(edited by Siphaed.9235)
I LOVE the Clocktower! Do you?
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! I love it, it’s my favourite part of Halloween so far! Actually it’s tied with the quaggan pirate, but definitely love this puzzle. It’s crazy, it’s insane, it’s fast, it’s chaotic, but the rush is fantastic.
Sanctum of Rall
I feel like the people who love it are people who played a lot of NES games back in the day.
The 2 NES games I was able to beat was Barbie and Where’s Waldo.
Like most people I find it very amusing and challenging but I must admit that I hated it until I finally reached the top!! It that regard, I see a lot of people posting that they did it more then once … do you get to loot the chest everytime you complete it? Also since this achivement is BY far the most difficult one to get during this Halloween event does anybody else feels that we should get a title for it (I think it’s perfect that it doesnt count for the Emissary title for the one who are not able to do it)
+1 to Darkeven’s post.
I love the jumping puzzle Mad King’s Clocktower. It’s fun, fast, instance, and a finger on the pulse of my heart. It’s so awesome. Takes a while, and there are some spots that are just “AHHHHH!” painful; but after all that it get’s down right enjoyable.
Here’s a video of my last completion of it: http://youtu.be/hMxV_RaThlk?hd=1
Edit: Music in video is PG-13, just FYI heads up there.So, do you love it? Like it? Hate it? Why so?
I saw 2 times where your camera went full rtard, as a charr my camera did this almost every jump I made.
Yes but I hate that pause SO MUCH
It completly breaks the flow. Why is it even here? Is it so the green goo can catch up?
Yea, I love it. Once i managed to complete it. it does get easier as it turns more into muscle memory (akin to the oldschool Sonic games)
Working on the perfect speed run route.
I can’t stop doing it, i keep telling myself “this time, it’s my last try” but i keep going.
I also somewhat like seeing player fall in the most random places and to see one or two managing to finish it.
Like most people I find it very amusing and challenging but I must admit that I hated it until I finally reached the top!! It that regard, I see a lot of people posting that they did it more then once … do you get to loot the chest everytime you complete it? Also since this achivement is BY far the most difficult one to get during this Halloween event does anybody else feels that we should get a title for it (I think it’s perfect that it doesnt count for the Emissary title for the one who are not able to do it)
For different characters the first time they beat it will net the same 3 rewards, for 2nd or more visits with a character that already did the tower once, it starts out by giving personal tot bags 7-10, but eventually it started giving only normal tot bags 7-10, note that personal to normal tot bag is account based, i switched characters when I noticed the change but was still receiving the normal ones
And although the title would be nice, it would just be more complaining from ppl who already want a tower nerf or a complete removal…id prefer just less drama if it means no title
I love the concept of it and don’t regret doing it, but it’s clearly a very flawed execution and would have benefited quite a bit from additional iteration.
When I first started this puzzle, I really hated it, but now, after finishing this mad puzzle, I can say, that the 3 hours of trying are totally worth it
i love this run makes it look real hard lol
Like most people I find it very amusing and challenging but I must admit that I hated it until I finally reached the top!! It that regard, I see a lot of people posting that they did it more then once … do you get to loot the chest everytime you complete it? Also since this achivement is BY far the most difficult one to get during this Halloween event does anybody else feels that we should get a title for it (I think it’s perfect that it doesnt count for the Emissary title for the one who are not able to do it)
For different characters the first time they beat it will net the same 3 rewards, for 2nd or more visits with a character that already did the tower once, it starts out by giving personal tot bags 7-10, but eventually it started giving only normal tot bags 7-10, note that personal to normal tot bag is account based, i switched characters when I noticed the change but was still receiving the normal ones
And although the title would be nice, it would just be more complaining from ppl who already want a tower nerf or a complete removal…id prefer just less drama if it means no title
Thanks for the info! As for the title, I know what you mean and sadly, you’re probably right …
I love the concept of it and don’t regret doing it, but it’s clearly a very flawed execution and would have benefited quite a bit from additional iteration.
Do you refer to the grouping/skill usage or the puzzle itself? If its the later I will have to disagree, the puzzle itself was brilliant and have had absolutely no problems anywhere in it except for the people who say that it has become bugged with subsequent patches
I used to, until I took an arrow to the knee.
Thanks for the info! As for the title, I know what you mean and sadly, you’re probably right …
Note that we will probably still receive the personal bags again after reset I will be going back again <3 if not only for the endless tonic chance
And title aside, fun just for the fun of it is completely worth it ^^ I hope they add more of these brilliant puzzles in the future…so far best feature in this holiday event
Truth be told, I was sorely disappointed in the Halloween event before they added the Clocktower. Without a doubt this is my favorite jumping puzzle in the game and I seriously hope they plan to do something similar for future events. Yes it is difficult, yes it is imperfect, and yes it is a pain in the rear for some players, but personally I love it.
That being said, I hope they learn from their mistakes next time around and make it individually or party instanced; the tower’s difficulty is just right, but it doesn’t benefit at all from the added frustration of having your character stuck inside some hulking Charr for half of the puzzle.
I would have no problem retrying it over and over if I didn’t have to wait a minute every time. Talk about salt in the wound.
love even after 50 times trying and nog getting anything but a waste of time its rather weird normally when your good at platformers this should not be so hard. but then again , your solo no people running infront of your screen.. this aint a complaint its just that it discourages me to try it again everytime.
holiday events are supposed to be fun and not frustrating in my opinion.
gratz to those who have completed it!
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I like it. It was hard, it took me many attempts.. Now I have it down to a science (mostly).
I feel like the people who love it are people who played a lot of NES games back in the day.
The 2 NES games I was able to beat was Barbie and Where’s Waldo.
Maybe, I grew up on Super Mario. Console games today are incredibly easy by comparison, and Super Mario wasn’t even that difficult.
I love the concept of it and don’t regret doing it, but it’s clearly a very flawed execution and would have benefited quite a bit from additional iteration.
Do you refer to the grouping/skill usage or the puzzle itself? If its the later I will have to disagree, the puzzle itself was brilliant and have had absolutely no problems anywhere in it except for the people who say that it has become bugged with subsequent patches
I’m referring to the former, yeah. The puzzle itself is amazing and I love it, but the execution and presentation of it is very lacking. It being a group instance with such a massive amount of people is just not flattering to it.
man this is totally awesome, I tried yesterday and failed miserably, hated myself, hated the game… but today I came back from the ashes, and beat the kitten out the kitten tower xD it was really fun
also, had many laughs thanks to random people jumping to their demise just because xD
I’m referring to the former, yeah. The puzzle itself is amazing and I love it, but the execution and presentation of it is very lacking. It being a group instance with such a massive amount of people is just not flattering to it.
Absolutely agree, they knew the holiday itself would attract alot of players, for people who have no option but to play at peak hour is very confusing,it doesnt help those who already struggle with the puzzle itself, also they could do with removing the cutscene, its unecessary after the thousandth time we fall and retry the tower, not to mention I think some people have slower machines and when the slime start they are still watching the cutscene/loading
Like most people I find it very amusing and challenging but I must admit that I hated it until I finally reached the top!! It that regard, I see a lot of people posting that they did it more then once … do you get to loot the chest everytime you complete it? Also since this achivement is BY far the most difficult one to get during this Halloween event does anybody else feels that we should get a title for it (I think it’s perfect that it doesnt count for the Emissary title for the one who are not able to do it)
My little Asura friend completed at least 2 hours before I did and get got 100+ Trick O treat bag from making up there over and over. You get 7-9 of them each time
BTW I love the puzzle I had a blast grinding through. I knew a very good blend of frustration and fun for me and my guild…. for the most part
I love it exactly the way it is.
I’m referring to the former, yeah. The puzzle itself is amazing and I love it, but the execution and presentation of it is very lacking. It being a group instance with such a massive amount of people is just not flattering to it.
Absolutely agree, they knew the holiday itself would attract alot of players, for people who have no option but to play at peak hour is very confusing,it doesnt help those who already struggle with the puzzle itself, also they could do with removing the cutscene, its unecessary after the thousandth time we fall and retry the tower, not to mention I think some people have slower machines and when the slime start they are still watching the cutscene/loading
Yeah the cut scene after a while got boring but I wonder if it was a timing thing. Anyway they could have just played it once for those that were there the first time.
This puzzle is the best of them all. However, I would like to know how some players (Mesmer I think) are able to use area speed buffs when the skill slots are all blocked out. Those +33% speed really helps to put some distance between you and the green goo.
I agree this jumping puzzle is tons of fun. Having completed from the first time I’ve been helping others to the top. I would love to see more jumping puzzles like this, but with more of a challenge =P
Elementalists, Smooth Penguin. I wish mesmers had a traited speed buff that they could use, but alas. Elementalists still benefit from the increased speed while in lightning aura trait even when they lose all skills.
I knew it was a jumping puzzle and that some of Anets jumping puzzles were pretty good for an MMO, but OH MAN this is the best halloween event piece I’ve ever played in a videogame.
Attempted it 3 times, wasn’t fun, left, never went back.
Best jump puzzle ever.
It’s good but just a tad too tightly balanced.
I don’ think it was tested in an online environment with way more variables than a LAN PTR.
So wait, Eles have area speed buffs from their Traits? I thought those Traits only affected that single character. I’m a Thief, and I was getting buffs half way up the puzzle.
It was the nightmare for the first 1-2hours till i got it.
now i’m been running for run and tot bags
with my level 2 asura neco with no speedboost. lol
-`-`-`-`-`So wait, Eles have area speed buffs from their Traits? I thought those Traits only -`-`-`-`-`affected that single character. I’m a Thief, and I was getting buffs half way up -`-`-`-`-`the puzzle.
No, they don’t effect other players, only the Elementalist themselves. If we had our #4 in Air, we can effect others, but all skills are locked during the puzzle. Not sure how you got a boost.
Yes but I hate that pause SO MUCH
It completly breaks the flow. Why is it even here? Is it so the green goo can catch up?
It’s an afk check I’m pretty sure.
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It’s a nice obstacle course, with a bit of cheese at the end, tiny things please tiny minds.
No, not one bit. Pathetic design and not suited for a “fun” event by a long shot. It will be the only jumping puzzle I will not complete (unless they add another crapola like this).
(edited by sonicsix.5713)
Loved the actual challenge of making it up there. Jumping puzzles like Obsidian in WvW and this one really make me like these challenges. I also love how Mesmers can’t help others complete it either, as this should be a challenge, not a “I pay you 1 gold and win”.
I actually do love this puzzle, but sadly it seems that with my internet connection speed, even at it’s fastest the puzzle is sadly impossible. A friend said from his perspective I was behind and lagging quite badly, when on my screen there was no lag and I was even with everyone, if not ahead of most. I’m actually incredibly sad that completing this puzzle seems like just a dream at this point.
Would probably be good if the camera wasn’t that crappy.
I’ll never know.
God it feels SOO good after you finsh it… Once you finsh it its seems like it gets easyer.. I did it one more time and completed it RIGHT after I did it the first time.
I feel like the people who love it are people who played a lot of NES games back in the day.
Like Battletoads? The whole puzzle reminds me of that game.
I like it. It really feels like a jumping puzzle. It’s not about having great reflexes or mad platforming skills, it’s about having the patience to practice it several times to get the path down to a formula, then having fun feeling completely BA doing speed runs in your slippers. It’s real easy to see why so many people like it, it’s one of the few things in game that is truly challenging and truly rewarding.
Unfortunately, I have neither the time nor patience to complete the whole thing, so I’ll content myself with the halfway mark. It’s still a fun distraction when you have 20 or so minutes with nothing better to do.
I’m crazy colorblind, so generally Guild Wars tends to be a bit more difficult than normal for me. At the same time, after two nights of trying and hundreds of attempts (its hard when the dark mist blends with dark steps), finally got to the end. It actually feels like an accomplishment. Which is nice.
So while the tower isn’t perfect, most things aren’t – but it was fun.
I finished the clock tower but I did not like it. My only thought at the end was “YES! I never have to do this again!!! Please don’t bug out before I reach that chest…” If it was a solo thing, if the collision was refined, and if the occasional camera issues were fixed, I may have liked it.
No I do not like it, as someone who is over the age of 40 I do not enjoy spastic button spamming geared to the attention spam of a 18 year old. If you had a puzzle that required thought and not mindless reflex yes I might enjoy it.