It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Xyne.9104


Because now that the dungeon is closed off/removed, now i cant complete this achievement to get the emissary title.

I am lacking only this.

Anyone else?

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: xcitu.3978


I have 3/4 but have done everything since start. Also done the dungeon several times. Listened to Mad kings jokes in LA now and also did the Mad King Says event, but still 3/4.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Northernmaster.8461


did you try to relog/move to a different map? it works for me

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: xerca.6135


Have you been to the labyrinth, clocktower and rumble too? They counted towards the achievement for me.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mimir.4690


I think the OP is saying that he didn’t go to the dungeon at all while it was available, and unfortunately entering (not completing) the dungeon is required for the Mad King Event achievement, and therefore for the title.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Xyne.9104


I think the OP is saying that he didn’t go to the dungeon at all while it was available, and unfortunately entering (not completing) the dungeon is required for the Mad King Event achievement, and therefore for the title.

Yes, this.

I went to all other places already, and didnt went into the dungeon while it was available.

Now that its gone, i am stuck with 3/4 of this achievement, which is the last one i needed to get the emissary title.

So ANET, will you guys do anything about this? I believe I am not the only one out there.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: deltryxz.7960


They aren’t going to do anything. They said the dungeon would be closed off when Act 4 starts. You had a few days to just go in and leave. You didn’t even have to complete the dungeon either.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cyferwolf.1089


They did give you a fairly big heads up that the dungeon was closing. I doesn’t hurt to ask, but I don’t think they’re going to change things unless you have a good reason you didn’t take the opportunity to do the dungeon while it was there.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: PMonkey.1279


They said the dungeon would be closed off when Act 4 starts.

I missed this, could you link to it please…
I’m in the same boat. Thought I had an extra day to do the dungeon. Entered LA to find it capped of :/

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: deltryxz.7960


They said the dungeon would be closed off when Act 4 starts.

I missed this, could you link to it please…
I’m in the same boat. Thought I had an extra day to do the dungeon. Entered LA to find it capped of :/

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Scaramouche.5764


Same here, everything completed except Halloween events 3/4. I tried to find Meta events at starters area but they don t seem to trigger anymore.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Scaramouche.5764


Sorry, wrong trhead then it seems. Only Event achievement incomplete.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: PMonkey.1279


That post was close to midnight for me. There was no chance of me seeing that until now. Therefore, I had NO forewarning of the dungeon closing.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Dinky.4301


Same here, everything completed except Halloween events 3/4. I tried to find Meta events at starters area but they don t seem to trigger anymore.

You can still enter the labyrinth and there are events in there so you can finish off that one. When you enter the labyrinth just watch general chat folks normally let you know where an event is happening.
I think this thread is more around the realms explored achievement which you needed to do the dungeon for.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: KingZeus.7045


stop making new threads about it

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: deltryxz.7960


That post was close to midnight for me. There was no chance of me seeing that until now. Therefore, I had NO forewarning of the dungeon closing.

It was there for most of the day for me yesterday. I had no problems with them closing the dungeon for the last act since the Dungeon is Mad King Thorn trying to break free of the Mad Realm, but Halloween is the only day he is allowed to freely walk around in our world. It makes sense from a lore stand point as to why they would close the dungeon.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MosquitoMan.6514


That post was close to midnight for me. There was no chance of me seeing that until now. Therefore, I had NO forewarning of the dungeon closing.

It may have been posted at midnight for you, but it was still there for 16 hours before Act 4 started. Plenty of forewarning.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Gotchaz.7865


Whats the point of the achievment? You get a title but people can’t see it so… I got the achievment and nothing exciting happened lol

Beowulf-Defender of the JQ Realm and Warrior of the SF clan.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: deltryxz.7960


Whats the point of the achievment? You get a title but people can’t see it so… I got the achievment and nothing exciting happened lol

People can see it if you set it as your active title and they click on you. It appears under their health bar.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: PMonkey.1279


It may have been posted at midnight for you, but it was still there for 16 hours before Act 4 started. Plenty of forewarning.

16 hours…
So 8 hours I was sleeping, and 8 hours I was working…. Yer, good one.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: deltryxz.7960


It may have been posted at midnight for you, but it was still there for 16 hours before Act 4 started. Plenty of forewarning.

16 hours…
So 8 hours I was sleeping, and 8 hours I was working…. Yer, good one.

And it took less then a minute just to enter and leave the dungeon for the achievement. Hell you could of just entered the dungeon then quit the game for the achievement.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: PMonkey.1279


And it took less then a minute just to enter and leave the dungeon for the achievement. Hell you could of just entered the dungeon then quit the game for the achievement.

Yes, if I had access to the game.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Fire.8591


And it took less then a minute just to enter and leave the dungeon for the achievement. Hell you could of just entered the dungeon then quit the game for the achievement.

Yes, if I had access to the game.

That isn’t Anet’s fault, it’s yours. It was well known when the dungeon would close (posted on twitter, people asked on the forums).

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vice.3475


Most likely it will re-open after Halloween (31st) and until end of the event. Way to procrastinate. I was in a hurricane and still got mine.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mimir.4690


I was there for the cutscene, so I got the dungeon done pretty quickly. And when I had entered LA again, people were already talking about when the dungeon was going to close… and people had known that it would close by the start of Act 4. How? I’m not sure, but they were talking about it a lot. All it took was to look at the map chat and someone would have mentioned it long before the warning thread was posted. At least, this was my experience.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: PMonkey.1279


It was well known when the dungeon would close.

Like I said earlier, I was sleeping and working when this information was given. Also, as stated, I believed I still had Act 4 to access the MK, so did not realise I had to be keeping an eye on when events would be closed early.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: deltryxz.7960


Lore-wise yeah the dungeon about the Mad King breaking out would be closed on the day where he is allowed to walk in Tyria free.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Gibbilo.3270


Yeah, this happened to me too so I wrote Anet a letter that is hopefully constructive:

To Whom it May Concern,

I am hoping to write this message specifically at the holiday event design team and would appreciate if this message was forwarded to them; however, anyone who can understand and alleviate my concerns is appreciated.

I will start by saying that overall, guild wars two has been exceptional gameplay, and that the Halloween event specifically has been a lot of fun. I applaud the differing amounts of activities that I am able to do and how you guys tried to make it a good time this year.

There is one issue I am very upset about and that is the Ascent into Madness Dungeon. To make a long story short, I don’t think it is fair, and I think it is anti-fun that you closed this area before the event is over. Why am I allowed to do all the other games/puzzles for the remainder of the Halloween event and yet I can’t complete this one? It doesn’t make sense! I looked your major announcements regarding Halloween: — and no where in there does it say that you have to do this event within 2-3 days or it will close early.

This matters to me, in part, because all I needed to complete my “Emissary of the Mad King” title was this dungeon… but I waited to do it on Halloween with my friends. Now look where I am? I will not be able to complete my title, or enjoy the full content of the Halloween event—all because I made the assumptions that the Halloween games will end, well, when the Halloween event actually ends….not before. And on top of all this I honestly find it somewhat unprofessional that this wasn’t an extremely clear, easy to find, announcement. (If you disagree read below to my opinions on this specific point).

So, to summarize:

1. I really enjoyed the Halloween content that I was able to play. Great job! I am looking forward to Christmas!!!!
2. Ending Halloween games/content before the Halloween event actually ends doesn’t make sense intuitively and creates problems:

3. Players waiting to complete event content until near the end because of life, work, friends, etc. will miss out on the full experience of the event—they don’t get to experience the event to the fullest like others.
4. As a follow-up, players who make plans to complete content on certain days throughout the event for achievements, titles, or fun will feel blindsided (ie myself)
5. Players will no longer be able to get all the achievements/titles even though the event is still ongoing(ie myself)—doesn’t make sense.
6. If you plan on doing something like this in the future, make it the announcement EXTREMELY visible on the main site so it doesn’t hurt the players—not a subsection of some part of the forums among 1000’s of threads.

I thank you for carefully reading what I had to say, and I hope it was constructive.


Also, a P.S. regarding one of my points above:

Some players say they gave “plenty of notice.” In my opinion, they didn’t really give “plenty of notice” as some people are saying above. The post was made on the 30th in a subsection of the forum. This is the first time I visited the forums. I don’t make a habit of logging in every day and scanning through hundreds of threads to find information, or logging in to forums multiple times a day to read up. In my opinion, I also shouldn’t be obligated to do this if I want to find out pertinent information. Rather, that information should be made available to me clearly on the main feed of the website. Thus, all I checked was this; , and they did not mention this area was closing early.

Anyway, I tried to be reasonable, polite, and constructive here, but haters gunna hate and trolls gunna troll <— -_-

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Manoa.5897


That post was close to midnight for me. There was no chance of me seeing that until now. Therefore, I had NO forewarning of the dungeon closing.

The dungeon closure was actually clarified three days ago…

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: deltryxz.7960


Think about it this way if they kept the dungeon open we would have Mad King Thorn strolling around LA telling jokes and playing games, and then suddenly go stop him from breaking free. I for one am happy that Anet isn’t going the route of Blizzard and caring about the lore they set up.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: daicon.2476


I always figured you would be able to get your titles/achievement next year, right?

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eructathus.3975


Same problem here. I don’t scan the forums everyday. I was looking forward to logging in today and wrapping up the few loose ends I needed for the title, including a stroll into the dungeon. Guess not.

It's a Mad king's World achievement unable to complete.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Yhumana.5187


It would be nice to get a confirmation if this event will be available next year, I didn’t even know about the dungeon being the 4th place until now and I am stuck at 3/4 with no way of finishing it before halloween ends, and that really sucks, specially if this is a 1 time thing and next year does something new so you can never get it :/