Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -
I agree that ‘entitlement’ is a dirty word in MMos – the reverse is also true for people ‘bragging/showing’ off, all online games have both – the problem is when you have problems that prevent a large amount of people from achieving something in-game that otherwise, they ‘probably’ would have completed; there really should be something for them at least.
To all the people who are saying the event shouldn’t be extended, your reasoning is flawed – and again, in all honesty ~ Its’ both petty and selfish.
My current views on anet is really, honestly at an all-time low – not only with the BLC chest scandal and now this, I don’t even know what happened after all that mess since I’ve been offline since mid-Monday.
But from now on, any future events I’m going to take them with a pinch of salt, I’m not going to trust anet to be fair, and I’m not going to spend money on gambling.
From tonight’s update notes, we found a way to try and help folks out we could sneak in that wouldn’t break our November stuff that launched today as well. As Anthony linked above →
“Unfortunately, Hurricane Sandy has made these past few days very hard for some of our players on the east coast of the United States. We would like to extend our condolences to all those affected by the storm. We recognize that because of power failures and the general situation, many players have been unable to meet Mad King Thorn in Lion’s Arch. One of the fake Mad King Thorn actors has decided to stick around until 11/15 to ensure that those who couldn’t play due to the storms still receive the “Attend the Party” achievement. If you missed the final event, you will be able to speak to him at the Grand Piazza in Lion’s Arch and receive both your achievement and a Halloween hat.”
From tonight’s update notes, we found a way to try and help folks out we could sneak in that wouldn’t break our November stuff that launched today as well. As Anthony linked above ->
“Unfortunately, Hurricane Sandy has made these past few days very hard for some of our players on the east coast of the United States. We would like to extend our condolences to all those affected by the storm. We recognize that because of power failures and the general situation, many players have been unable to meet Mad King Thorn in Lion’s Arch. One of the fake Mad King Thorn actors has decided to stick around until 11/15 to ensure that those who couldn’t play due to the storms still receive the “Attend the Party” achievement. If you missed the final event, you will be able to speak to him at the Grand Piazza in Lion’s Arch and receive both your achievement and a Halloween hat.”
As someone who’s power was out from Monday through Wednesday morning, and was worried he couldn’t get in (but thankfully was able to), I’m very grateful that you guys are doing your best to make it right for those who weren’t so lucky. I’m sure it’s much appreciated.
Yeah, but no love for all the players who missed all the other content and thus, have no chance at the title or any of the exotics.
Well, the hurricane didn’t hit anyone until mid-Monday, so anyone who missed earlier Halloween content was their own kitten fault.
well it was nice of Anet to extend part of the event for the whiners.
Again /i/ was affected by Sandy… as was my sister. But neither of us thought a game company should extend an event “just for us”.
No more than i’d think if i were going to a friend’s wedding in another state, and just before the wedding a hurricane came, and preventing me from taking a flight out.. i wouldn’t expect my friend from California to delay her wedding because “i” won’t be able to make it and boo-hoo for me!
Sometimes you miss things in life. That’s life. Accepting that “every single event” you want to be part of in life, or make it to, is not always going to happen and being able to deal with the disappointment of that, i think… is part of growing up and not being a child.
i am very happy me and my sister are safe. i’m grateful neither of us lost our homes. So what that i missed out on certain things in a video game that i’d have liked to do. Big picture time here…
Yes its sad to miss stuff. But honestly, the percentage of gw2 players affected by the storm was small. Not “very large”. Heck the percentage of USA citizens unable to get online because of Sandy was teeny tiny.
Sure, some of our whole towns were effected in that way, but our towns, our little slice of a state is not the whole world.
“Yeah, but no love for all the players who missed all the other content and thus, have no chance at the title or any of the exotics.”
You people will find anything to complain about. What are they supposed to do, mail everyone in the game an exotic? They don’t even have unique skins, and the chest drops from Ascent to Madness were stupid rare…
To those who freak out about people asking for a holiday extension, I can tell you weren’t a GW1 player. A-net has a long history of extending and even re-running an entire event because people lost power. It was fairly common in GW1. They actually reset an entire holiday back a week because Korea lost power for a little while during a final event. People don’t feel entitled to everything (well not all of them anyway) most of us just want the same service and customer care we have seen A-net provide to foreign countries multiple times in the past. I know they have reasons for what they are doing but it does feel a little like A-net cares more about their international reputation then they do about their home players
Thanks Anet! That was really nice of you
Luckily my neighborhood got power back today!
Excellent to hear! But is there any chance you can also bring back Magister Tassi for a few days for those that were unable to turn in their books?
Nice to get some extension.
Now if I get power back on my home computer by the 9th as hoped, I might be able to use it.
But no way I can no do the clock tower jumping puzzle, carve the few pumpkins I still needed. At least I got to see the Mad King and run his dungeon 1×.
@Tyrick, its about fairness. And what Sharna said is 100% true, god help Anet is something happens in Korea during an event and they get a full extension or a reset.
One of the main problem with forums is lack of immaturity to see why people actually complain, alot of people chalk it up to entitlement and they so wrong, its about having the same chance to acquire something in game that stands out from the rest of the mundane, its about fairness and many players are far too competitive, even in PvE environments the game has become competitive, how many players you seen bragging about Chain Sword Skins etc?? Its really amazing how many elitist players this game has in such as short period of time after launch.
I personally see no real reason or excuse to extend the Halloween event until Sunday evening, most people are getting power back and that should give a significant chance for players to get some/all of content. To people seeing this as a negative? Explain why would PvE content…even bother you that other players might actually be able to finish it?
(edited by TsukasaHiiragi.9730)
Well, the hurricane didn’t hit anyone until mid-Monday, so anyone who missed earlier Halloween content was their own kitten fault.
I’m actually in Florida, my power got knocked out and took me out for the weekend resulting in a missed phase 3. I’ve already come to terms with missing the achievements and title for this year’s event, what’s done is done.
Just don’t claim that it didn’t hit anyone until mid-Monday… you weren’t here.
Nice to get some extension.
Now if I get power back on my home computer by the 9th as hoped, I might be able to use it.
But no way I can no do the clock tower jumping puzzle, carve the few pumpkins I still needed. At least I got to see the Mad King and run his dungeon 1×.
If you’re trying to complete the achievements for the title – pumpkin carving and the clock tower don’t count towards it. As long as you got to run the dungeon, attend the party, and complete the books you should be on your way!
As Colin posted, we put an NPC in the game for those who had missed out. Therefore I will lock this thread.
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