My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: K Cross.3458

K Cross.3458

Note to Self: Lower your expectations next time…

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eirikr.4198


was the little movie it?

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Florgknight.1589


The chaos when it exploded as nice.


My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: K Cross.3458

K Cross.3458

I never said it was bad.

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Stratzvyda.3921


that was totally worth pissing off their international fans it would break everything if that repeated every hour or if you had the option to view the cutscene on your own time

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: RedDeath.2980


Personally- I got up like 3 hours early after having 5 hours of sleep… If I knew it was just a 5 seconds clip I would’ve youtubed it since it wouldve had the same effect if I wasnt there to begin with…

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Adam.4103


I feel sorry for people who stayed up late for that.

Adam The Vanquisher

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Reevac.1748


It’s probably a shot at the Euro people all up in arms over it. They were convinced they miss something special and miss out on a reward.

Props to ANET for not spoiling what was coming.

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kron.3768


OP is completely right.

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Trock Bronze.9625

Trock Bronze.9625

It was cool and exactly as expected. If you read about the forums you would have seen mod posts practically saying it was just a cutscene. People were pissed because they assumed they were missing loot.

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lysico.4906


It was horrible. Loot was bad, event was bad and whole Halloween events have been total garbage.

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Car.3805


The loot is actual pretty nice, since it’s a repeatable dungeon. Got a dye pack, friend got a karma booster. Someone on server got Mad Moon

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Thorn.7963


Good god people, what were you expecting? Zhaitan to swoop down and teleport you to Cantha?

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MossyStump.9461


I got an exotic from the dungeon. My opinion on the one time event though, is that everyone complains too much. It was a one time event, and if you wanted to see it in person, you could have. Don’t blame ANet for your disappointment, blame the users for all the horrid speculation and whining behind it. It was a nice little cutscene, and nobody appreciates it.

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Diviner.7405


Good god people, what were you expecting? Zhaitan to swoop down and teleport you to Cantha?

Considering how epically lame Zhaitan is, no one was expecting that.

But yeah. I do not get why they cannot just repeat the 5 second cut scene. It started off good, but then when it ended it, it became totally lame.

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Diviner.7405


I got an exotic from the dungeon. My opinion on the one time event though, is that everyone complains too much. It was a one time event, and if you wanted to see it in person, you could have. Don’t blame ANet for your disappointment, blame the users for all the horrid speculation and whining behind it. It was a nice little cutscene, and nobody appreciates it.

Because saying that it was so special that it CAN ONLY BE A ONE TIME event is not hyping it all?

Oh wait…

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


horrible event…

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tinni.4351


Umm… the event was 7PM in UK. So it would be 8PM in most of Europe. It was actually a pretty decent time for Europeans IMO. My bro in Australia had to wake-up at 5AM. That was a bit more unpleasant but still do able.

Also, it.was.AWESOME!!! We had five guildies up. Me for UK, two from US, 2 from Aus. We saw the cut scene, our guild leader jumped in before we could catch our breath and next thing we know, we are in a dungeon with one guildie who was only level 10 and in his first dungeon!. But it all worked out. We down’d him with little fuss. Most of us got crap but Guild Leader got an exotic out of the chest (you guys did remember to loot the rest right?) but a good time was had by all!

Good Job Anet!

My brain is shagging under the weight of changes… having six characters was not a good idea!

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: enos.1580


I thought it was awesome. So I sat in Lions Arch for a couple hours, big deal. I spent the time 100%ing the map, doing the jump puzzles, and playing the market.

It was pretty underwhelming getting “Choose your devalued halloween loot” as the reward option, until I saw they stuck a chest in there too.

People just got their expectations WAY up. I would have been thrilled to death if the lion statue had started playing Rick Astley.

—Arakny, 80 Engineer
—Tarnished Coast

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Hologramx.6402


Definitely not worth waking up from the very middle of a long night sleep just to watch that 5 second long clip. I expect to receive something more special to be on the spot at that specific time.

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MikeRocks.9243


I was there, at the event, and I STILL had to see it on Youtube.

Know why? The Mad King never actually spawned on my cutscene! All I saw was a giant hole appear… and that’s it! I was like, “THIS is what they hyped up?”

Then I saw the Youtube video and saw what I actually missed (despite being there). I should’ve just looked it up on Youtube to begin with. :P

Kind of vexes me, since I got the day off for this. Was kind of expecting one of the Mad King’s super long “LAUGH OR DIE” monologues from the GW1.

The Long Road
Goal: To have one character of every race, gender, and armor class combination at level 80.
Current progress: Human 4/6 | Charr 1/6 | Norn 1/6 | Sylvari 1/6 | Asura 1/6 | Total: 8/30

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Fiddlestyx.9714


I cancelled all my plans for it, FML.

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Thorn.7963


I was there, at the event, and I STILL had to see it on Youtube.

Know why? The Mad King never actually spawned on my cutscene! All I saw was a giant hole appear… and that’s it! I was like, “THIS is what they hyped up?”

Then I saw the Youtube video and saw what I actually missed (despite being there). I should’ve just looked it up on Youtube to begin with. :P

Kind of vexes me, since I got the day off for this. Was kind of expecting one of the Mad King’s super long “LAUGH OR DIE” monologues from the GW1.

You took an entire day off for this? You got your expectations WAY too high.

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


It was cool and exactly as expected. If you read about the forums you would have seen mod posts practically saying it was just a cutscene. People were pissed because they assumed they were missing loot.

come on, are you seriously pulling the ‘loot card’ on this one?

People were pissed because it was announced as something so special it would lose value if you saw it on Youtube before experiencing it.
Well: it’s better on Youtube, that cutscene…

Defend your game all you want, but you can’t argue everybody was just afraid to miss out in loot, and not on a great event.

I expected a more dynamic event for example, seeing all the hype and the fact it could only be done at one specific time.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MossyStump.9461


I got an exotic from the dungeon. My opinion on the one time event though, is that everyone complains too much. It was a one time event, and if you wanted to see it in person, you could have. Don’t blame ANet for your disappointment, blame the users for all the horrid speculation and whining behind it. It was a nice little cutscene, and nobody appreciates it.

Because saying that it was so special that it CAN ONLY BE A ONE TIME event is not hyping it all?

Oh wait…

Implying that I said they didn’t over hype it

My opnion on the "You don't wanna miss it" event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Whiskey Sam.6903

Whiskey Sam.6903

LOL I skipped it and watched it on YouTube. Didn’t miss a thing.

Have flask; will travel.