Omg clocktower bugged xD

Omg clocktower bugged xD

in Halloween Event

Posted by: lejean.9615


Okay, I done that puzzle 50 times or so, and here are some bugs (I guess):
-random teleporting out: it sometiems teleports you to “waiting area” even when you didn’t touch that green ooze.
-it didn’t teleport me [once] into clocktower, although I jumped directly into it.

Anyone has met first bug? It happened to me so many times…

Omg clocktower bugged xD

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Navi.7142


Yeah, I had this bug several times in a row, so I decided not to do the clocktower anymore. It is very annoying.
I described it here:

And another bug was that they’ve sent me so many times into the nirvana where I could swim around the clocktower… ^^

Omg clocktower bugged xD

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Beastmaster.5071


I encountered both those bugs. Bug 1 countless times. Bug 2 – oh man, dont get me started. after spending days and atleast 4-5 hours each day, I finally reached the top and guess what, bug 2 hits me (i did jump at the right time and all).

Omg clocktower bugged xD

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Stormheart.5923


Three times I jumped into broken window and game kicked me back to start