Opinion: Rare skins need to be account bound

Opinion: Rare skins need to be account bound

in Halloween Event

Posted by: carson yuen.6739

carson yuen.6739

or make the transmuted items BoA…. Got the greatsaw and want to use it on both my guardian and warrior…. it’s kinda sux that i can only choose one

Opinion: Rare skins need to be account bound

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Simon.3106


I agree. If I paid for something like this (the key), I think I should pay it once… Not 5 times for each of my characters… It’s kind of unfair dont’ you think? Since everything already basically revolves around Gem Store

~Way of the Ranger~
Legendary Ranger, Simon

Opinion: Rare skins need to be account bound

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


What, you mean you don’t want to pay 75g for a sword skin in a “fun” holiday event?

On topic: I do agree though. In GW1 the skins from the store were all account-bound and had a nifty NPC to get them from once you’ve unlocked them.

Opinion: Rare skins need to be account bound

in Halloween Event

Posted by: carson yuen.6739

carson yuen.6739

i think he means he just want to pay one times… not 5…

but ya, we got these skins in a pretty expensive way… I just dont see whats the harm to make them BoA so my alts can share the skins..

please? Anet?@@

o while i am at it, BIG thanks for the event. It amazes me how much effort you guys put into this just for a 10 days event….

Opinion: Rare skins need to be account bound

in Halloween Event

Posted by: raxx.8914


They need a skins bank.