch Oct 22 US 8pm PST
X event launch Oct 22 EU 8pm GMTIf not done like this just merge the regions because there’s no freaking point to have them !
Agreed, I guess Anet have to favour their country men.
A company is using their own timezone to tell their community when they will be releasing an update? Sounds like an injustice to me.
It’s hardly an onerous task for them to update both regions with localised information. Blizzard manage it just fine, as do many other US companies with a global customer base.
The point is not where the creator of the game is based, the point SHOULD be where their customer is based.
I bought Guild Wars 2 from a UK shop. I paid in pounds sterling. I play on an EU server with other EU players. I buy gems from their store in pounds sterling (at almost twice the rate of the US players) and English is the primary language.
So… for almost all the EU / UK players, to then be told “But cos we are american we therefore get everything first” is pretty galling, and smacks of lazyness or worse, elitism.
If you can be bothered to sell a game in another country, convert your prices to their currency, and speak their language, then at least have the decency to update their game at a reasonable time thats not based on some arbitary US timeframe.
Wow, Lotro, EQ, EQ2, Vanguard etc etc all manage to do it, so why cant Anet?
Halloween and European players? Try Halloween and Middle Eastern players !
I live in the United Arab Emirates and the event will probably start at 4 AM !!
How is ANYONE getting it first when it will globally be released at the same time? Is it cause you will be sleeping? I missed all those stress tests here in the US because they decided to put them during EU prime time and didn’t complain about it. I get to have my daily progress reset right in the middle of working on it.
Here are the facts. Both player bases have been screwed by the system and will continue to do so in the future. Arenanet is a US company and can decide to launch their product at a time of their choosing. Get over it, move on, play when you wake up.
They are probably basing it around their highest concentration of players. You will still get to enjoy the event at the same time as everyone else. Would you rather they release it later for EU at a time that you will be awake? Everyone has the same start time, I’m sorry that is inconvenient for you :-P
um … it’s global game. not just US. not just EU/Uk. not even just US-EU/UK. even in US – EU/UK, some people go to school and work at night/weekends, and some people work midnights/odd hours. the complaints in this thread are unreasonable. Ask yourself, is it possible for Anet to satisfy everybody in the world at the same time? what was your answer? exactly. that is all.
The point is not where the creator of the game is based, the point SHOULD be where their customer is based.
I bought Guild Wars 2 from a UK shop. I paid in pounds sterling. I play on an EU server with other EU players. I buy gems from their store in pounds sterling (at almost twice the rate of the US players) and English is the primary language.
So… for almost all the EU / UK players, to then be told “But cos we are american we therefore get everything first” is pretty galling, and smacks of lazyness or worse, elitism.
If you can be bothered to sell a game in another country, convert your prices to their currency, and speak their language, then at least have the decency to update their game at a reasonable time thats not based on some arbitary US timeframe.
Wow, Lotro, EQ, EQ2, Vanguard etc etc all manage to do it, so why cant Anet?
Raging against elitism by using an elitist argument. Classic.
The Lost Shores should have stayed lost.
Its just a game….you guys are acting like we are paying MONTHLY…
For many where second rate continent if it involves games, not taken very serieus im affraid.
when it’s localized release, there would be advantages to certain players who are very advanced in timezone. A.NET is doing a global release so no one gets it ahead of time. it’s just you’re sleeping.
Holy crap folks…. It’s a longer than a week event. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE ON RIGHT WHEN IT STARTS….
seriously folks… do this relax and play when you can play. You do not have to alter your schedule for this.
Yes it will be fun. Will the fun change from midnight to the next day? NO.
I understand the frustration with not being able to make the start or end of something, but really that is our of Anet’s control. It’d be like being upset at your favorite retail store for for having a sale when you’re working/sleeping etc.
Feed them and they multiply.
Please do not feed them.
On a similar note, it’s very tough on Oceanic players.
12 mid-day Sunday US translates to 5am Monday for east coast Australia, which means the vast majority will miss the final event.
Simply moving it to 5pm Saturday US would make it 10am Sunday for east coast Australia and would let oceanic players experience the event.
They should have released this at noon PST Friday, as they always did…
Unfortunately it seems that they have rushed the development of this event… no time to release it before weekend, no patience to release it the next day at the right hour…
(PS: As they have already said, there’s a majority of Europeans playing GW2. Sure America seems bigger on the map, but it isn’t always true.)
I agree. Those times are ridiculously biased towards us players.
Meh, I wanted to make some money out of the event but now it seems impossible Americans will get all the juice
I understand the frustration with not being able to make the start or end of something, but really that is our of Anet’s control. It’d be like being upset at your favorite retail store for for having a sale when you’re working/sleeping etc.
Unless he opens at midnight and closes right before sunrise,i’d have no problems with it…..
There is a simple reason why Anet has to release the update at the same time, are we forgetting people can server hop from EU to US and vise-versa. How would you take your updated items over to an area that does not have it yet?
I am from UK
it will come out around 1am-ish?
Ah well ill be off bed before then, work in the morning.
So ill play it about 5:30pm tomorrow.. its really not the end of the world.
There is a simple reason why Anet has to release the update at the same time, are we forgetting people can server hop from EU to US and vise-versa. How would you take your updated items over to an area that does not have it yet?
I am from UK
it will come out around 1am-ish?
Ah well ill be off bed before then, work in the morning.
So ill play it about 5:30pm tomorrow.. its really not the end of the world.
How about they close the tranfers in that period,Easy.
Not easy. The Trading Post is Global… all the new items would be able to be sold on the TP with only a portion of the world being able to attain those items through normal means.
This was from an anet post:
And finally, make sure to be around on Sunday October 28th mid-day pacific time, you’re NOT going to want to miss it!
Oh yea that too, I forgot the Trading Post was global, thats an even more valid reason than mine
(edited by Rispa.6501)
I’m also from the UK and I’m not hugely bothered about the “late” release time for us EU players because the content is free! If you had bought the DLC and then realised that it would be released on US time (as has happened to me on many Xbox games) then your argument would be valid; but ANet have given us this DLC free. FREE. Okay fine, you’ll miss the start due to it being a Monday night. So what? Whilst US players will more than likely miss the end due to time constraints we EU players will more than likely play up until the event ends.
Server = Desolation
Guild = Miscellaneous
It’s not like this event is only on for a brief window and you are going to miss it because you are sleeping. You can wake up and start playing while the US players are sleeping (which is what you were doing when they were playing)
Do you even read what other people say? Check that link, the issue I and others have with the timing is that it has been said you can miss things by not being there on time.
“why not give us some reasonable times also instead of only taking care of the players from the USA”
The BWE’s started around 10:30 am ANet time and the stress tests were all afternoons of work days in US/Americas (great times for much of EU). I’m going to go ahead and say that they’ll have different starting times for different events/things as we move along. Starting times for different things started at multiple times in GW ranging between noon and midnight PST. They don’t always cater to US timezones. The “Wintersday” event could very well start at noon for ANet, for instance, at which time EU will have “the advantage.” Everyone always has to pull the ‘fair card.’ :/
The end event isnt exactly oceanic friendly either hope I can make it but its a ungodly hour
I was a bit surprised by the end event…. GW1 was really good that the “end event” took place several times throughout the last day. But the end event being a 1 time deal at mid-day Sunday in North America? (and who knows what time else-where?) … I hope I can make it, but my Sundays are terribly busy during the day…
We will always have time zones, and that not everyone can have the event starting at the for him/her best time, is just part of the game. Events will just run for a set time, so you have extra time on the end if you mis a bit on the start.
However, the biggest let down for me is that we were looking forward for the event on the 22nd, only to find out that i will be released at 1.00 in the night on the 23rd. That is just a big letdown, and was not needed if the release times where posted as well. Even the email that i got was stating 22nd, at least they could have send eu players an email with the correct date (23rd)…
I know choices have to be made, so that part i don’t mind that much, but please realize the game is international, so give some info about the time, in that way you know when to expect the event, and prevent the disappointment when you look forward to something only to find out it will be a day later.
For final event and stuff i really assume that arena net will keep the old system of GW1 when final events ran for 24 hours in total, repeating every 2 hours or so. In that way everyone was able to participate at a for him/her convenient time. If the would not do it in that way would be a major letdown, but i assume they still know how to host events in a good way like in gw1.
member of the Fissure of Woe (FoW) community
I don’t understand the complaint. The event starts the same time for everyone, the event lasts the same number of total hours for everyone. The event ends at the exact same time for everyone. What else could you possibly want? If it starts at 2am for you then you still get the same total time for the event, it is no different then someone for whom it starts at 5pm.
What is the point in having separate region servers if US times are gonna be used for EU servers anyway ?
X event launch Oct 22 US 8pm PST
X event launch Oct 22 EU 8pm GMTIf not done like this just merge the regions because there’s no freaking point to have them !
The EU vs US servers is mainly to help group with people that (theoretically) play at the same time you do (as well as some language localization)
The one thing that bugs me is that Anet said the event starts at october 22, but it’s 23.
I don’t see the reason, why these events can’t be region specific.
I don’t care about when the event starts, but if the special, don’t miss event is at 6am, where most people don’t even know, what awake looks like, then what is the point?
Why can’t the European event not just start a little later and run a little longer, so that they get the same chance to play all of it?
(edited by sCor.8069)
The Servers are on the West Coast of the United States, hence PST time.
In order to update the servers they need employees on location.
They aren’t going to ask their employees to come in late, they’re going to work normal hours.
The event lasts all week, each Stage is about THREE DAYS long.
I’m Australian. Events start later than is specified and also end later than is specified.
Do I care? No.
Suck it up mate, they’re not going to be able to please everyone. You’re acting like we only have one day to experience the event.