No more farmable holiday events, please.

No more farmable holiday events, please.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nephele.5063


I feel that the Mad King encounter has become much more about loot than fun. You can chain run it all day and get chest rewards. It has turned into a farming chore. Yes, there’s the “just do something else if you don’t like it” argument, but why would I farm somewhere else when I can get cash shop items and rare skins from the Mad King?

I believe the event would have been much more fun if the drops from each chest were increased, but players were only given 5 keys to the chest each day they logged on while the event was active. That would allow a player to run the encounter as much as they want, but limit farming the chest to five runs at a time. That way doing a special holiday event doesn’t feel like farming Cursed Shore.

No more farmable holiday events, please.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TheRabbit.9478


I broke it down in another post in this forum, averaging things out, you make nearly 3x more gold running Orr event chains compared to farming the mad king dungeon (taking into account getting rare skins and whatnot).

No more farmable holiday events, please.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: gogoapoxy.1425


You’re complaint is that you feel forced to farm something that’s not forced to be farmed, but don’t want to listen to people say “don’t farm it then.”

I guess there’s no real argument that can be made to go against you that you haven’t already dismissed.

No more farmable holiday events, please.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flabber Babble.8720

Flabber Babble.8720

If there was nothing to farm, people wouldn’t run it over and over. From a business standpoint it would make sense to limit dungeon runs on a daily basis as the more DAYS people play, the more subscription money they pay.

Since we don’t have a sub fee, imposing that limit would only bully the players into going somewhere else, and for no reason other than the sake of it. ANet respects your time enough and gives you the freedom to choose what you do with your time, and when you want to do it.

No more farmable holiday events, please.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Khailyn.6248


thankfully yes arenanet gives us many things to do and the freedom to have fun in game in any way we choose. unfortunately there will always be that cursed ‘carrot on a stick’ at the end of xyz dungeon that we want and feel compelled to farm for. its sad, but its true.

‘Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.’

No more farmable holiday events, please.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


I like farming the GW events. Do you have any idea how many of Dhuums skeletons I have trapped in little candies and handed over the to Mad king over the years? Thousands. Tens of thousands.

Wintersday was usually less exciting for me, but I always made sure to farm up enough candy cane shards to get each weapon type. I gave the Jingle bear a good shot or two at.

And I hate farming. I refused to do voltaic spear farms, and faction farming, trolls/griffons/raptors or anything of the like. But something about hoarding holiday stuff tickles my fancy.

I think people are having the same compulsion for the clocktower. Everyone kicked and screamed and swore in its general direction, but lots of players just keep repeating it for hours after their initial completion.

I need to get back to dungeon running…but as long as mad king dungeon is there thats what I’ll be doing.

The Kismet