MM: Complete Edit. won't hold an Exquisite Ruby gem

MM: Complete Edit. won't hold an Exquisite Ruby gem

in Halloween Event

Posted by: XanXan.8654


So I am not sure if this happened only to me, or if it only affects the Exquisite Ruby Gems, but I can’t seem to be able to put it into the new book. I have seen someone Post his book including an Exquisite Coral Gem, so I am quite positive it is possible to Gem the books, but it just won’t work with the ruby, even after several relogs.

I also tried using a transmutation stone (80) on the Backpieces, but they can not be combined using the stones.

Is anyone else getting that issue?

MM: Complete Edit. won't hold an Exquisite Ruby gem

in Halloween Event

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Did you try just a regular ruby orb? I’m pretty sure that exquisite ones can only go in accessories you make.

MM: Complete Edit. won't hold an Exquisite Ruby gem

in Halloween Event

Posted by: XanXan.8654


That is not correct. I have the Berserkers Spineguard currently equipped and it also holds an Exquisite Ruby Jewel.

MM: Complete Edit. won't hold an Exquisite Ruby gem

in Halloween Event

Posted by: nivex.5863


I’ve tried the orb and the jewel, neither work. I don’t want to transmute it either.

MM: Complete Edit. won't hold an Exquisite Ruby gem

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MajorMelchett.6042


XanXan, what you’ve most likely seen is a transmuted version, the orginal book and this one will only take level 0 upgrades.

As for you trying to transmute yours and it not working, have unequpped the other one? – you can no longer transmute items if your currently wearing them.

I just tested mine and it transmutes just fine.

Zilori: Guardian – Desolation.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.

(edited by MajorMelchett.6042)

MM: Complete Edit. won't hold an Exquisite Ruby gem

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jayshua.5068


Yes, they need fixed to allow an upgrade. Much like the Spineguard or Guild Backpack.