How did this happen again?

How did this happen again?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Those Who Remain.1987

Those Who Remain.1987

Yes, I am kinda baffled by the server issues you have now. You are promoting players to all log-in for this special event, thus you anticipate a very great amount of players. Yet I (and many others) can’t log-in.
And when I can log-in, the game throws me out within a minute. White screen. No error, no nothing.

The game has always run smoothly, so I am convinced it are no errors on my side.
Now I am trying to log-in again and it is almost insulting to read the ’this is most commonly caused due to issues on your pc, not our servers (the firewall stuff)

I’m sorry, but I am just disappointed at this moment. I really enjoyed the Halloween event so far and I hope I will be able to log-in tonight, but the situation leaves a sour taste in my mouth. People rescheduled stuff around a bit for this and then you smack them in their face by giving them errors.

I apologize if this thread came off as rude. I’m just annoyed at this moment.

How did this happen again?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Dokuroizo.5348


I’m with you man. I mean, you guys are in this bussines for so long, with GW1 and all. And you did plenty of events. I love you solely for that reason alone.

But kitten man, what the hell. Every Event, Every patch and or update my server crashes and burns. Its nice of you to prepare a halloween event but if you’re still fixing the game this wasn’t a sound choice to make.

Just my 2 cents, I still love you guys.