Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


Happy Halloween Guild Wars 2 players and staff!
I hope everyone has a great Halloween and a safe one.

I really would like to thank ArenaNet, NCSoft and any other staff who did an awesome job pulling this event off. Not many people understand how hard it really is to pull of an event like this. In comparison to past Guild Wars 1 Holiday Events I am quite thrilled to see this event broken down into 4 parts instead of “show up at midnight and idle for 24 hours.” With that being said there are a few things that could have and should have been fixed but for a starting point this event went over rather well.
I can’t wait to see what you guys have planned for Wintersday!

Happy Halloween to everyone and thanks again ArenaNet & NCSoft.

-Happy Customer
-Certified Asura Genius in the Academic Field of Candy Eating
-Wolfey Xanadu

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood