Horrible, horrible weapons
Greatsaw would like a word with you, i almost have the gold to buy it from trading post ^^
Just like how some legendary weapons look amazing and others look like a joke xD but the halloween weapons arent so bad, some are plain looking and thus not worth the effort but there are some cool ones…I like the daggers with a hand on it
Yea, the dagger is disappointing. Arachnophobia looks pretty cool though.
Don’t like them? Don’t get them. Honestly, enough with the complaining.
Don’t like them? Don’t get them. Honestly, enough with the complaining.
Couldn’t agree more, these forums are like a car crash that I know I shouldn’t stare at but I can’t help it.
Greatsaw would like a word with you, i almost have the gold to buy it from trading post ^^
Well yeah, I said that gs is one of coolest. But my god, why other are such a bland kitten? Should I roll a greatsword wielding class to finally have some love for my character’s looks?
Don’t like them? Don’t get them. Honestly, enough with the complaining.
Don’t like these threads – don’t read forums. When you people will get over whining?
Don’t like them? Don’t get them. Honestly, enough with the complaining.
Don’t like these threads – don’t read forums. When you people will get over whining?
How bout, quit complaining about an event just because you seem to think you are entitled to an event weapon that is visually appealing to you. Heads up, there are tons of weapon skins in the game.
Anet doesn’t cater to your every need, so give it a break and just play the game.
What you interpret as whining, others will see as feedback. That’s what forums are for. If you don’t like what people are saying, move on. Don’t bother posting anything. Just because you don’t like the “tone of their print” doesn’t mean your opinion is needed or wanted, just like “whining” is not wanted or needed by you.
Feedback is fine, but we don’t need 100 threads all with the same complaint, and things like this aren’t feedback, they’re just opinions that for some reason the OP thought we all needed to know about.
Exactly. This isn’t feedback, or anything useful at all. He is simply complaining about how “horrible” he thinks the halloween weapons are (in fact, that is the title of the thread) I understand that it is just his opinion, but ranting about it on the forums isn’t going to get you anywhere.
The forums are supposed to be a useful tool for discussion and help. It’s just annoying to see 10+ threads complaining about how much the event sucks – usually with no constructive feedback at all.
(edited by Link.4039)
Exactly. This isn’t feedback, or anything useful at all. He is simply complaining about how “horrible” he thinks the halloween weapons are (in fact, that is the title of the thread) I understand that it is just his opinion, but ranting about it on the forums isn’t going to get you anywhere.
The forums are supposed to be a useful tool for discussion and help. It’s just annoying to see 10+ threads complaining about how much the event sucks – usually with no constructive feedback at all.
Honestly, your post is not useful either. If you don’t agree with the OP, don’t reply and the post will get dumped into obscurity by more popular threads. By starting this whole “stop complaining” campaign, you’re only bumping this thread to the top of the list.
Feedback is fine, but we don’t need 100 threads all with the same complaint, and things like this aren’t feedback, they’re just opinions that for some reason the OP thought we all needed to know about.
Here is a piece of feedback, stringed together from a first post:
same chance to drop: rusty level 1-10 sword with round edges vs big animated chainsaw.
Sigh. Cannot argue with entitled kiddies.