Plastered Tyrian Sea Devils [PTSD]
Agadar.4931: A bad mesmer still poops clones like no tomorrow.
Has anyone gotten weapon skins from the Mad King chests yet? The only posts I’ve seen for skins is shoulder skins so far.
Thank you Anet for giving as another change at getting “Rare” loot.
Just gotta say….
Opened 6 Black lion chests (Bought 5 keys) -> Got the scythe skin
Opened around 7-9 New Mad King chests -> Got Heavy shoulder skin + Recipe: Gift of the SoulsSo yeh… I am satisfied
But even if I didn’t get any of those, I would still be. Bcos unlike most ppl here it seems, I knew it was a gamble and the chances are ridiculously low to get the skins or the rare recipes. That’s why I only bought 5 keys in the first place.
If you want to have somebody to blame, blame yourself. If you buy tons of Chests so you can get the skin it is your own fault being so stupid. If you want one of the BLC skins buy them off the TP. Don’t throw your money around like a fool and hope things you want fall from the sky on your lap.
Failth, you are COMPLETELY right. I do “blame myself”. I was “so stupid”… and a lot of people are in my boat. We take full responsibility for it. So in the future, in order to be not stupid, and not need to blame myself, I will no longer be supporting Anet with money. Lesson learned. Like I said earlier. I’m not mad, I’m not complaining, but lesson WELL learned. You have just turned away probably thousands of good paying customers. BUT… when it comes time to place the blame for THAT… please remember your post. ANet will need to “Blame themselves” for being “so stupid.” And when your beloved game turns sub-par, you make sure you remember why… and don’t blame it on us for not supporting anet. Good day. =)
Thank you Anet for giving as another change at getting “Rare” loot.
Now if only we knew it was rare prior to purchasing. =)
And this is how everyone feels, check the Dontain video (he’s a GW2 uploader content)
I’m actually very happy with the Mad Chest solution (and I was one of the folks who criticized the low drop rates on Black Lion Chests). Here’s my feeling: folks who spent money on keys (myself included) basically get an extra “chance” from every two chests that were opened. Basically, buy two, get one free. I’m ok with that. The drop rate on Halloween skins seems to still be abysmally low, but now at least I can get other event related items, which is all I really wanted in the first place. It’s obvious that not everyone shares this sentiment, but seriously, I feel that at the VERY least this is a step in the right direction.
(edited by igmolicious.5986)
“So i have to ask, why are the kill streak boosters not allowed to be used in this recipe for the forge. "
So do I.
The mystic forge won’t allow Killstreak boosts or PvP glory boosts to be used. I’m assuming this is a bug since the original post stated any boost is good.
Just a head’s up.
So basicly we were all hoping to be using everything we got from the chests in order to actually have some sembelence of a chance at winning a skin. But now you’ve essentially given us a second chance based on half of the amount of keys we just spent.
I dont want a bloody second chance at a lottery I want to have some form of progression and small farmability involved in buying these kitten skins, or if you wanna cheap out just put them on the shop and ill buy 1 . . .
I was excited when I heard we were gona get a second chance, but come on, the dropchance is still the same except you get crappy lvl 75 crafting mats, still havent met someone who found any skins in these new chests.
Im sure it sounds really ungrateful that im still kitten off but come on, we didnt want you to scrap 1 scam lottery in exchange for another. ANet preaches fairness yet I see none in this skin fiasco.
I am happy to report that I used what tonics I had not tossed in the trash and got mad king chests, opened them and got…..MORE TONICS and some candy corn. Different tonics, sure, but still tonics.
Also, for those who are upset that artificers might make money on halloween, I wonder if you will feel the same at Wintersday if/when you can craft candy cane equipment.
Personally I think it would be a great boost to crafting if every crafter had a holiday they could count on to make cash. Gee, might even be like …gasp a real economy, where some parts of manufacturing have “peak” seasons.
Heck, it would be nice if ANY crafting discipline could make money, in my book. More power to them.
Yeah, awfully convenient to not ever mention the skins being hyper-rare before people dropped tons of money on keys.
i think this is how a lot of the paying player feel
Within the past few years, a word has crept into the collective consciousness of the gaming community. The word, “entitlement,” has come to be used in defense of companies who do not give a certain group of players what they want. The common usage is that those who are complaining feel that they are entitled to something more. The imagery evoked is that of a spoiled child, who is not happy with what they get, and who is now throwing a temper tantrum due to that.
In all honesty, there are those that will never be satisfied with what they get. This much is certain, and if you have ever worked in a job where you had to deal with the general public, such as retail, customer service, tech support, and roles of that nature, then you are well aware that there are people out there who want the world on a platter. Many of us have dealt with them. Whether we realize it or not, some of us have been that person. In cases such as those, what you will see is that a person feels that they are “entitled” to treat you like a lesser, to demand that you give them all that they ask for, and that you be happy to do so. In those scenarios, we see clearly entitled behavior.
However, I must strongly object to the use of the word “entitlement” in reference to those who are not happy with the Black Lion Chests. There are some amongst us who say things such as, “ArenaNet got greedy,” or “ArenaNet is screwing over the customer on purpose.” I do not think that this is the case. It is my honest belief that ArenaNet did not set out to alienate anyone, and that if they would have foreseen the reaction as it has occurred, they would have definitely altered their gameplan on how to handle the Black Lion Chests and rare weapon skins. This is an assumption on my part, but it is based off of the fact that they do have employees that analyze this information, and which will be reviewing it long after this holiday event has ended. This is the sort of feedback that will go into future planning, possibly for years to come.
What we need to understand as a gaming community is that those who have complaint are not always entitled, spoiled, or otherwise greedy themselves, either. These are people who made an assumption, and who were clearly wrong about that assumption. Many of them, like myself, have said that there is a problem with the way that the entire BLC matter was structured, but that we believe the correct action to take is to ask that ArenaNet take a closer look at the strategy that they have employed. The response from the team thus far has been to add in the Mad King Chests, which was a gesture in the right direction, although not precisely what I believe people were looking for.
More than anything, a poster in another thread got it right: A permanent souvenir from the chests would have been a nice touch, or at the very least parts of one that you could turn into the Mystic Forge ala the Mystic Conduits. In fact, a higher drop rate of tradeable components (with rarer pieces, but not incredibly rare) may have been a better alternative to the “skin or no skin” system. It would still encourage many people to buy chests, but it would also give you results that you could use toward getting the pieces that you would want without having to add in a supplemental recipe that gives roughly the same or worse chances of you achieving your objective, whichever skin that may be.
As we proceed with the next phases of the Halloween event, please keep a few things in mind:
Many of us play the game not for the RNG, but for the gameplay itself. Please do not confuse the two, as some might. If you want to make your displeasure about the chests known, please do so in a respectful and mature manner. When and if someone refers to you as entitled for voicing your complaint, it is very likely that they have little to say beyond the same rhetoric. Do not be surprised if they also mention a casino, whining, 4 year olds, etc. These are not responses. They are automation. I do not recommend humoring them.
Do not support this in the future. Although you may be told that your opinion does not matter, or that you are somehow wrong for feeling as though you have wasted your money, the most important thing that you can personally do is not give the same amount of money to the company. If you are someone who has spent quite a significant amount, please sit back and do not pay any more. You have most likely already covered your “$15 a month” amount that many believe is a fair amount to buy in gems per month to support the game. Once you feel that you have paid in for the amount of content that you have received, feel free to resume buying gems in whatever volume you prefer, but not a second before, and most certainly not for more of these seasonal chests.
Do not drive players away. I feel that it is somewhat sad that I should even have to say this, but having a highly negative, combative, or condescending attitude toward your fellow players in the community. In this matter, there has been a sharp wedge driven between those who do not like what was done with the BLC, and those who simply wish to chide others for what they see as a failure of character. In truth, perhaps both are right, but we should expect, and demand, a higher standard than what we have seen in the “low rent” MMORPGs with strategies comparable to this. Even if you feel that these BLC were the right call, a majority those who bought them en masse will not be doing so again. That should be a clear indicator that the strategy was not successful.
Tell ArenaNet what you want to spend your money on. This one is very important. If you, like me, were not happy with the BLC, then please tell them what you do want to see. Tell them what will get you back as a big spender. Do not just complain about the BLC and leave it at that. We have already heard thoughts on seasonal armor and weapon skins in the cash shop, and I think that is a step in the right direction. Let them know what else you might like to see. Even if you cannot articulate it beyond “something nice and shiny,” that still means something to a person in marketing. It is more than just “I did not like this.” Give critical, constructive feedback. Do not give in to mindless negativity.
On a personal note, I do believe that my experience with the BLC has softened my enthusiasm for the game somewhat. If I were to feel entitled to anything for the money and gold (which translates into farming time) spent, it would have simply been “fun.” My idea of fun would have been something beyond such low odds. In fact, RNG is not usually something I have a lot of luck with. It was my fault for thinking that the chests would be any different, in that they would be a bit of RNG and a bit of fun as well.
The most common comparison is to TF2 chests, but even those give weapons, hats (which we can think of as skins), and a rarer tier of item that can only be found in crates (Stranges, which have a kill counter on them.) I’ve opened my fair share of those, and only gotten one Unusual item. Did I feel angry about this? Not really, no. I at least had some use for the items I uncrated, if even to sell or trade to other players. The game played on. With the results of opening several BLC, I feel that if you do not get something you were hoping for, then you hit a dead end. In TF2, you trade metal for keys, keys for items you want, or items for keys, then you use the keys on crates, which you get items from that you can trade for keys or metal. Seems simple enough, I think. Regardless of the result, you get something you can use to get something you want. I think the Mad King Chests were a step into that direction, but the pot simply isn’t big enough for the losers.
To make the contents truly worth my while, I’d probably have to bank them for a few months and wait for the price on these crafting goods to go much higher before I feel that I have anything to work with. As it is, the materials I got are worth around 1-2g in total. In TF2, this would be the equivilant of every crate not having an Unusual or a Hat only giving you regular weapon, not even a scrap of metal or a strange. In both game, that’s roughly two hours of gameplay, or less if you are lucky. Thus, I really have nothing to show for the money I put into gems, not even fond memories of being a “high roller.” There are no other players at the table, there is no frantic energy. It’s just me slapping keys into a pile of boxes in a corner of Lion’s Arch.
Do I feel ArenaNet owes me anything personally? Not as far as rewards or compensation, no. They did not set out to do me harm. Do I feel less enthusiastic about the game right now? Unquestionably. Am I going to stomp my feet about this? Of course not, but this is a game I have been excited over for at least the past year. To see events like this, and the way that they are handled, is less than what I had hoped for. To say that I am disappointed would be to put it mildly, both in myself for blindly leaping from the diving board, and in ArenaNet for filling the pool with a foot of water and ten feet of clear glass shards.
As a final note, if you do not think that this has broader implications, I took the time to listen to a GW2 stream/podcast show. One of the hosts mentioned that she opened 100 chests and got nothing. She does not make a big deal of it, she does not say ArenaNet owes her. She simply sounds defeated. How is that for publicity?
Noone else has had this problem? or knows a workaround?
a-net: hey guys it’s a holiday, here’s a chance at some cool looking skins!
playerbase: sweet, we are all getting skins!
an hour after event starts…
that night…
a-net: hey guys we want to give you a little something extra, we stayed late working on it because we felt a little sorry for you guys having bad luck. here’s a second chance at some of the really cool holiday skins, for free!
playerbase: yay we are finally going to get every skin!
a few hours later…
is it just me or has entitlement syndrome gotten exponentially worse over the last few years? i can only imagine what the forums would look like if this game had something like EQ’s epic weapon quests or l2’s enchanting system…. :|
Well here’s the thing. You already have two permanent souvenirs, and I estimate a 99.9% probability of more to come.
You can get free devil horns from the gem shop, and you get a neat accessory skin that actually shows on your character model for completing stage 1 of the scavenger hunt. And the book is only the stage 1 reward, remember, there are 3 more acts to come.
When you open chests, you don’t get “nothing”. Many of the chest items are VERY useful – karma boosters, magic find boosters, armour repair canisters, etc – but for some reason the fact that they’re consumable somehow means they’re worthless?
So yes, I do tend to feel that people are entitled when they complain that ANet has given them no permanent souvenirs while conveniently forgetting about the two they did give us. And I do think it’s ridiculous to complain that opening chests is completely worthless when in fact it gives you items which vastly increase your earnings or add conveniences or customization options.
(edited by szthesquid.9576)
Doesn’t work for me either. I was going to transmute the image onto my backpack but it doesn’t even look kool or rather look at all.
I know that it didn’t show up on my character when I first got it.
Somehow, somewhere over the next couple of play sessions I saw it display and was shocked.
playerbase: HEY WHY DON’T I HAVE anything? I PAID 50 WHOLE DOLLARS
. . .
Fixed it for you
you paid 50 bucks knowing it was a gamble. you lost and now instead of being able to accept it you blame others. great logic.
a-net needs to make money. people are willing to gamble knowing full well they will probably see no return. i spent money and lost. i’m not complaining because i knew and accepted the risks before i made the purchase. take some responsibility for your own actions people, please.
I was reading your forms and I spent about $100 trying to get the items in the black lion cheat which I got the item I wanted and toons of boosters and tonics I had almost a stack of tonic which are useless . I destroy most of them and I used them because its a waste or space. To only find out you guys came up a new chest. What happen to players who worked hard to get those items not their value is going down the drain. I know a lot of people don’t care for tonics but what happens to the players who used them because they wanted to have space ? Is it oh I’m sorry to bad for you reply? Why didn’t they talk about the chest before the event ? Is their anyway I could get any of my tonics back.
Firstly I would like to thank ANet for a second chance at obtaining a skin and listening to the feed back(in whatever for it may have come).
In total I started out with 60 keys after opening the chests, I ended up with 2 skins, one pauldron and the rifle along with a load of tonics (finally completed my stack of them :P ). I have to admit I was a bit disappointed as none of my characters(that i have levelled past intro) can use a rifle.
As its a holiday event I believe this could have been handled in a far better manner(its not Halloween every day). I would have preferred to have received a token from the chests, instead of the skins to exchange for a account bound skin of my choice or similar.
after opening 35 mad king chests, I do feel that the tonics used to make them (didn’t use magic find, exp or kama) would have been more useful than the contents of the chests (it may have been a better idea to have a value(or amount of tokens) assigned to each booster or item so they could have been saved up and traded for a skin.). Also I still have pre mystery tonic tonics cluttering up my bank space it would have been nice to use these up.
anyway may as well post the contents of 35x mad king chests.
505x candy corn
6x mummy tonics
28x trick or treat bags
51x nougat centres
2x onyx fragments
53x chattering skulls
47x plastic fangs
1x onyx shard
2x charged shards
3x spooky zombie tonics
3x ghost tonics
6x spooky skeleton tonics
6x candy corn tonics
1x glacial fragment
1x charged fragment
3x plastic spider tonics
Does it look cool?!?!
I understand that people want the weapons and are disappointed that chests are the only way to get them. I’d like that scythe staff but I’ll probably never get it.
But the people complaining that they get “nothing” for Halloween? I mean, seriously? I guess they didn’t receive the events and doors and puzzles and achievements and candy corn and trick or treat bags and crafting and free stuff and quests.
Alright, I wasn’t going to post here, but all of the QQ’ing is getting kinda silly.
I opened about 170 black lion chests with keys and received 2 shoulder skins, 2 gun skins and the shield skin. 5/170 aren’t that great of odds, but I still have all of the items that I normally would have gotten and took it as such. When the MF chests came around, I thought “Oh, wow, a free shot at more stuff!”. They didn’t have to add this in. I would have used the tonics and boosters eventually, but I decided to toss them in. My first set of 24 chests yielded me another shoulder skin and the 1h chainsaw skin, along with a ton of candy, crafting mats, and tonics. I am more than pleased with this new system, granted I’m sure I’m on the lucky side of things.
These systems are in place as a gambling procedure. You know that this was a gamble. There are chances of losing gambles. There are chances of winning gambles. Even if you “lost” your gambles for making money, you’re still gaining all of the items that can be used for other things. Working as intended, and all of the people complaining should have understood the risk other than complaining that they lost.
Short and simple, if you don’t like to lose, don’t gamble. Chances are, that’s what is going to happen.
Hmm, guess I should try to do a in-game bug report (later, once I can get on) and hope that it gets fixed. I’ve logged off and onto the same character a couple times last night, and had gotten the book two nights ago.
Very well articulated post, I hope this one sticks around on the front page for a good long while and gets read.
Of our guild of a dozen people only 1 of them bought chests, yet most of them would buy the skins were they on the cash shop. There is a whole untapped market here just waiting for them to change their strategy; people who will give them money for pixels, if only they sold them the right pixels
Well here’s the thing. You already have two permanent souvenirs, and I estimate a 99.9% probability of more to come.
Did you actually read and absorb what he was trying to say?
Senoph, I actually agree with your points. While I feel a good portion of the game are blowing the ‘need’ of participating in the gamble far out of the water, I can appreciate a logical, well written post that discusses the issues fairly and in a way that isn’t antagonizing towards Arenanet.
Kudos to you.
Ya, sounds like your specific character has something wonky with it. I’d suggest a support ticket. As long as you keep the item, they should be able to eventually fix it! Just don’t destroy it in your rage. :P
boosters useless ? @-) i find them very rewarding !
Ya, sounds like your specific character has something wonky with it. I’d suggest a support ticket.
As long as you keep the item, they should be able to eventually fix it! Just don’t destroy it in your rage. :P
Well I definitely wouldn’t destroy it. I don’t like destroying one time only acquisition items, even if they don’t work properly
Well here’s the thing. You already have two permanent souvenirs, and I estimate a 99.9% probability of more to come.
Did you actually read and absorb what he was trying to say?
I did. Specifically the part about permanent souvenirs from chests. Because there are permanent souvenirs from chests AND freely available from the event. It’s just that the chest ones are rare.
Does it look cool?!?!
It just gives some personality to your avatar. It might suit what you want in looks, or it might not. XD
I just grabbed a screenie to show its look.
I like boosters. wish i could sell off my tonics though. I hate to destroy them because I know there are people out there who really like them. I never use them.
When you open chests, you don’t get “nothing”. Many of the chest items are VERY useful – karma boosters, magic find boosters, armour repair canisters, etc – but for some reason the fact that they’re consumable somehow means they’re worthless?
I have to disagree, the odds on something actually useful coming out is like 1/3 or less, aside from the karma and magic find booster I personally find the rest to be mostly useless, most chests give exactly that and mystery tonics which I consider junk aswell, I know its a matter of opinion as you clearly find the drops useful, but for some of us it isn’t so and I can see why some people who opened many many chests and got nothing to show for halloween and yet few of the actually useful blc drops can be disappointed at the system
@OP very eloquent post, explains very well the point for those of us who disagree with the system as it is now
Thank you for that addition!
Lets people who opened a million chests without getting anything halloween related take another shot at it.
If only I hadn’t thrown away all my tonics because of lack of bank space. oh well, lesson learned I guess!
you paid 50 bucks knowing it was a gamble. you lost and now instead of being able to accept it you blame others. great logic.
a-net needs to make money. people are willing to gamble knowing full well they will probably see no return. i spent money and lost. i’m not complaining because i knew and accepted the risks before i made the purchase. take some responsibility for your own actions people, please.
Anet would have lost nothing if they gave better droprates.
On the contrary: they would have sold way more chests in the future than they ever will now.
Ponder on that a bit.
They could have been generous to all the players who were so generous to buy keys en masse for the event alone… they weren’t.
If anyone gambled and lost it’s Anet.
I spent about $100 trying to get the items in the black lion cheat
Black Lion Cheat!
All the posts that keep defending this start with what items they did get. Your attitude would be different if you pulled nothing from the chests, realize that you are in the lucky minority. This QQ is really just people harshly figuring out what type of company Anet is now and what type of game guild wars is going to be. For some, like myself, this pushes them to seriously consider dropping support of this game.
Oki so its 6 mystery tonics, 1 candy corn and one booster right ? Doesnt seem to work for me
6 Mystery Tonic
1 Candy Corn
1 Booster
1 Booster
You’re missing the second booster as you have to use 2 of them to fill up all the slots in the Mystic Forge.
Wait a second… did you think the MKCs would just give you a skin because you didn’t get any from the BLCs?! Wow. Just wow. That was pretty silly of you.
Has everyone lost their minds? We’re still in Phase 1 of the event. We don’t have ANY idea what is to come. So as the a great man once said, “STOP WHINING” – Arnold.
Just food for thought:
Asides the manhours involved in making the item model and adding it to the game (not a great deal), the item costs nothing.
Supply is essentially infinite. Therefore any price or rarity assigned to it is completely arbitrary. Surely it’s better to sell them to everyone for a reasonably small amount, than to sell it to a tiny portion of the population for a large amount?
I’d be interested in seeing the maths behind this sales model.
too much crying. i bought 50 keys. got nothing and expected nothing.
this thread is like buying lottery tickets and then crying you did not win a million dollars.
this game is awesome and to generous with gear/ rare should really be rare and exotic even more so.
I completely agree with the sentiments in this post. I would also like to applaud ArenaNet for listening to their customers and making an addition to their event with the mad king chests. All of mine were pretty much fruitless, but I did appreciate the gesture.
I think the game’s future will be forever changed by the feedback received from this event – specifically in regard to the black lion chests. This gives me hope. Sometimes disappointment can be swallowed much easier when you know that the other party listened as tried to make things a little better.
I will say implementing a non gambling method would be nice as well for those who don’t like gambling.
I’m not going to complain about not getting a skin.
I just won’t be purchasing keys again.
The rest of the holiday has been enjoyable so far. The chest thing detracts from the rest of the event.
Yep, this is it. To the people that keep saying “it’s an option and a chance, just don’t do it then!” … that’s like putting a sign in front of a Casino not to gamble but to enjoy all the free drinks and cheap buffet we comp.
Honestly, you scare away the people willing to buy gems, you won’t have the backbone for your farming. If “gems” is how this game will survive I hope others buy them because I’m done. It was an abysmally low drop rate.
Otherwise I will continue to ride the coattails of people that continue to pay for these things. I know I’m done unless changes are instituted.
you paid 50 bucks knowing it was a gamble. you lost and now instead of being able to accept it you blame others. great logic.
a-net needs to make money. people are willing to gamble knowing full well they will probably see no return. i spent money and lost. i’m not complaining because i knew and accepted the risks before i made the purchase. take some responsibility for your own actions people, please.
Anet would have lost nothing if they gave better droprates.
On the contrary: they would have sold way more chests in the future than they ever will now.Ponder on that a bit.
They could have been generous to all the players who were so generous to buy keys en masse for the event alone… they weren’t.
If anyone gambled and lost it’s Anet.
The skins were never intended to be doled out en masse, REGARDLESS of your interpretation. Rare means RARE. Look it up. If you still don’t get it, look it up again. If everyone got a rare, it wouldn’t be rare anymore, now would it? Gee, lots of fun getting the exact same thing half the game population already has? That’s soooo unique, isn’t it?
Don’t like the event? See all the forum posts with people complaining about the horrid chances to get something aesthetic? Why, you simply MUST spend your money! They’re twisting your arm and pointing a gun to your head, right? No?
Move along, nothing to see here.
I would also like to note that while some players may find the boosters useful, I have never much considered +strength, +rejuv, or +exp to be of much use in my play style. I did use the +magic find booster I received from this round of chests, but didn’t receive anything beyond my normal loot expectations for the duration. If anything, I got far less loot altogether while the booster was active. I used a good handful of the tonics in the costume brawl, which wasn’t useful but at the time I had no other use for them. I received a few BL gathering tools, which are few in quantity and fared me no better returns (as far as the mining picks were concerned).
I won’t be buying any more keys, ever. That is, unless I read a majority of positive reviews on the forums here beforehand. I just didn’t feel like I got the entertainment value I had expected with the items I received. The rest of the event has been fun from what I have experienced, so I will just stick to that in the future.
Apparantly everybody is also convinced that this isn’t bad publicity for the game.
Or even that the game doesn’t suffer from hits to its reputation as it is.
Anet is in the business of making money from a game.
They may have made the most wonderfull game you can imagine, but if the reputation of that game gets hurt too much, Anet is doing bad business.
This could hurt the game more than you want to acknowledge.
GW2 might be perfect for you, but in the general MMO playerbase, I see a lot of critique on it.
Endgame, pvp, boring, and now goldscammer… take your pick.
I don’t think all of the complaints are justified, but I do think this is becoming a real problem for the future.
They really didn’t need this whole controversy.
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