Hurricane Sandy Request

Hurricane Sandy Request

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DirtyRich.4903


Hello ArenaNet and players,

Here I am in New York state where I have been working every spare moment the past few days to prepare my property for the coming storm, and expect to lose power once we get hit with Sandy’s full force. Due to Sandy’s massive size, the same will hold true for hundreds, if not thousands, of GW2 players on the East Coast.

I am unaware of when ANet is planning on ceasing Halloween festivities in GW2, or if Acts 1-3 will be stopped as Act 4 commences, but for the sake of all the players who cannot celebrate with the rest of the GW2 community due to the hurricane, would it be possible to extend the event to provide everyone the chance to enjoy it?

Hurricane Sandy Request

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824


No, they cannot stop the event it is too powerful a force already set in motion, but they do have the power to stop hurricane Sandy.

Such is the power of Arenanet.