Mad King set

Mad King set

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745



Where do you get the rest of the set? I got the slippers. I already searched the forums but didn’t find a solid answer. Some say the labyrinth and some say the dungeon. Obviously, there’s the TP but yeah, would like to save my gold. So anyone have a solid answer to this? Thanks in advance.

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

Mad King set

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Hobie Kytty.5691

Hobie Kytty.5691


I’ve seen them in dungeon and labyrinth chest drops.

Mad King set

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jackal.7432


Anybody know the drop rate? I’ve spammed the dungeon pretty hard, and i’m opening both labyrinth champion chests on each character every day. Nothing so far.

Since they’re soulbound on acquire, i’d assume the point would be to allow anybody to get them, rather than making them super rare. I’m fine with not getting tradeable exotic weapons, because they have an alternate means of acquisition. The armor set is different though

Mad King set

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Keiran.1896


A guildmate got the entire set after doing 3 times the dungeon… Guess it’s the best place to farm it

Mad King set

in Halloween Event

Posted by: PlagueParade.7942


Get them to take a pic of it and post it and if possible for both male and female chars.

Mad King set

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TheRabbit.9478


Since they’re soulbound on acquire…

Incorrect, try doing a search on the trading post for Mad King. Each piece is between 1 and 2 gold on average.

Mad King set

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TheRabbit.9478


Get them to take a pic of it and post it and if possible for both male and female chars.

It’s the generic “named” skin for armor sets, not a unique skin.