Post here if you GAVE UP on the Clocktower!

Post here if you GAVE UP on the Clocktower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: fantomethetaru.3416



I was not in the least bit fazed by the difficulty of the clock tower. In fact, I never had so much fun being challenged like that in a while, so thank you for making such a great puzzle! I completed it with an asura, and yes it may get a little aggravating to find one’s character amidst all the other players, but I think it adds to the challenge. Please, please please don’t ever dumb down the difficulty just because people complain about it. But, as you’ve said, it probably exponentially frustrated people because it was part of a holiday event.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Aye.8392


Josh Foreman

Aurelian Omenkind.2470:
Tried 4 or 5 times, then said “nope, I’m’a farm some more candy corns.” Been happy since.

When I made this map I was HOPING that people who aren’t into jumping would do exactly this. They’d see a fun Halloween looking environment, maybe get to the first chest and snag a goodie, then be on their merry way. I see now it was a mistake to make the hardest jumping challenge in the game part of an in-your-face update like a holiday event. I’m not going to stop making difficult stuff like this, they just won’t be so prominent in the future. I honestly hate making people upset and have a very high level of empathy. So it’s been hard hearing all the people that are so angry, frustrated and sad because of something I’ve made. But it’s just another lesson learned.

It makes me horribly sad to hear that you won’t be doing this again for holiday events. I gave up and never got it, but I really enjoyed the attempt. I played for about an hour and a half, and I enjoyed the people that were in the group with me, added a couple to my friend’s list and then went my merry way. So, while you’re getting lots of very vocal “this sucks” comments, please know that there are a ton of us that enjoyed the challenge even if we weren’t up to completing it. I like the thought of having some really tough things on a deadline, so if you make it you make it and if you don’t… Well, better luck next time.

Empathy is great, but so is objectivity. This puzzle was good for the game.
Sorrows Furnace

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Matter.4783


I gave up on it too. It was an interesting challenge for a bit, but it reminded me a bit too much of the very old-style platformers that permitted not a single failure or glitch. That’s somewhat tolerable when the challenge is based on factors you can totally control (i.e., your own movements) but not when there’s lots of stuff that you can’t (e.g., weird camera positioning, not able to see your own character, objects that my avatar clips through). Kudos if you did it, though.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Wor Machien.9657

Wor Machien.9657

In GW1, there was a point where I couldn’t do UW. It was difficult for my skill level. I accepted that I couldn’t do everything in the game. No need to complain. It wasn’t blocking my progress from enjoying the game. I’m not good competing with others during some of the holiday events in GW1 as well. Passed up on those as well.

I spent 3 hours on the clock tower. Very fun and rewarding challege. I don’t think Josh has to apologize for anything…he did nothing wrong. People moaning about not being able to do the clock tower need to accept their limitations and just move on. There were plenty of other Halloween festivities to enjoy.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bohun Martell.8963

Bohun Martell.8963

This puzzle was great. It took me hours to learn, but satisfaction is priceless.
It was the best part of the event IMO. Please, make more of those..

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Renegade.3659


I did it twice and I’m only mad because the second time all I got were 9 trick-o-treat bags.
Keep up the good work Josh.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Elarii.2756


I’m curious as to whether all these vocal players that seem to think keeping this jumping puzzle tied to a holiday achievement would still redo it over and over and over again, just for fun, if there was no reward after the first completion?

(edited by Elarii.2756)

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Swag.4923


Puzzle was great—and would have been quite enjoyable if not for the fatties. If the puzzle didn’t force people into groups due to the pacing it wouldn’t have been an issue (as people could have simply spread out a bit).

I hope to see more race/moving jump puzzles in the future, but not as part of special, time-constrained events.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Babai.7531


I gave up after several hours of that sadistic torture. Clock Tower was a nice concept that can be a perfect jumping puzzle that meet a awful realization.
I cant even imagine why developers thought that mixing a lot of people with same instance that requires very precise and timed jumps can be fun. If you play small sized character you have abysmally low chances. Yes, if you have a perfect memory and reflexes of teenager or eat some nootropics drugs you can memorize route and do it even without looking on screen. Sadly huge part of player base not these teenagers.
Also there is a network lag that affect jumping. If you have perfect connection with low ping you can do puzzle, but not all have it. With average ping, lots of HUGE norns and charrs in bulky armors that colored like they just come from some Love parade, and several strategically placed invisible collision boxes that block your movement it turns into freaking torture.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Plague.5329


I finally managed to complete it after memorizing the whole run enough that I could get past the WAVE OF MEAT that obstructs your vision almost completely at the start of the puzzle.

The difficulty of the puzzle is this:

1) MEAT – Norn, Charr, extremely pale naked people.
2) The start. The first “wait cog” causes everyone to bundle together, masking your vision. You can’t see the puzzle, much less perform it.
3) The start #2. The beginning has a lot of “junk” in the way that causes you to slip off weird jagged parts of the rubble you had to jump on. You can perform the same jump a dozen times and land on three different places because of tiny variations. The fact that you can’t see them because of gigantic norn versions of the guy from Powder and angry speech bubbles does not help.
4) The “long jump cog.” At this point people have started dying because they don’t have the paths memorized enough to get past MEAT MODE. This one cog you have to make a nearly perfect long jump to, on one of its “teeth.”
5) The “tiny beam.” I always slipped off the left edge after landing perfectly because of the angle. You just have to use the stepping stone and take an extra couple seconds to be very careful here, which means speed running everything up to this point.

After that it’s honestly easy, but you need to fail a couple times to memorize where the puzzle wants you to go. The puzzle, aside from basically one spot (the tiny beam) is actually really easy, for the most part. The main difficulty is that everyone spawns and runs together, so you can’t see what you’re doing, and more importantly, you can’t learn where anything is because you can’t make that initial progress.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Medi.1670


Please don’t be discouraged from this kind of content! I’ll admit that I’m not an amazing gamer and it took me hours to build up the muscle memory for this, but it ended up being one of the most fun and addictive activities for me across the entire event. It was AWESOME! Please don’t be put off by people whining.

Got the slippers on all 5 characters.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Wulfsbayne.8401


I did not complete it, and MANY times I wished for bad bad things to happen to the creator of this GENIUS mad hard jumping puzzle, but only because it was so fiendishly hard. However, I spent HOURS upon hours having fun trying, raging in chat (in a joking manner) and just having a ball.

Josh, I think for one you should keep doing what you are doing. As others have said if you can make PERMANENT jumping puzzles that are this hard I do not think anyone is going to mind at all. The one and only request for the future is thus:

For holiday / time limited puzzles, have a “hard mode” and a “noob” version. Let the “noob” version ONLY complete the achievement. No reward other than getting the check mark in the achievement tab. Hard mode can have the exotic rewards etc. Sure I would have liked to have got the slippers but not getting them is in NO way bothering me. Knowing that there was the one event that I spent literal HOURS on and still have a blank achievement slot on….does just a little.

Not enough to whine or cry over, I feel that it was a rousing success all the way around, but do not take this as a “mistake”, just now that you know that some people feel this strongly about completing content don’t “gate” an achievement behind a Champion level puzzle, when more than a few people still have issues with completing “Veteran” level ones =P

Main: Dariak Wulfsbayne (Norn Ranger)
Proud member of [OMFG]

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lystic.3908


This jumping puzzle has been one of the most rewarding activities yet, It was an absolutely fantastic puzzle. It saddens me that people are complaining about it. If anything we should salute the people who came up with it, and ask for more of the same caliber.


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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Narf.5902


I didn’t really have much free time during the duration of event, so i couldn’t invest a lot of time in CT at once. However, i would have probably finished it if my camera did not lag at least once on every attempt causing my char to jump into toxic death. One time I was finally near the end i suddenly just got the death screen and was back in the lobby. While i was walking normally on a beam in my screen, due to lag serverside i walked straight off it into the big empty. After that i pretty much gave up.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Nooo, don’t apologize for this.

The Clock Tower was awesome in it’s difficulty. It was exactly what I wanted from an (and the people complaining please read this with extra detail ) 100% optional, for-fluff activity in a seasonal event.

Thank you so much for the Clock Tower, really!
The only thing I’d change is maybe have the porting NPC warn people that this is known to be extremely difficult, and not for everyone.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Twomix.5384


I’m so horrible with hand-eye coordination games. My Super Mario Brothers skill has rusted too much.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ald.9418


There’s nothing wrong with the difficulty. What is wrong is the fact that it’s instanced and i have to do it with 20 other people on my screen.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Twaddlefish.6537


Josh. HEY, JOSH.

Don’t stop making puzzles like this. I want my kitten to be kicked. I want to scream in frustration at the number of times I die only to get to the top and scream with elation.

This isn’t kitten Wars 2: Let’s All Have A Lovely Cup Of Tea & Snuggle A Fuzzy Unicorn. We’re saving the world, here. Come Wintersday I want to scale a giant Christmas tree where baubles explode and the candy canes are wrenched off by oversized children because I want a game where you’ve gone “Hey. kitten you guys, the treasure at the top is mine and I’ll be god kitten if you’re getting hold of it”.

It’s a fantastic puzzle, and I completed as a norn and completed to the top running with a Charr. You’re the dog’s balls mate, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jski.6180


I was not able to beat it but i still loved it. I want there to be things in this game that i cant do it gives you something to try to work for in the long run. Please keep adding in hard things for these events and out side of event. It gives real meaning to the game please do not give into to the ppl who want things to just be given to them with out putting any true work into it.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cyferwolf.1089


When I made this map I was HOPING that people who aren’t into jumping would do exactly this.

Please know there are many that did. I gave it a shot for about 10 tries, decided it just wasn’t happening for me, and happily went on to do other things. I’m glad you’re still going to make hard jumping puzzles, please don’t be discouraged because some people received this one poorly. There are many of us who are totally fine with having things in the game we can’t master, and are willing to walk away.

I think the only way you might have redone this is to put in a tiered set of achievements for this part, where reaching the first chest got you the first tier and was enough to finish off the event achievement, but where getting to the top got you the top tier and something extra.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rainfall.4017


This is a sad day. The clock tower was one of the most rewarding pieces of content in Guild Wars 2. If this means a lack of these things in the future. That’s a huge shame, and i beg you to reconsider Josh.

Let’s have a small new’s flash? Most Jumping puzzles in the game are ridiculously easy. This is what most jumping puzzles should be like…. please do more, and don’t cut down…

Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: racta.4250


I loved the puzzle. It really was the only part of the event that I genuinely liked.

The difficulty was awesome. It’s awesome that GW2 embraces jumping as much as it does, but taking it to this level was incredible. I like to think I’m an excellent jumper, always have. This really tested me and brought my ‘A’ game out.

The joint effort was really cool. It let me simultaneously compete against the map and against my friends. The charr and norn added a new challenge to recognize which one was me. Bright yellow floppy hat dye helped with that as well.

The timed aspect was another amazing addition. It got my heart pumping and really made the success worth it. It also made the failure so frustrating especially when you fail at an early stage and have to wait. The whole dynamic was enthralling.

And the best part was that it only had a so-so reward which meant it wasn’t necessary to complete. Many of my guildies had a lot of frustrating fun attempting it, but didn’t feel washed out because they quit an hour later.

Please make another tough-as-nails jumper in the next event! The thought of getting to face the hardest stuff you can throw out and have a new one every few months will really keep me interested outside of WvWvW all the time.

-Phinz the Mountain Goat

[Bush] – Dragonbrand

Post here if you GAVE UP on the Clocktower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Aajolea.8132


Tried over perhaps 6-8hrs , in multiple sessions. Farthest i got was a little beyond the drop part, but not the switch back part. Over the course of trying and heeding advice, watching successful attempts, ignoring other players, i think my greatest issue is just age and lacking reflexes i had 20 years ago (and finding that extremely frustrating, knowing i have done all other JPs available).

Reflecting on it, its good to have high difficulty challenges. But the disappointment in admitting defeat due to your own ability (rather than luck or another players pvp) is unsuprisingly not that fun.

If appearing next year, i’d keep the format it as is, but with no gear rewards (exotics etc) and just a title, so the ‘carrot’ for it is purely just the challenge, and folk are less likely to feel they missed a special item or others allowed to farm it.

Update: Completed it after a few more hours just now

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rainfall.4017


Just one more thing… If you don’t do these for Special event’s that’s fine. But please stick them in as permanent content updates!

Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.

Post here if you GAVE UP on the Clocktower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: UndeadPriest.8632



First, I just want to say The Clocktower puzzle was awesome and
the Mad King Battle Map was incredibly fun,
My guildies and I played around in the Mad King Battle Map for quite awhile even after beating the Mad King.

Your Map designs are very Imaginative, Challenging, and most importantly Entertaining.
So, Keep Up the Good Work!!! :-)

Now that said, I would like to provide some hopefully useful feedback.

While it wasn’t necessarily your fault,
I would try and get a more solid answer about key things like
whether it will be solo-instanced or group instanced before you finalize your design
Because frankly having to run this as part of a group was one thing in particular that I found extremely frustrating.
Waiting the two minutes or so for others to reach the top before I could try again,
may not be much time in reality,
but with so many other fun things you could be doing in GW2,
it feels like an eternity in game, especially if you fail repeatedly like I did.

Now I realize that this one is more subjective,
but considering that “Holiday” puzzles are limited time offers
and the whole “I missed out” feeling is not exactly the goal during Holidays.

I would offer the suggestion that if time permits that instead of hiding the content you consider adding “tiered” levels to your jumping puzzles.

So you would create the first section that is well within the casual persons reach, and offer a really small reward at the end (e.g. 1 trick or treat bag)

If the person continues on through the next more difficult section and completes that, they can get a better reward (e.g. 3 trick or treat bags)

and so forth with harder sections until you get to the super hard sections that very few are expected to complete, that offer whatever the top reward is.

This would allow everyone to “try” the puzzle and get a sense of accomplishment,
but still allow you to keep from having to “dumb it down”. (Yuck!)
Plus, an additional option is you could grant the reward automatically into their inventories, and thus not break up the flow of your jumping puzzle.

(Note I’m only suggesting this for Holiday Jumping puzzles, I don’t care one way or the other for Jumping Puzzles that are available all year round, as people can run this as much as they want, whenever they want.)

Finally, I know adding a First Person Camera view is not likely in your purview.
(You can add my vote to those requesting this, for whatever powers may be)

So until a First Person mode is added I guess shudder in the knowledge that there’s not much that ruins a extremely well designed map (ya know like the one’s you make)
more than issues with a players interface.

Just my $.02

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: RedDwarf.1430


I enjoyed the idea of the clock tower, but there where just to many little things that made it impossible to do. As a Asura I had the problem that even if I was in a group of only humans (Never) my character was completely hidden from view 75% of the time.
My other problem was having to wait for up to 40 seconds to retry the puzzle. I feel that I could have complicated it after a reasonable number of attempts if I was allowed to go solo.

If giving each player their own instance of the clocktower would be un doable do to server constrictions than the problem still could have easily been fixed by make only a players own character visible to them while climbing the tower. heck if you still wanted to make it feel like a race maybe only 4-5 same race characters could also be made visible to each character.

TL;DR: Difficulty was acceptable but overall made impossible by the other players (especially for Asura). Next time let us go solo make the other players invisible to us.

(edited by RedDwarf.1430)

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: SirMehr.4592


Please don’t make any changes. I loved all the Halloween festivities. Especially the Clock Tower. I’ve seen several people referencing to old school platform game difficulties. Yeah this was hard, which made it that much more rewarding to beat it. That’s how games used to be. However, today everyone feels like they are entitled to be carried to the finish line because they grew up being told they are a winner even when they lose. I remember growing up and if a game was super difficult it got the most attention, and not in a negative way. The more difficulty meant the more skill that was required to beat it. Some may just be naturally good at gaming, but I think the majority of us invested our youths in difficult games building up that skill level. The Mad King Tower reminded me so much of my younger gaming years. I spent hours learning the Tower puzzle. It’s ins and outs, when to jump or where to place my feet. I can definitely say I died a lot. Then I beat it once …. then twice… and kept practicing until I could beat it nine times out of ten. I spent a lot of that time sharing tips so other could learn from my efforts, and I learned much from other gamers doing the same. In fact I saw a lot of amazing gaming spirit going on during my Tower runs. People were coming closer as a community. Cheering each other on and trying to help everyone out as a whole. Personally I think the difficulty of the puzzle was spot on. Hard enough to create goals in beating it, but not so hard that it was completely impossible. There are many types of gamers, so things like this are not for everyone. But Guild Wars isn’t a single minded game. It has something in there for everyone. Yeah there are people who will feel cheated since they are unable to get something they wanted, but I believe that they should earn that title or piece of gear. Besides the gear was fully available to get in other ways. I know I have two pairs of slippers now thanks to drops in the Labyrinth. I want to thank the Dev for this great piece of work that will definitely fit into gaming history.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: AsteriskCGY.5931


Eh I like the stuff you’re running on not have so many random protrusions that stop your movement or push you off the edge. Narrow platforms are fine but make it clear where I should land on.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: JackDaniels.1697


The problem with this event is that there is an achievement and a reward attached to the completion of the tower.
The reward can be bought at the TP from other players who choose to sell them, but the achievement can only be had by actually getting it done.
Achievement junkies defenitely won’t be happy with this. And now they have an empty bar staring at them and never having the chance to get it done again.

“I got a fever! And the only prescription, is more COWBELL!”

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Dashrider.9360


this was the best part of halloween honestly. just put it in next year, and everyone will have the chance to beat it again.

I am not a number!
I am a MAN!
YOU are number 6…

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Account.9832


I think it is unfortunate that they design an event that puts you at a disadvantage based on choices you made during character creation.

I agree that this was unfortunate. But it was not intentional. When I designed the map I thought we were going to be able to have single-player instances.

Wait, so the puzzle was designed to be single-player, and then someone decided to put 15 players in each instance?

Er… why ?

Because if the issue was just the server not having resources to launch one instance per player, there was really no need for that. You could have kept exactly the same code and simply made every other player invisible (i.e., tell the client to render only the local player model, and not the other players). In other words, each player would effectively think (s)he was in an individual instance, while the server would have exactly the same load it has now.

Personally, I like the idea of having other entities running up the tower (it adds to the sense of a mad rush), but I hate the way players block and confuse each other, so my suggestion would be to render all other players as small plastic spiders. That way they wouldn’t block the view; each player would clearly see his own character in the middle of a bunch of spiders. Maybe transform the others back to their normal models if / when they reach the last staircase, so you could see who else had made it.

The actual jumping puzzle is fine, BTW, with the exception of two places where the camera tends to get stuck (but I’d classify those as camera bugs). The issue really is the way some players (especially norn and charr) block everyone else’s view (especially of asuras).

Also annoying is how the game pops up the “overflow” message boxes right in the middle of the screen during the puzzle, but again, that is just bad design of the game UI itself (overflow messages should just be small icons on the minimap, not in-your-face modal dialog boxes), it’s not something specific to the Clock Tower.

- Al Zheimer

(edited by Account.9832)

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: roXet.3527


no need to apologize, i loved the clock tower! My wife and I completed it on all of our characters. It was great!

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: ImagoX.4718


I ditched it… too many other fun things going on to pound my forehead into pulp against the keyboard. Gah. I wanted to kill every Charr waving their huge, furry, screen-eclpising butts in my diminutive Asuran face.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jast.9068


I have no problem with there that are hard in the game. I had a lot of fun trying the clock tower. I think on my best run I got about half way up. Not everything in the game needs to be a cake walk.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Meagen.4098


I wasn’t even able to get to the first chest. It feels like I spent more time standing around waiting for the countdown tick down and then watching that camera pan up the tower, than I ever did jumping. Granted, I only tried about a dozen times, but each time was more frustrating and less fun than the last, so I just cut my losses and went to do other stuff.

Also, on a side note, “this is Guild Wars 2” is now my favourite response to any criticism anyone has of the game, ever. “This is Guild Wars 2, not Useful Camera Angles 2!” “This is Guild Wars 2, not Likeable Characters 2!”

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Exagorazo.9564


I have been trying this for days, with diff characters. ALWAYS get nailed at the same spot. Guess I have to see that empty bar until next year. Frustrating, but fun.

Thanks for the great event this year.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Noob Squinty.4621

Noob Squinty.4621

Never finished it and never will. Frustrated me so much and ruined my mood so I gave up completely.

The people who were able to finish it usually had the time and very good reflexes, sadly I had none of that. I do agree with lowering difficulty because on special events like these we always have lag problems, bugs and lots of disconnects.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ryth.6518


I have been trying this for days, with diff characters. ALWAYS get nailed at the same spot. Guess I have to see that empty bar until next year. Frustrating, but fun.

Thanks for the great event this year.

Which spot was that?

Never finished it and never will. Frustrated me so much and ruined my mood so I gave up completely.

The people who were able to finish it usually had the time and very good reflexes, sadly I had none of that. I do agree with lowering difficulty because on special events like these we always have lag problems, bugs and lots of disconnects.

Dont agree with lowering any difficulty at all. Reflexes, Hand Eye Coordination, etc are part of video games..and have been since the 80s. I had friends that couldn’t beat certain arcade games. Didn’t stop them from trying.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tribune.3782


I’m almost speechless.

The jumping puzzle was okay. I don’t get why so many people couldn’t finish it. It’s only about a minute of proper jumping. It took me 45 minutes to complete it the first time and only 5-10 tries (maximum) after that to do it every time!

I. Don’t. Get. It.

Thanks Josh for this content. Don’t blame yourself – there are a lot of people who can’t control their character properly and aren’t able to make a progress or learn basic movements although they had days (!) to complete it.

It’s just sad that this awesome guy has to apologize for a content.

Keep up the good work Josh!

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: JackDaniels.1697


Josh, the clock tower was amazing. I struggled big time with it but managed to complete it one time eventually.

If the event was here to stay then it’s fine the way it is, that way people can take their time to complete it when ever they want, but been a limited time event, people are going to rush it and try to complete it asap before it ends, and that creates problems.

It just seemed like this puzzle was catered more for the elite player than the casual player.

But in the end, it was a great puzzle, it really was.

“I got a fever! And the only prescription, is more COWBELL!”

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ryth.6518


When I made this map I was HOPING that people who aren’t into jumping would do exactly this. They’d see a fun Halloween looking environment, maybe get to the first chest and snag a goodie, then be on their merry way. I see now it was a mistake to make the hardest jumping challenge in the game part of an in-your-face update like a holiday event. I’m not going to stop making difficult stuff like this, they just won’t be so prominent in the future. I honestly hate making people upset and have a very high level of empathy. So it’s been hard hearing all the people that are so angry, frustrated and sad because of something I’ve made. But it’s just another lesson learned.

I hope you don’t stop making difficult stuff (sounds like you won’t). These things need to be in the game, just like their should be very very difficult dungeons that only certain players can beat due to skill and gameplay.

I think a few things I would do on the clock tower.

1. Limit the # of players in each or make it an instance dungeon for people to go in their with friends.

2. Possibly make it ‘race’ related or put everyone in the same gear. Having to hop around because of Norn and Charr that were max slider players was annoying. Just as annoying…those characters in dresses or trenchcoats.

3. You should consider making the clock tower in parts that are random per time for next year or make it even higher =).

For example…Part 1 we know was basically going up and waiting for the gears to explode out. Part 2 (at least I considered this) was when you went ‘splat’ on the gear with the chest.

You could make the clock tower random after Part 1 and have it be mix and match sections…

So if the first time is Part 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6

You could draw Part 1 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 6 – 4 the next time through, etc

Then you could have all sorts of combos to really make it crazy and more challenging.

I would have liked an achievement for doing the clock tower and getting all the chests on the way up in the same run. With a speed boost I came really really close to doing that.

Post here if you GAVE UP on the Clocktower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mehknic.2904


Just going to start by saying that jumping puzzles are easy for me. I don’t know why, but they are. That said…

Clocktower. Was. Awesome.

It was difficult (took me about 30 minutes, did it on an Asura), it was intense, it was fun. It felt rewarding (more so than a lame blue or green item on some of the permanent puzzles), and it actually made me concentrate on learning and coordination. Thank you, and please continue to make more of this sort of thing. As long as the achievement for it isn’t part of a holiday meta (which this wasn’t), I see no reason to not make hard things in the game.

[Malum Factum] – Yak’s Bend –
Mehknic || Engineer
Merknerk || Guardian

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ryth.6518


Just going to start by saying that jumping puzzles are easy for me. I don’t know why, but they are. That said…

Clocktower. Was. Awesome.

It was difficult (took me about 30 minutes, did it on an Asura), it was intense, it was fun. It felt rewarding (more so than a lame blue or green item on some of the permanent puzzles), and it actually made me concentrate on learning and coordination. Thank you, and please continue to make more of this sort of thing. As long as the achievement for it isn’t part of a holiday meta (which this wasn’t), I see no reason to not make hard things in the game.

I think ANet could have done a better ‘explanation’ of the jumping puzzle…I know lots of people the first night were confused on what was killing them…then realized that the ooze/cloud was coming up for them. Also, the mass amount of people in each just made jumping really hard for people to ‘visualize’ what was going.

We ended up staying up till like 3am EST when we got into our server version of it and there were 2 of us…finally got to see WTF was going on and then it became pretty apparent what you had to do.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Akhet.6527


Oh my god Josh no. JOSH. NO.

Please don’t hold back on creating these things just because some people got mad.

People will ALWAYS be mad about SOMETHING. There are some people that live their whole lives just raging mad, and they want to. Some people are just miserable and enjoy being miserable and dragging other people into it. Some people suck.

Not saying everyone that didn’t like the puzzle are miserable horrible people, but just pointing out that no matter what you do, a great many people aren’t going to like it. You can’t please everyone, especially on the internet where everyone is semi-anonymous.

This topic was a conduit for rage, and you shouldn’t take it too hard. Look at the scenario, someone tries the puzzle for hours on end, making themselves more and more angry the whole time. They then come on the forums, still possessed by all that anger, and post some dramatic scathing review of how terrible and horrible everything is.

Given time to chill out, I think they’d have a response that was less harsh and apocalyptic, end-of-the-world, my-holiday-is-ruined-by-pixels.

If you try to please everyone, you won’t make anyone happy.

Varien Sundfor
Council Leader of Flux Capacity [FLUX]
Tarnished Coast

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: BraxKedren.8941


I think Twaddlefish.6537 said it best in his post.

I loved the difficulty. I loved what it meant to finally beat the tower after hours of attempting it. I loved the adrenaline rush when I beat my previous best spot and made a new one and the rush to get back to that spot.

I scared my dog when I got in the tower I yelled so loud

Don’t segregate this off, it was perfect t! Only thing I’d say fix is next time everyone doesn’t bunch up on top of each other and you will be the greatest Jumping Puzzle maker ever!!

Noob in training

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Prashanth.8705


I’m posting not because I gave up on the clock tower (I actually completed it on all my five chars), but I’m posting this as a reply to the dev’s post (sorry I’m new to the forums and still working around as to how to quote).
I’ve spent about 10 hours in total finishing this madness puzzle. Been fun every single time I did it. Sure, frustration was part and parcel of this but the satisfaction I got after completing it every single time was more than worth the effort put in. At a certain point, I got so much accustomed to the puzzle that I didn’t care which lorry sized character was in front of me (sorry norns and charrs). It was groovy and most importantly, Vistas have been a walk in the park since my completion of the clock tower.
Thanks a lot Dev for this uber-hard Jumping Puzzle now I feel that the other JPs are going to be far more easier.

P.S. Sorry if there are any errors in english. It isn’t my native tongue.

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Reyck.4508


Josh, I don’t know if you’ll see my comment in this sea of replies, but….

I didn’t finish the puzzle. As I mostly play my Azura, I just could see my avatar at all in the mass of other people. If everyone else could have been made 20% transparent so I could see a ghost of them, that would have been perfect.

I really liked the puzzle and wish that I would have had the patience to just jump blindly more often. The fact that it was hard wasn’t an issue at ALL. Please don’t dumb down GW2 like other games do. Take WoW. I can watch a movie and play WoW and not die. It has become so easy it it has a hard time even being considered a “game” in my eyes.

My personal suggestion is ask yourself if there were technical hurdles like mine that prevented players from experiencing your content, and correct them in the future without loosing the integrity of the game.

A group of people racing to the top of a sinking tower – awesome. Not being able to see your avatar so it can make the jumps you need – horrible. A hard challenge that not everyone in the game can complete – awesome. A challenge made hard because the client gets in the way – horrible.

Thanks for the hard work!

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: SolarNova.1052


>>>>>@Josh Foreman<<<<<

Dont feel bad in the least.
When you design somthing in a game, and then get angry frustraited people moaning that its to hard ..for what ever reason it camera or crowds or what ever….thats the sign that you need to MAKE YOU NEXT CREATION HARDER >:)

A game designer is not doing his job right if people are not complaining its to hard. That means there are ALOT of game designers out there that r failing btw :P.

Im glad you wont be changing anything and im glad you said you will be making more like this. I do hope you keep your word. Easy has been done to death for the past 12 years or so..lets get back to normal..granted ‘normal’ will feel like ‘hard’ to those who learned to game over the past 12 years. .but thats their problem :P

Keep it up,casual gamers will moan ..but casual gamers were still casual back in the day, the harder games back then didnt bother them, its just part of todays mentality ..ignore it and move on

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Post here if you GAVE UP on the Clocktower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


I gave up on it too. It was an interesting challenge for a bit, but it reminded me a bit too much of the very old-style platformers that permitted not a single failure or glitch. That’s somewhat tolerable when the challenge is based on factors you can totally control (i.e., your own movements) but not when there’s lots of stuff that you can’t (e.g., weird camera positioning, not able to see your own character, objects that my avatar clips through). Kudos if you did it, though.

I only had camra problems my first few runs than i used the option to move it all the way to the left… no problems than ((that said the game should do this on its own. but thats not the JP falt)

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in Halloween Event

Posted by: Gralsh.9458


To the Developer, Josh Foreman:

Please please please do not stop making such beautiful puzzles. I failed the puzzle nearly 30 times before I made it half-way up. I never completed it. But I remain in awe of it.

It is a gorgeous piece of work, and I am strongly of the opinion that if there are not at least a few of these nasty monsters in the game, then we will lack challenges upon which to hone our skills.

Do not be discouraged, rather be assured that you have your admirers… and I believe they are not few in number.

Never forget, in the Interwebs: the most vocal are quite often not representative of the median sentiment.

Cheers and Suchnot,
