Mad King Dungeon is Repeatable
Theres no diminishing returns on the reward? If so, I’ll gladly do it a couple times.
Was quite easy. But if I get even less then I already got then I dunno. Was fun though and I enjoyed it.
Also some people seem to not even know that theres a chest that spawns when you beat but its all the way at the bottom platform.
Yeah, I almost missed the chest.
It was fun but the stuff I got out of the chest has junk loot. Just like every other chest I’ve looted to date in the game. People keep saying they are getting exotics a lot but best I get is masterworks. And even they are junk (vender + 1c on TP).
I got the mad kings shoulders, just confirmation that you can get the Halloween armor set from this chest!
The boss kill does have diminishing returns. I did it three times. The first time was the bag and XP, the second was 5 bags and 5 of one of the three special items (skull, nougat), and the third was 3 of each.
The chest gave approximately the same loot each time. I got tonics and level 70ish greens (I’m level 56).
It’s repeatable but I think rewards are only once a day. And really no reason for me to run it now that I’ve done it once. The loot is not useable to me. I run into the dungeon as level 23 and loot in ceast was 2 pieces of 45 gear and 1 level 50. Why would I run this if the loot is not useable?