I take it back...
The big problem with it is the rendering issue that the game has as a result of players being stacked in one place, which also seems to cause skill input lag – so it makes brawl frustrating when you keep missing your skills and invisible people are fearing you.
The big problem with it is the rendering issue that the game has as a result of players being stacked in one place, which also seems to cause skill input lag – so it makes brawl frustrating when you keep missing your skills and invisible people are fearing you.
That and the camera zooming weirdly. I cannot wait till the fix the camera!
edit the plastic spider costume sucks! ;-)
what you talking about? plastic spider is awesome!
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
Witch costume is where its at. Boxing gloves are OP tho.
The zombie and the skeleton I love the most. The zombie is great to knock out the shop costume dudes!
(sidles into the thread, all casual-like.) Soo… which costumes are the ones, in your opinion, that are “overpowered”?
So I can… avoid them.
Is the costume brawl just for fun and achievement points or is there any actual rewards for participating?
PLaying in the brawl when there are lots doing it is tough and not as much fun as playing with only a few, Many of the people do not load so you end up being bounced around and never seeing the people hitting you.
The zombie is pretty OP though :p He has a stomp that knocks everyone over and a shield thing that stop one attack I think. Great fun I had last night at 4am!
no, just for fun and the achievement
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
Is the costume brawl just for fun and achievement points or is there any actual rewards for participating?
Just achievs and fun. It CAN be fun just try and find a few peeps to play outside the main squares.
Thanks to the two posters above for the quick response. I will have to try with some friends sometime.
If me and a couple buddies just want the achievement is it quickest to brawl each other and let one person rack up the stacks or to get in a large brawl and button mash?
Thanks to the two posters above for the quick response. I will have to try with some friends sometime.
If me and a couple buddies just want the achievement is it quickest to brawl each other and let one person rack up the stacks or to get in a large brawl and button mash?
You can do it like that, but I had a blast with one random guy last night for over an hour, chasing each other around LA. He confessed after he should have logged of an hour before cos he had work next day! I think it would diminish your fun if you just stood and swatted till you got it. :-)
Good point. I think I will organize a guild costume brawl. Bragging rights to be had!
Which costume has the funner/better skills for owning guildies? Witch or Mad King?
(edited by Grim.6415)