Love for the clock tower puzzle

Love for the clock tower puzzle

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Icarium.5863


This is not a bragging thread. I just wanted to give my appreciation for the clock tower jumping puzzle, and point out that despite the massive amount of complaints, there are many of us that actually enjoyed it quite thoroughly.

Thanks! Here’s hoping for similar challenges in the future!

Love for the clock tower puzzle

in Halloween Event

Posted by: VincentDW.9376


I also had a lot of fun with the clock tower. Part of this was because I went into it knowing that 1) it was intended to be very difficult, therefore I shouldn’t feel stupid for not being able to beat it easily, and 2) there was no pressure to ultimately complete it – the rewards were modest and not a prerequisite for anything else. I think some people had less fun because they weren’t aware of these facts when they started. My only suggestion to Anet is to make these things very clear to everyone up front. That was what allowed me to laugh rather than curse when I landed in the ooze for the hundredth time.

Love for the clock tower puzzle

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Michael.3279


Loved it. For 8 hours straight. Best puzzle in GW2 imo.

Love for the clock tower puzzle

in Halloween Event

Posted by: phylanara.9145


I agree. It was hard, long, and frustrating. And I loved it for the whole of the 333 minutes I spent on it.

The third day.

After two days of trying.

And it is in great part that that made my second pair of mad king slippers so enjoyable.

I have been surprised of the hate on this forum. Yes it is hard. Yes, it is frustrating. It is a real challenge.

I saw a lot of hate against charrs and norns. Frankly, No. these guys just want to play, like you do. They did not choose to impede you. I suggested to several norns and charr to deequip their armor for the puzzle, and they all obliged. Trust me, it helps a lot, and simply being polite and trying to keep up a good ambiance on the chat helped a lot to keep my motivation up.

On the other hand, I’d have liked it if the pet ban applied to the elementalists summons too.