I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Farzo.8410


Mad King Thorn don’t have time to kill everyone, so I decided that he could use a little help.

Sorry for all those who died in making this video…

I’m actually not that bad, but… I really had to choose trick before treat in this one

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Keiran.1896


Just. LOL.

There was an hidden camera xD

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Farzo.8410


Just. LOL.

There was an hidden camera xD

And that camera was somehow attached to my view 8D

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Leriff.8362


No one died. You don’t die for falling off. You reappear right outside the door.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Esorono.1039


I love how people watch and fall for it anyways.

Playable Tengu please!

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Doggie.3184


I love costume brawl.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Farzo.8410


No one died. You don’t die for falling off. You reappear right outside the door.

They do die. If you fear them down to the ground below, they die from fall damage, if they fall down into the mists, they won’t die, and will fall out from the door. That’s why I placed the table where I placed it, so I could fear them down on the ground below.

That’s also why I jumped down myself to show that you do die.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Farzo.8410


I love how people watch and fall for it anyways.

Yeah, it looked pretty ridiculous when I put the table up, and started to fear people, but people still stood there pressing the table even if they saw me fearing them.

I don’t know what they were thinking about :o

Have a picture of original Mad King Thorn


I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Qelris.6901


That’s so mean.. xD

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Phoenix the One.4071

Phoenix the One.4071

Mean but awesome:D great fun to watch xD

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Farzo.8410


That’s so mean.. xD

I know, i’m sorry, but as said, I took the trick before the treat!

The funny thing was that no one whispered me, or ran back to me to call me something stupid or that. People wrote in map chat that they laughed and whatnot.

Love this community.

I promise, I have stopped doing it now, I don’t kill people anymore :>

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobudo.7943


That’s hilarious and awesome! Good fun.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lofty.8759


The spot you feared them off sends them back up to the top. They dont reach the ground at all. Failure.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Farzo.8410


The spot you feared them off sends them back up to the top. They dont reach the ground at all. Failure.

No, it does not. What makes them disappear on my screen is the phasing thing ArenaNet got ‘problems’ with at the moment, they still fall down, and die.

I even tried fearing my brother down the same way, and he hit the ground and died.

I even saw the people I feared, spawning at the waypoint instead of flying out from the door.

So no, there’s no failure here, from my part.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lofty.8759


You can see there is no ground underneath where you pushed them off. I’m standing right where you did it now. I suggest you look before you talk kitten.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Farzo.8410


You can see there is no ground underneath where you pushed them off. I’m standing right where you did it now. I suggest you look before you talk kitten.

Let me ask you, on how low is your graphic settings at?

There is clearly ground where I feared them off. Even in the video I jump off and die.

Was you one of the guys I killed, or?


(edited by Farzo.8410)

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Farzo.8410


I’ve seen many others do the same, but they are using the cannon from the pirate costume. That’s pretty creative

Still, no one seem to be angry or mad about it, people seem to laugh it off, I love that.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Spike Firebrand.8943

Spike Firebrand.8943

you should banned for griefing people

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Farzo.8410


you should banned for griefing people

Yeah I suppose, that would be best wouldn’t it?

It’s not easy walking in the steps of Mad King Thorn, because he want’s to kill everyone

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ian Smith.8690

Ian Smith.8690

That was wrong in so many ways, yet it’s hard to have any sympathy for the those that watched you do it to others and then ran up to it anyway.

As for those claiming no death, it’s pretty freaking obvious, you didn’t watch the video. I actually consider you people bigger jerks than Farzo.

p.s. Sorry about the jerk comment Farzo but can you really deny it? That said, I totally laughed at this.

I think a good developer should be a person not a professional. —DayZ designer Dean Hall

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


He shouldn’t be banned, this is hilarious. Maybe if repairs costed more, but as it is it’s just a funny prank (and you can’t get fooled more than once). Way to get in the spirit of the season XD

Get stoned whenever you want:
Endless Petrification Tonic

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Farzo.8410


p.s. Sorry about the jerk comment Farzo but can you really deny it? That said, I totally laughed at this.

I wish I could but no, I can’t x_x

It was a small prank, and it sure makes people fall off and die, and they they are either forced to wait for a ress down on the ground, or pay some coppers, or a silver to spawn at the waypoint…

I’m actually a nice guy, this was just one thing I couldn’t resist doing, and i’m quite glad no one actually whispered me bad things and whatnot, but rather funny comments on the map chat.

I promise, I’m done with this now 8D

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kalocin.5982


This is totally going to happen widespread now lol

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Farzo.8410


This is totally going to happen widespread now lol

Mad King Thorn’s will be done!

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: kingslayer.1342


Wow, Lofty got told.

Great video though, loved it!

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Spike Firebrand.8943

Spike Firebrand.8943

Yes farro it would be for the best that your banned. The less people like you in this game the better.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Calvin.5380


hehehe… this was very funny. Thanks for sharing, but please stay away from me in-game j/k


I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Farzo.8410


Yes farro it would be for the best that your banned. The less people like you in this game the better.

Isn’t that a little bit harsh?

The only thing I did was to fear people of the edge, for the good Halloween spirit! I’m not doing it anymore though.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Spike Firebrand.8943

Spike Firebrand.8943

Nope I don’t think its harsh in the least. It sends a message don’t grief in our game or you will get banned. Pranks don’t involve costing people money and stoping them doing an event, espicaly one that is only around for a limited amount of time. If you want to grief people go play eve.

No I don’t have anything stuck somewhere unplesent cyric . I just don’t like griefers. But since you do maybe I should start grifeing you and see how you like it. I’m sure you would be here crying about it in seconds if I did.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Fumo.8735


You’re just begging for an infraction aren’t you Spike?
Don’t you know that two wrongs don’t make a right?

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cyric.7485


Nope I don’t think its harsh in the least. It sends a message don’t grief in our game or you will get banned. Pranks don’t involve costing people money and stoping them doing an event, espicaly one that is only around for a limited amount of time. If you want to grief people go play eve.

No I don’t have anything stuck somewhere unplesent cyric . I just don’t like griefers. But since you do maybe I should start grifeing you and see how you like it. I’m sure you would be here crying about it in seconds if I did.

He played a prank on people one time, I’m sure they managed to recoup that 1 silver loss relatively quick. He also didn’t keep anyone from any event considering they were all hanging around the boatmaster engaging in a costume brawl. If this was his normal every day activity, I’d probably agree with you, but it was done in the spirit of fun and even the people he pranked weren’t mad. In fact, you’re the only person that’s angry about this… I suggest you should lighten up a bit.

Secondly, I don’t come to this forum to cry and moan about things, I’m an adult.

Losers make excuses, winners make it happen.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: kingslayer.1342


Pro tip:
Don’t ever prank Spike in good humour or he will involve the police.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Farzo.8410


I thought griefing was when you killed the same player over and over again, or killed an NPC over and over again so people can’t progress.

I did not kill the same player over and over again, I only killed them once and then they learned to stay away from the table >:D

Anyway, there is no need to fire this thing up, I don’t want this thread locked, just watch the video and enjoy 8D

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


One does not walk into the lair of the lunatic king on the expectation that your physical, mental and structural integrity be preserved

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Masher.8051


Their own fault for daring to eat at your table.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: solanu.3784


I did this for hours and hours and hours yesterday. Were you perhaps one of my first victims?

Necromancer 80 – Guardian 80 – Thief 80 – Warrior 80 – Mesmer 33

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mastruq.2463


Hilarious, a great prank. Props for the idea.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Farzo.8410


I did this for hours and hours and hours yesterday. Were you perhaps one of my first victims?

Who, me?

I didn’t get killed by anyone, or well, except that guy with pirate outfit when he saw what I was doing… Stupid cannon <.<

Anyways, I just equipped the costume to show my friend, and then I got the idea that “Perhaps costume brawl works here?” And it sure did 8D

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: punchbunny.1325


Banning for this is a ridiculous idea.

I’d argue that this is actually some of the most considerate griefing I’ve ever seen: right near a waypoint; fairly obvious that it’s a prank; doesn’t get in the way of anything else in the game (i.e. after you’ve fallen for the prank you can laugh at yourself for falling for it and move on without consequence of it happening again, unlike people who set this stuff up at carving pumpkins or ghosts during Mad Memories); and it’s ultimately hilarious.

Plus, suicide at the end cracked me up.

If anything, this was COMPLETELY in the spirit of the event. Kudos!

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tijo.9857


It’s funny how you keep saying you are a nice guy, and brag about tricking / griefing other players.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Um… you don’t get armor damage for death by falling.

Though the WP does cost money :o

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


as hilarious and creative as it is, it just kind of proves my point that players shouldn’t be feared/knocked back from ledges, just like with mobs.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Siphaed.9235


as hilarious and creative as it is, it just kind of proves my point that players shouldn’t be feared/knocked back from ledges, just like with mobs.

That’s a bad point. How else are we able to kill players in the EB Dungeon? Or, to fear people off of walls, cliffs, and other things in WvWvW. We need those kind of interactions. I’m actually saddened that mobs cannot be attacked in that way, because many of times I could have killed a mob more cleverly by throwing them off a cliff instead of smacking it for 5 minutes.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


^ it sounds interesting until you’re stuck a mile above the ground, on a tight passage, fighting dredge (which have no tell for their knockbacks, and even if they did, it’s not like you can roll without killing yourself), because it’s the only way to a vista or some other important thing.

it’s just frustrating. especially if you remember that fear is easy to pull and has no counter to it.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Farzo.8410


Also, I forgot to thank the ones that I killed :P

And yes, fearing people over the edge in WvWvW is needed :x

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Diviner.7405


There is no option to report a person for “griefing.” Anet does not care enough to ban people for doing this kind of stuff.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Akasuki Murakami.1634

Akasuki Murakami.1634

Oh my, you are pure evil! Loved it thanks.

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Farzo.8410


As a servant of the Mad King, I had to bow before him. Then I challenged him to a duel, and won.

And then I jumped off to kill myself.


I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: wasted.6817


Hey Farzo, what’s the name of music track playing in your video?

I'm a horrible person... But Mad King Thorn made me do it.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Farzo.8410


Hey Farzo, what’s the name of music track playing in your video?

Orcs Must Die! Slay Muffin