Mystic Forge and the Mad King Chest

Mystic Forge and the Mad King Chest

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TigerDragon.4037



My question is this… Will the Mystic Forge recipe for the Mad King Chest still work after the holiday event is over? In other words, if we have candy corn left over and we continue to open regular Black Lion Chests after the holiday and use the tonics and boosts with the candy corn we saved, can we continue to have a chance at these holiday skins (the weapon skins in particular) throughout the year? Or will that cease at the end of Halloween?

Sinking ships in WvW on SBI with pride.
Plastered Tyrian Sea Devils [PTSD]
Agadar.4931: A bad mesmer still poops clones like no tomorrow.

Mystic Forge and the Mad King Chest

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TigerDragon.4037



No answer on twitter, facebook, or here. Question fell off the front page again, even though it’s a Yes/No type question. Guessing ArenaNet is ignoring it on purpose at this point. Sad.

I’m guessing your thread go merged into this one. It seems to be the thing to do! What question did you need answered?

Wasn’t merged. Just ignored.

The question is:
Will the Mad King Chest continue to be craftable after halloween is over?

Sorry you didn’t get an answer before. The Mad King Chests will not be craftable after the Halloween Event is over.

Sinking ships in WvW on SBI with pride.
Plastered Tyrian Sea Devils [PTSD]
Agadar.4931: A bad mesmer still poops clones like no tomorrow.

Mystic Forge and the Mad King Chest

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Musty.3148


This is actually a good question…

I’m actually SHOCKED.

+1 OP

80 Elementalist/80 Mesmer/80 Guardian/80 Thief
Now Musty Britches since someone decided Shortbus Rider was offensive… [LoS] [NSP]

Mystic Forge and the Mad King Chest

in Halloween Event

Posted by: obiemvy.5632


Considering that it is a Mad King recipe… I bet it will not go on beyond the holiday event. They might reactivate something similar during each holiday though.

Good Question OP :-) Hopefully we can get an official answer to this one.

Mystic Forge and the Mad King Chest

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TigerDragon.4037


I’m going to take a wild guess and say that they will not allow MKC to be made after the event, because MKC tend to drop more candy corn (which is required to make more MKC) and thus the supply would not diminish between holiday events. Of course, I could love to be wrong on this, and it would be nice to see an official response one way or the other.

Sinking ships in WvW on SBI with pride.
Plastered Tyrian Sea Devils [PTSD]
Agadar.4931: A bad mesmer still poops clones like no tomorrow.

Mystic Forge and the Mad King Chest

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TigerDragon.4037


I know that a similar question was answered in this post:

But I believe that answer is directed at a question about the recipes that produce armor/weapon type items in particular, and does not answer the question of whether MKC will continue to be craftable after the event. Can someone from ArenaNet please give an official response on this?


Sinking ships in WvW on SBI with pride.
Plastered Tyrian Sea Devils [PTSD]
Agadar.4931: A bad mesmer still poops clones like no tomorrow.

Mystic Forge and the Mad King Chest

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TigerDragon.4037


Bringing this back to front page. I and others would still like an answer for this. If this doesn’t get answered today, I won’t bump this again.

Sinking ships in WvW on SBI with pride.
Plastered Tyrian Sea Devils [PTSD]
Agadar.4931: A bad mesmer still poops clones like no tomorrow.

Mystic Forge and the Mad King Chest

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TigerDragon.4037


Last bump on this post. Asked the same question on twitter and no response there, either. Hoping that by bumping this after ACT2 was released, it might actually be seen by ANet and someone might answer.

Sinking ships in WvW on SBI with pride.
Plastered Tyrian Sea Devils [PTSD]
Agadar.4931: A bad mesmer still poops clones like no tomorrow.