Mad King Says

Mad King Says

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I have tried doing it via /emotes and via the buttons that sometimes appear. I’ve tried following his orders and disobeying.

The only thing I’ve seen happen is if I disobey I get knocked down.

Is there any point to it?

Mad King Says

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Edge.4180


You get knocked down and take heavy damage when you don’t comply. You also get stuck without your weapons for longer (which can be bad if you’re down on the first large platform with the monsters, which many groups run down to early).

Mad King Says

in Halloween Event

Posted by: LameFox.6349


It seems to pick one person per run, annoy them by taking away their skills while everyone else fights, then stop. If you disobey it it hurts you (if you’re that one person) but not fatally.

I’m not sure, I think they just liked the idea of one random dancing while 4 people are mercilessly slaughtering giant candies trying in vain to fight for their lives.

Mad King Says

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Frotee.2634


Don’t know…but it’s very nostalgic for GW1 players

Polka will never die

Mad King Says

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TheRabbit.9478


If your skillbar changes to the emotes, and you do the wrong one or don’t do any at all, you get knocked down and hit for ~8k damage. If your skillbar doesn’t change you don’t need to manually type in any emotes or anything, just kill the mobs.

Mad King Says

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MikeRocks.9243


If your skillbar changes to the emotes, and you do the wrong one or don’t do any at all, you get knocked down and hit for ~8k damage. If your skillbar doesn’t change you don’t need to manually type in any emotes or anything, just kill the mobs.

Ooooooh. I wish I’d known that the last time I went through. He started spouting off commands, so I started following them in fear of getting randomly killed a la GW1. Would’ve been nice to know that I could’ve saved a couple of downed folks instead of doing the robot. >.>

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