Not Getting Clocktower Achievement

Not Getting Clocktower Achievement

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Smeave.7590


I’ve made it to the very end 4 times now and have jumped into the window every single time, and lo and behold i get sent back to the god kitten begining. After the third attempt i relogged and made it to the very last jump again only to be cheated out of the achievement yet again.

Before any elitists comment, I hit the final jump perfectly into the window on the first two attempts. The next two i jumped a bit early figuring this bugged piece of crap was lagging.

(edited by Smeave.7590)

Not Getting Clocktower Achievement

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Minion.8054


Are you waiting for the clock face to get hit by the lightning and break open? Never had an issue myself.

Not Getting Clocktower Achievement

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Penguin.5197


You gotta wait for the tower to fully rotate like once, then you see the window get blown up and break open. That’s when you jump in.

Not Getting Clocktower Achievement

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Collin.8109


I willing to bet you aren’t waiting for the clock to break. I did the exact same thing 3 times too before figuring it out. You have to let the clock spin by you once before it breaks and then you can jump in. I always thought it broke from the person jumping in…but no, it breaks…then you jump in.

Not Getting Clocktower Achievement

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Smeave.7590


Oh yeah i am not just jumping right into the unbroken clock. All these jump were once the clocktower was blown open.

Not Getting Clocktower Achievement

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


I believe you. One of my friends has successfully run the clock tower fifty times (he loves the puzzle, and he loves helping our guildies run up).

He mentioned that he ran into that exact same problem – getting autosent to the start instead of the room with the reward chest. He jumped to a different overflow server and that helped out. If you don’t get a successful response from Anet, may I suggest trying again?

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

Not Getting Clocktower Achievement

in Halloween Event

Posted by: squared.1729


What DigitalKirin said. Some instances of the CT are just bugged out. I would leave the instance and rejoin a new one.

~Squared002~ [BBB] – Blackgate

Not Getting Clocktower Achievement

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Smeave.7590


Yeah I tried re-logging, and just left the instance to run some Mad King. I will give it a few more attempts afterwards. Very frustrated since I really dislike this clocktower design to begin with.

Not Getting Clocktower Achievement

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Account.9832


Very frustrated since I really dislike this clocktower design to begin with.

Er… why don’t you go do something else, then?

You do realise that you won’t lose access to the rest of the game (which you presumably do like) if you ignore a part that you don’t like, right?

- Al Zheimer

Not Getting Clocktower Achievement

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ayane Hajinmon.9165

Ayane Hajinmon.9165

i failed the clock jump 7 times…its so frustrating that it keep sending me back to start instead of inside the clock T___T

Not Getting Clocktower Achievement

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kaderin.7584


Some servers have a issue with the tower porting people out, overflows or other servers would be the answer to that

Not Getting Clocktower Achievement

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Account.9832


i failed the clock jump 7 times…its so frustrating that it keep sending me back to start instead of inside the clock T___T

It’s practically impossible to miss the last jump, assuming you jump after it breaks (you get teleported into the chest room even if you hit the wall on the left). If you’re getting teleported back to the start consistently, get out of the instance and go back in.

- Al Zheimer

Not Getting Clocktower Achievement

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ayane Hajinmon.9165

Ayane Hajinmon.9165

i jump as soon as it break…i even try jumping a little early, a little late but the result was the same

Not Getting Clocktower Achievement

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Genei.7502


Well I had a similar problem the first time I reached the top. I jumped at the right moment, saw my model right at the center of the broken clock face. However I also got the achievement, AND was then sent back to the beginning. Only had the problem one time. though

Not Getting Clocktower Achievement

in Halloween Event

Posted by: jwburks.9735


I had the same thing happen to me. I jumped into the room, started walking toward the chest, and suddenly the cut-scene is there, and I’m at the beginning again. Happened to me twice.

We heard . . . we listened . . . we ignored.