One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Shinzan.2908



Since it’s been confirmed the Halloween finale on the 28th will be a one time thing I’d like to know when it starts, the closest information I found was midday pacific time which is rather vague imo.

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MikeRocks.9243



Check the main Halloween page that GW2 has. Comes with an easy timeline.

Clearly states “Act 3: Begins October 28th (12:00 PM PT/19:00 GMT)”

The Long Road
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Current progress: Human 4/6 | Charr 1/6 | Norn 1/6 | Sylvari 1/6 | Asura 1/6 | Total: 8/30

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Giles Marchand.6970

Giles Marchand.6970

I’m pretty sure you’re mistaken, the celebration is still on the 31st. I’m not sure where you read that but an ArenaNet employee posted earlier that nothing has changed.

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I’m pretty sure you’re mistaken, the celebration is still on the 31st. I’m not sure where you read that but an ArenaNet employee posted earlier that nothing has changed.

You’re both kinda right.

It all ends on the 31st.

But there’s a one time only event on the 28th. Midday PST is about noon so that would make it between 3 and 4 EST

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Shiren.9532


GW2 festival finales typically run for 24 hours and have an event every 3 hours in Lions Arch. So as long as you are there on the finale day for at least three hours, you probably won’t miss it.

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Trouble is, Shiren, the language coming from ANet about this event so far has been that it is a “one-time” event. Not a full-day event, a one-time event. This brings to mind the one-time events that heralded the end of the BWE’s, where if you couldn’t attend them due to work/school/sleep, you were just plain out of luck.

I didn’t mind missing out on those closing BWE events so much since our characters were going to be wiped anyway, but it would be extremely disappointing if the same thing was going to happen for the Halloween finale.

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Never.6014


A one time event on a one day when I’m busy sucks. And I’m sure a lot of other people feel the same. Why not make it so each player can do it once and let it run a while? This only hurts players in my eyes.

Tell Anet’s boss what you think:

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: akamon.2769


aww can it be made earlier during the weekend? so that people ALL around the world can experience this one time event? it’ll be 3, 4am (Monday morning) by that time for us folk across the world.

again, just wanting to be part of this event and looking forward to it. : )))

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One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Link.4039


A one time event on a one day when I’m busy sucks. And I’m sure a lot of other people feel the same. Why not make it so each player can do it once and let it run a while? This only hurts players in my eyes.

They can’t allow for each person to do it once because it’s an event and will most likely require a bunch of players to complete. I realize many people will be annoyed by this but… You can’t please everyone

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zogrim.6925


I don’t think they’re planning to make an event that only fires once. I expect what Shiren said, being a 24 hour event, firing every 3 hours.

Before the Halloween event, when they revealed the costume brawl event being a BLTC related activity, the wording was very misleading and many have thought that you had to buy a costume from the cash shop if you wanted to participate. This turned out to be false, so it might be that the words does not reflect 100% what they meant by it.

The only exception is that if Mad King Thorn arrives on the 28th. It would be weird if he arrived like 8 times before finally staying

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: raxx.8914


That is pointless for all AUS players, i hope they know AUS is the biggest spenders on loot gambling, AUS ppl are the biggest gamblers in the world, AVG loss 1.2k per person.
You shouldn’t abandon us.

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Katar.9378


Okay so Midday PST is 2000hrs GMT? There is a slight complication as on the 28th the UK switches from BST to GMT, which is bound to cause some confusion.

Why the event can’t be repeated 2-3 times I don’t know. I won’t even be able to make it, not sure I’ll even bother carrying on with any part of the event.

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MassRelay.9327


They said to watch the event meter in LA

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Luthan.5236


One time event would be a bad strategy. Would be boring because it would have to be an event without achievement. And I think the final event should add to the achievements. Which means everyone should have a chance to complete it… meaning not only 1 time. Every 3 hours like someone already mentioned would be a good idea.

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


I, too, would like some more clarification of this, being another of those people with lame commitments such as “work” and all.

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


What do you mean one time?

They can make a festival event one time.

That’s simply preposterous. Not everyone can schedule around a game. The game must schedule around players instead.

No exceptions!

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: ArwenDarkblade.3829


Hm, well I’ll be traveling that day, so I miss out. Shame, cause Halloween is my favorite holiday. Hope many screen shots and videos are taken. :-)

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Shinzan.2908


Yea, you’d think the event would repeat like GW1 ones did but everything that has been said about this by official sources points to the contrary so until someone from Anet says otherwise I’m expecting a one time thing.

Midday could be anywhere from 12:00 to 17:00 so not very helpful, I might be able to make it if I just know the time.

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


I really wish this one was addresses with priority over the “loot” threads…

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Heylo.4938


I hope one of the dev’s addresses this soon. Seriously hoping that it isn’t a one time event, or at least not a one time event that gets you one of the halloween achievements. I am working towards the Halloween title and would hate it if, in order to see this event and get the achievement, I’d have to tell my bf’s family to hold on for an hour while I stand around LA.
Someone above mentioned that they’d have to do it only one time if they needed a lot of players for the event. I don’t think this is valid. Look how many people show up every three hours when the dragons spawn.

Sickest Guild [NA] Blackgate

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Shinzan.2908


Still need an answer to this.

The A very big thank you thread got a dev response within four posts, you’d think this would be more important. <<

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


My prediction is that the event on the 28th is going to be a big “The Mists have been torn open!” sequence, which kicks off Act 3 where players can venture into the Mad Realm to do whatever quests are there. So, while players from early timezones will still be able to access the quests for Act 3, they’ll possibly miss out on “being there when it all started”.

I’m really hoping this isn’t the case, but I’m bracing myself for the possibility. :/

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Shinzan.2908


Yea… I’m also worried about the achievement, one of them is for the Halloween event participation, so if it’s the one time only one those who won’t make it can’t get the title at all.

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Shinzan.2908


Wow thank you! That wasn’t there before I’m sure, glad to have a time at last.

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Ouch… That’s Monday 29th, 5am my time. Well, at least we have a concrete time now. Guess I’ll be heading to bed early on Sunday night!

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DragonFlykm.8621


I am in Australia and I have the same problem. It is 29th, 5am for me. They should fix this if it is going to be a one time event. Should do it 12 or so hours earlier. But if it is just a kick off and not related to any achievements it is fine.

I think they really need to at least let us know what they planning to do on this, as to whether an achievement is involved or not. That I think is what most care about. Yes seeing it would be good, but I sure it on youtube for those who miss it. But of course a video can’t give you an achievement now can it!

Los Angeles (U.S.A. – California) Sunday, 28 October 2012 at 12:00:00 Noon PDT UTC-7 hours
Brisbane (Australia – Queensland) Monday, 29 October 2012 at 5:00:00 AM EST UTC+10 hours
Corresponding UTC (GMT) Sunday, 28 October 2012 at 19:00:00

Taken from

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Hyung.6140


Agreed, if they could confirm whether or not you can still get the achievement if you can’t be at that time it would set a lot of people’s minds at rest. It’s silly, but having put so much time into the Halloween events I’d love to have the title to show for it at the end!

Hyinna, Gunnars Hold
[Ub] – My Life for Alesia

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: mmmw.1569


Just wanted to add my voice to this thread, if any devs are reading this, to please allow a larger time window for the event on the 28th if it is required for achievements. If it is just a ceremony to mark an important story event that wouldnt make sense to be repeated, please make it not count for achievements then, and those who cannot make it will have to appreciate it via youtube or something. Thanks.

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Einherjar.4132


If it is only a one time event then both myself and several of my friends will have to miss it as it falls directly at the same time as the LOTR show that we bought tickets for months ago.

I really hope we’re just misreading it or if not arena net will change it in such a way as to allow more people to partake.

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Benji.1936


You know, you guys are all complaining about the ‘one-time event’ wording, but have you bothered to think that maybe it’s one-time PER PERSON, and not one-time period?

One time could mean a pretty large variety of things, depending how they intend it.

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Morfs.6837


Are you guys sure it will be a ONE TIME EVENT?
I think should be during the whole day, there are guys like that lives in other countrys or that will be working/studying and won’t be able to be logged on at the exact event time…=\\

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DragonFlykm.8621


Your both right Benji and Morfs. At this point it is hard to tell whether it is only at one time or runs over a 24 hour period. I think someone above mentioned that it might be a one off event that opens the Mad King World for us to explore till the end of halloween.

But regardless of what it will be, I think most of us are just worried that it will give you an achievement which alot of people can’t get due to work/other things. Perhaps if Anet just lets us know if an achievement is involved or not would settle alot of people down.

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: caufenkamp.7210


So that will be around 2:00 pm central right?

Kinnuriel | 80 Elementalist | [MF] Malum Factum
Yak’s Bend

One time event on 28th confirmed, but what time?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Marithia.2063


I understand maybe doing it for one day, and they were nice enough to not do it on the 31st (when a lot of us will be out doing stuff, most likely)

But a LOT of us have work and school, along with other things to do on our day to day… and what about the people on the other side of the world that are going to be sleeping?

This needs to be addressed by a dev, I don’t want details on the event, I don’t want to know exactly what’s going to happen, I just want clarification on the times… is it going to be an ongoing thing on the 28th or are they’re really going to pull that “one-time only” crap.

Because if it’s going to be an on going thing (once every 3 hours or what ever they decide) then it’s fine… we don’t need exact times, we just need to know when it starts and when it ends.

But if they’re going to the one time thing we deserve to know exactly when it’s going to happen… :/

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