Jumping puzzle is so much fun!

Jumping puzzle is so much fun!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Coin Flunk.3024

Coin Flunk.3024

My guild and i done this jumping puzzle last night, we spend a good few hours doing it – some made it some didn’t.

We had norns in our party, we have charr’s in our party and we even had those little sneaky asura’s in our party. We were all on voicechat having a good laugh.

Why all the hate and moan, just because you can’t do it on the first attempt?

An achivement is just that, something you achieve to get. Not something that you say is broke because you can’t get it straight away.

So from myself and some guildies, thanks for the fun event – you know it’s fun when you can’t stop laughing! =)

Don’t bother replying haters =)

Jumping puzzle is so much fun!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Hellforge.3418


Enjoyed this puzzle a lot, tried for an hour gave up, went to the labyrinth.
Came back to to for another half hour, took a break.
Came back to for the third time and got it easily.
Once you start consistently getting to the drop its cake.

Don’t go for 7 hours straight, sometimes your brain just needs to digest what you’ve done for bit.

Jumping puzzle is so much fun!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DUAxWolff.2759


~insert negitve comment about Anet and everyone who can complete the jumping puzzle here

Jumping puzzle is so much fun!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Superlol.3741


Finally a possetive post about the puzzle. Its very fun, its hard and i like it. I finished it twice and i want to do it again

[CIR] – Blacktide

Jumping puzzle is so much fun!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Avengersoul.8256


Me and my guild did the same thing, got a party and did it together over voice chat. Was a blast hearing everyone rage. In my opinion it reminds me of the old NES days, something that was so annoyingly hard yet simple and fun, your brain goes dead and you do worse then something flips a switch and you do awesome and beat it.

We didn’t all get it, only a couple of us did, myself included but it was a blast… regardless of the nerd raging.

Yak’s Bend