Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Crise.9401


Thief and got an exotic torch from mad king’s dungeon… and an exotic longbow from the labyrinth. Talk about bad luck profession wise, although got few gem store items from the dungeon as well.

Still I guess some people had it even worse at least I made some coin out of those two exotics, but I would have really wanted something to actually use. Though in a sense I would have also wanted an endless halloween tonic perhaps more than an exotic (since I have candy corn and mats saved up for crafting halloween exotics eventually).

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Xamon.5783


I did MK runs with 2 chars:
Ranger lvl 80 120%+ magic find on him→ 0 drops
Guardian lvl 40-50 NO magic find→ 4 or 5 exotics, no skins
I don’t think MF is a junk stat, mob drops seem better while in MF gear, so could be that it doesn’t work on chests…

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Aldream.7258


Hey !
I kinda disagree with some statements made here… Here are some arguments:

I was referring to a generic exotic, much less The Mad Moon etc Halloween speciality exotics. And I have read people, albeit a few which is line with expectations, getting those like twice in 40 runs. A lottery doesnt reward what seems like 75% people with gconsolation prizesh of exotics and the rest nothing.

1) ‘seems foolish to say that, but they are called exotics because they are not common but rare and outstanding. That’s what makes them valuable and desired. You want the majority (I will consider your concern coms from altruism) to obtain one of them. This is a contradiction. Same for the simple rare items, just take out the outstanding.

2) You have easy-to-get outstanding items (Mad King books, horns, etc). You only see them as “consolation prizes” because they are common. Which confirms my previous point. You crave for rarity, but are not willing to pay the cost.

3) RNG implementation is an easy target, because this kind of accusations will always find propellant, gathering disappointed players while the others just live with it. Curses, gods, misfortune,etc for natural phenomenons ; cheating, bugs, conspiracies for the human-related one… We are so inclined to find a scheme instead of accepting the simple chaos of probabilities.

Isnft the point of Halloween so that EVERYONE can dress up and have fun???

Aparently according to these people on the forums, only gluckyh people were able to celebrate Halloween this year.

Great job on this one Anet, you really know how to make a bunch of people feel like losers..

4) As for the “dressing up”, cheap solutions:

  • Wear the free horn/hat
  • Wear the easy-to-get nice books
  • Drink tonics and join the brawl
  • No tonics? Halloween food also works.
  • No food? Then jump into a cauldron (Mystic Forge or Witches ones)

5) Not satisfied with all the previous solutions ? You definitely want one of those exotic skins?

  • Continue farming (doesn’t seem to please you though)
  • Buy BLC keys (good way to thanks Anet for all this content – But yes, the prob are not with you here)
  • Craft Mad King chests (which are one more proof that Anet does care for its community)
  • Find them in the TP
  • Craft them later (possible for most of those exotics)
    I don’t see any other ways Anet could have provided to get them without depriving them of their “outstandingness”

    6) There is a bunch of other ways to enjoy this event which are not related to how you are dressed.

No thanks Anet for this event.

7) Judging this event only through the drop rates, and not the whole free content (dozen of events, two enjoyable PvP games, one challenging JP, a dungeon, special event-related foes and items, LA relooking, …) is kind of an insult to their hard work.

So, yes, you were unlucky, but life is so, and it’s a shame if it prevented you to enjoy the whole event.

Have a nice day.

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

The only thing above blue I got from anything event-wise were crafting materials for the event – chattering skulls, nougats, etc. I guess Zommoros did give me a recipe for a hell of a lot of candy that one time for a craft that I don’t do.

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Flubble.8093


i got on my ranger an exotic heavy mad king coat and shoes from chests, the soulbound slippers from the clocktower and a superior mad king rune recipe from one of those mad king chests i made at the mystic forge.

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

I got an awesome uber “Toilet Paper”, best exo ever.

Dungeon Master ME Fractal Guild Promoter

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Dominae.3146


If I thought it was possible, I’d swear my DR is stuck in the “on” position.

I ran MK’s dungeon just short of 30 times. He dropped WHITE gear for me EVERY time, including the first time I did it.

Only once did I get a yellow out of the chest, and it was a level 78 speargun .. which, weirdly, two other people in the group got the exact same one from the exact same chest.

Well, unless you count the stupid rare/yellow 1 time use transform potion I got. That’d make 2 yellows in almost 30 runs.

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Thunderstruck.5368


I really didn’t have enough free time to play all the acts thoroughly so I wont complain. Only spent about 2-4 hours on each act.

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Seras.5702


The bags were total rubbish for me. Not a single rare or recipe or anything other than candy corn & food & a few nougats & that sort of thing. I did manage to nab a piece of the Mad King’s armor from the Labrynth chest on the last night. Was really hoping for the Crossing but oh well.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: WasAGuest.4973


“Post here if u havent gotten…” – Cracks me up at the posters doing the opposite. Not that difficult folks.
I’ll join the didn’t get a rare or better crowd. Wasn’t too worried about it though. Had a great time with the scavenger hunt (hope in the future they add mostly inclusive stuff like that vs the grinders and RNG gunk).
Though, the lack of earnable holiday stuff had me back to leveling alts very quickly vs taking time out to really enjoy the holiday stuff like I was able to do for days in GW1.

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: mrhanky.7803


So basicly we got:
1 dungeon with a cool new mob and some funny dialog-
tons of different generic quests.
2 scanvenger hunts(with a really nice flaming back piece in the end)
2 pvp maps
1 labyrinth
1 jumping puzzle with a guaranted exotic at the end.
tons of other random funny crap

And all for excactly zero dollars! And u still have the nerve to complain?

And no i didnt get any of the halloween items in the dungeon either, if i was really dying to get them, they go for like 20 gold on the auction house.. And what the hell would be point of items being rare and cool, if every1 and their mom had them…

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Soja.5918


Ran it twice, once on my Ranger and again on my Necro.

On my Necro I got a Berserker’s Acolyte Mask of Rage (80 Exotic).

The Crystal Desert beckons us. Ascension awaits us.

Keirlann Aurion – Ranger – Chieftain of the Ace Guard [AceG]

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Silver Chopper.4506

Silver Chopper.4506

I did all the Halloween content, Labyrinth, 35 runs of MK and farming doors (first time I farmed anything in this game!). I didn’t get anything (rare or exotic gear). In fact I never had an exotic drop in this game (about 355 hours of play). That’s my luck with GW2.

Now, I did get exotics from fixed rewards like story completion and the clock tower, but never from random drops or chests.

Have I enjoyed the Halloween event? I did, mostly the tower and the pvp brawl.

Have I enjoyed the MK dungeon? I did for the first 5 runs, but I regret now doing the extra 30 runs because I could have played pvp brawl instead. But seeing everyone getting exotic drops left and right I was lured to try my luck. But that’s how it goes with luck. Probably next time I won’t do the same thing if I can help it.

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zii.4578


Here is all what I did/opened to try getting a rare skin from this Halloween event :
– 26 Black Lion Chests
– 40 Mad King Chests
– 700 PToT bags
– 60 to 70 runs in Ascent to Madness
– 10 to 15 chests in the Lab

All I got was a recipe for the Gift of Souls. But besides all this, even if I wanted badly The Crossing, I had great fun ! My 5 hours in the Clocktower, the doors opening, the 2 hours in the dungeon with friends and random dudes…all of this was fun. I wasn’t lucky but I might be luckier next time.

[LIFE] Zii Lodia

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Raven.5281


I got 3 rares on labyrinth trash, but none from the dungeon. Bad luck is bad luck. I did get a black lion salvage kit, so I’m happy about that.

Edit: Also it was mentioned by Anet yesterday(ish) that MF does not affect chests.

(edited by Raven.5281)

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Aurelian Omenkind.2470

Aurelian Omenkind.2470

missed out entirely on the MK dungeon due to accidentally deleting my game install Sunday. Took 3 days to re-download. I’m disappointed, but I’m not upset because (a) I’m just trying to get a pretty for my character, not for my house, and (b) I’m not alone in my lack.

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Efaicia.3672


I got a yellow hunter recipe the first time i did it o.O

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

Now, I did get exotics from fixed rewards like story completion and the clock tower, but never from random drops or chests.

Pact weapons are rare trash, not exotics. Be sure you’re not alone, a very little number of players around the world got anything valuable from this horrible event.
Even the back needs a waste of 1 fine transmute, to be something useful

Dungeon Master ME Fractal Guild Promoter

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cerise.9045


This sums up my feelings for this event

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: bpphantom.8243


For those complaining that the event was a grind… why did you grind? I tried the tower a couple of times, decided it wasn’t for me, went and did my Dailies. I hopped into the Labyrinth whenever a door offered it ad just enjoyed until I wanted to go back. The MK Dungeon I ran 8 or 9 times total just because it was fun and quick.

Also: Random number generator is random.

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Then leave the rest to Batman.”

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Venirto.4208


The main problem with this dungeon is that the loot was TOO RANDOM. I’ve seen people who had like 10 exotics a day, while other’s didn’t even get one after 20+ runs. It’s hard to call it just a luck if someone gets on average 1 exotic per 3 runs while someone else gets 1 exo per 20 runs…

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Dualius.4916


I got an exotic from Fort Cadence while getting the last page, but I think that had close to nothing to do with halloween.

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Liq.4290


Tons of chests opened. Both mad kings and black lion chests… nothing valuable. Did the dungeon lots of times. Nothing more than a few greens and blues.
A few people didn’t get kitten while doing this quite hardcore while some who only did it like twice or 3 times and got exotics and skins both from chests and dungeon. I know it’s RNG and yes I think RNG sucks big time and yes I know I didn’t have to participate but it’s kinda hard not to… and yes I’m cranky like a little girl.

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Finaldeath.1059


I only got greens in it, best i got was an ecto from a bag. But it seemed like every run i did at least 1 person got an exotic and/or one of the event skins. One of my runs i only got was 2 low level crafting mats, that was the last run i did because i didn’t want to waste another second in that dungeon after getting that kind of drop.

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

1) ‘seems foolish to say that, but they are called exotics because they are not common but rare and outstanding. That’s what makes them valuable and desired. You want the majority (I will consider your concern coms from altruism) to obtain one of them. This is a contradiction. Same for the simple rare items, just take out the outstanding.

Not for the vast majority of the people who posted in this thread in their MK runs it would seem. Maybe I should use terms like yellow text items and orange text items in the future to avoid confusion.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

Tons of chests opened. Both mad kings and black lion chests… nothing valuable. Did the dungeon lots of times. Nothing more than a few greens and blues.
A few people didn’t get kitten while doing this quite hardcore while some who only did it like twice or 3 times and got exotics and skins both from chests and dungeon. I know it’s RNG and yes I think RNG sucks big time and yes I know I didn’t have to participate but it’s kinda hard not to… and yes I’m cranky like a little girl.

Are little girls inherently cranky? I tot old men are. But hey whatever. Everybody gets a handout but me; its ok.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

The main problem with this dungeon is that the loot was TOO RANDOM. I’ve seen people who had like 10 exotics a day, while other’s didn’t even get one after 20+ runs. It’s hard to call it just a luck if someone gets on average 1 exotic per 3 runs while someone else gets 1 exo per 20 runs…

Err try 0 generic orange text items in 40 runs. Wasnt expecting the Mad moon, Crossing etc. as mentioned. If I got it great; if not ok. And it seems that quite a few got 2 these Halloween skins in a few runs.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lalangamena.3694


I didn’t get anything, so what?

I wasn’t expecting nothing.

its a chance, random, pure luck…

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

My boyfriend got an exotic on his first and only run, I got one on my fourth and last run. Guess we were both lucky. ^^

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Serval.6458


In maybe 70-100 MK runs I got probably 10 (maybe a little more) sub-80 exotics, 1 or 2 lvl 80 exotics, a lvl 80 Mad King armour piece, 3 or 4 Black Lion keys, 3 or 4 Black Lion salvage kits and 2 Arachnophobias.

Luck’s gonna luck.

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: C Gunner.9406

C Gunner.9406

Got that ghostly grinning shield skin gonna make a huge amount of dosh.

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


I got an exotic my second time, some leather shoulders, not too grand that ended up being salvaged for the rune.

Rest of times was blues/greens and not any BLTC items.

Didn’t run it too much though…maybe 5 or 6 times.

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

In maybe 70-100 MK runs I got probably 10 (maybe a little more) sub-80 exotics, 1 or 2 lvl 80 exotics, a lvl 80 Mad King armour piece, 3 or 4 Black Lion keys, 3 or 4 Black Lion salvage kits and 2 Arachnophobias.

Luck’s gonna luck.

2 arachnophobia, not 1. When the rest of the world just got trash, some even get 2. Absurd.

Dungeon Master ME Fractal Guild Promoter

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: tenavis.8942


To summarize: RNG isnt broken if you got exotics. It is if u didn’t. If I bought a die and rolled it 40 times, I would expect it get a 6 at least once. If not, I would expect the die to be rigged or faulty in some way.

If one person rolls a 6-sided “legit” die 40 times, there is a 99.93% chance that he/she will roll one, or more, 6’s.

However, if 1000 people each roll a 6-sided “legit” die 40 times, there is about a 50/50 chance that one of those people will not roll a single 6.

Does that mean that that one person’s die is “rigged or faulty?” Absolutely not.

To make matters worse, as opposed to the example above, we don’t even know what the probability is of obtaining a rare or exotic in a chest. I suspect it is lower than one-in-six. I could be wrong. Either way, a large group of people completed the Mad King’s dungeon. It is not at all shocking that a non-zero fraction of that group (itself, a large number of people) walked away with no rares or exotics (including some that completed the dungeon multiple times). Does that mean that the RNG is “rigged or faulty”? Absolutely not.

Post here if u havent gotten at least a RARE item from Halloween

in Halloween Event

Posted by: tenavis.8942


The main problem with this dungeon is that the loot was TOO RANDOM. I’ve seen people who had like 10 exotics a day, while other’s didn’t even get one after 20+ runs. It’s hard to call it just a luck if someone gets on average 1 exotic per 3 runs while someone else gets 1 exo per 20 runs…

Could you please define for me what you mean by “TOO RANDOM”? It appears that you are cherry-picking data from an event in which (hundreds of?) thousands of people participated.