Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Imaginos.3756


How are low level characters supposed to do part 2 when they have to go to places like sparkfly fen?

Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Luciella.3708


they level up or get a high level friend to help them?

Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: saurus.8290


follow the zerg?

Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ursan.7846


Grab a higher level friend. If you don’t find any find kind high level people to escort you. I’m sure there’s at least a few in LA willing to do it.

Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rook.3598


they aren’t supposed to do part 2. Part 2+ is for higher level characters…or yes you can get a friend to run you through them…but I doubt it would be very easy..esp when you get to A3 and 4.

Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ash.8045


Extremely disappointing for us lower level players. Is the Emissary title achievable without completing the acts?

Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

You should be able to do it pretty well right now at a low level, since the areas are crowded.

As for dying while making it to the general vicinity of where you need to be, just living to the next waypoint is sufficient for progress there

Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cortechs.3265


Anet is obviously giving the middle finger to anyone who isn’t a rich level 80 for this entire event, so I would suggest you do the same back to them.

I will be playing Valve’s Scream Fortress when it releases tonight and throughout Halloween, and happily spending money in their cash shop. The bottom line is to have fun, and if Anet is not willing to provide that for all levels, well there are plenty of games that will.

Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Adorelle.5942


This is a huge disappointment to hear. My OCD will not like having unfinished business which is only available once a year in the achievement log. kitten Arenanet.

Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: WereDragon.6083


I did it at level 13 quit complaining, also most of the achieves are account wide my level 12 has master carver so kitten /p>

What do we say to the god of death? Not Today….
Eleshod|80 Thief|Tarnished Coast
Malsavias|80 Necromancer| Tarnished Coast

Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Danikat.8537


If it’s like the GW1 festivals you could probably wait and do it next year. I realise it’s a long time to wait but it’s better than nothing.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ursan.7846


Or you can just find high-level friends/guidies/strangers to do it with? It’s not a requirement that you do it alone, you know.

Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DonQuack.9025


antisocial people guildmate completed it on a lvl 4

lvl 4 cuz of all the locations discovered enroute

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Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BloodEagle.3809


According to two of the developers that did the Twitch live stream for all of an hour, between all the ums and uhs and the obvious fact that it was not planned well, they stated that all of it could be done, and was in fact designed for characters of any level.

The question then becomes, how does a lvl 12 character do the Sparkfly Fen part if they are not part of a guild, and are anti-social?

I have completed it on multiple of my high level characters, but I was wondering the same thing earlier.

Commander of Crimson Wing [CW]
Ehmry Bay – www.CrimsonWing.org

Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Edelweiss.9815


If you’re anti-social you’re screwed. How anti-social do you have to be to refuse to communicate with people in a game?

And I thought I had problems.

Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Imaginos.3756


According to two of the developers that did the Twitch live stream for all of an hour, between all the ums and uhs and the obvious fact that it was not planned well, they stated that all of it could be done, and was in fact designed for characters of any level.

The question then becomes, how does a lvl 12 character do the Sparkfly Fen part if they are not part of a guild, and are anti-social?

I have completed it on multiple of my high level characters, but I was wondering the same thing earlier.

I would then expect some sort of Eye of the North style buff to make a character on par with the level of the zone in damage/health/healing/armor rating.

Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Naethryn.1803


Funny, just had a similar discussion on the map chat about this. When I started the hunt I assumed I would be able to complete it as a level 33. I was lucky to stumble into some large groups doing the level 40 stuff, but no luck after that. When I discovered that some of the clues lead you to level 50 areas I was confused. I was then pounced on by some players in chat for bringing up the fact that nowhere was it mentioned by the devs that you would have to be a higher level to complete the scavenger hunt. Oh well, on to other things I guess.

Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Imaginos.3756


So ArenaNet what are the plans to follow through with your livefeed statement that anyone of any level can do this? Will there be an npc that gives a buff to lowbies for the various zones they enter to do this like Eye of the North worked in GW1?

Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Erin.7521


I am really confused as to why people feel that grouping is not a viable option for an activity in an MMO. A lot of things will be easier the higher level you are but that does not mean your low level is excluded.

Rocking on Piken Square – the un-official EU roleplay server.

Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DUAxWolff.2759


Anet is obviously giving the middle finger to anyone who isn’t a rich level 80 for this entire event, so I would suggest you do the same back to them.

I will be playing Valve’s Scream Fortress when it releases tonight and throughout Halloween, and happily spending money in their cash shop. The bottom line is to have fun, and if Anet is not willing to provide that for all levels, well there are plenty of games that will.

Not sure if sarcastic or …..


Free book, free devil horns, free lvl 80 exotic boots for doing jumping puzzle, free title,

I spent 1.5g on this whole event. I used that to buy shoulder armor. As for levels, the ONLY thing that might have to possibility to need you to be higher level is the Acts. So lets say they make them impossible for low level people, you might miss out on some back armor that has bad stats but cool effects. So no loss, also you have plenty of time to level up your character before the next holiday. I really don’t see how any of what you just said is true. At all. If anything i would like things to be MORE centered for lvl 80 characters as currently the end game is lacking and this would be a great opportunity to add high level content for some variety.

Thank you for this great game anet that we don’t have to have a subscription for and that you update with new free content regularly i will gladly support you by buying gems <3. Don’t listen to the trolls.

Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Gibson.4036


I was disappointed that this is out of reach for lower level characters as well. A note at the beginning that later acts would take us into higher level areas would have been nice.

I’m not being antisocial, either. A higher level character offered to help, and I tried following him through Bloodtide Coast. In the southern portion, however, the groups of risen would kill me very quickly. I didn’t want to put my guide through the hassle of having to rez me every time we aggroed some mobs.

Perhaps there’s a better route through the area, or a way to keep aggro off of me, but I haven’t been through this area, so I wouldn’t know.

I suppose if I could find a large group, it might be possible to hide within as we cross a zone fifteen levels above mine, but I haven’t found the spot where the zerg train leaves to cross Bloodtide Coast.

If there had been some kind of indication that his would go into high level zones, I would have just shrugged it off and done other things rather than wasting my time on the first 11 books.

Not trolling. Not angry. Just a little disappointed. I love the game, but this Halloween event has been pretty “meh” for me. I have gotten a decent quantity of silver in my purse for selling off candy corn and plastic teeth, at least.

Low level characters doing part 2? HOW?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Amonde Daneren.2380

Amonde Daneren.2380

You don’t need to do this on a low level character. The event item is account bound, cause it’s just cosmetic…. oh, wait, nevermind.

BTW, for all the people who will say L2P, I managed to do this with a character that was level -4. That’s MINUS 4, because yeah, bragging.