Is it abusing an 'exploit'?

Is it abusing an 'exploit'?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Solesaver.8764



I noticed that going to different overflows of a map and/or the main shard resets all the carving pumpkins, and more importantly (to me) the candy corn mining nodes. I entered different overflows a couple different times to mine out all of the nodes there. I stopped though because I realized that could be considered an exploit and I didn’t want to get tagged…

Unrelated sidenote, anyone else notice they weren’t rolling in the ancient bones (a T6 mat) anymore after the patch this evening? :P Nice catch ANet. And here I was thinking the labyrinth would be a great place to farm those :’(.

Is it abusing an 'exploit'?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

I don’t think either of these is considered exploiting. Nodes spawn on a timer and are all over so you could have farmed just as much had you not gone to overflows as you got going to overflows. Also the pumpkin carving it appears to be that the can be carved again after a length of time. I was not on the overflow and was able to repeat carve the same pumpkins today every time I went to an area that wasn’t the overflow. But there are so many everywhere that again if you had just carved them as you go about other stuff you would get the achievement without hitting many more than once. I’ve gotten quite a bit of progress and only hit like 5 or less twice just by carving ones I see as I do other stuff.