Have I Done Everything?

Have I Done Everything?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: No Walking.6349

No Walking.6349

First of all, LOVE the event. So far the best holiday event I’ve ever seen in an MMO, including WoW and GW1. I want to make sure that I’ve experienced everything so tell me if I’m missing anything so far. Here is what I’ve done…

1) Finished all the scavenger hunt and gotten both books.
2) Got Pumpkin Carver Title
3) Have all titles besides the attend the party one
4) done both the new SPvP things
5) Done the new dungeon
6) Done the clock tower

Am I missing any content here? Just want to make sure I don’t miss anything

Have I Done Everything?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ferguson.2157


There are events to protect power sources on the maps with doors.

There is the endless combat of the Labyrinth.

Not an actual event activity, but a spin-off – I like rezing/escorting low level characters attempting the scavenger hunt at various choke points and hard spots.

“What, me worry?” – A. E. Neuman