Post here if you GAVE UP on the Clocktower!
My ‘Give a Turtle’ vanished after learning that the mad king armor was not the actual ‘Mad King’ Skin.
Yep! I’m supposed to have fun playing the game, but cutting myself with a razor seems more fun then trying this tower again :P
Yep! I’m supposed to have fun playing the game, but cutting myself with a razor seems more fun then trying this tower again :P
Not everyone likes the same things, be happy there is enough to choose from to have some fun.
I will give up this year. But I really hope I can try that jumping puzzle next year! The clocktower is really awesome! My skill is just too bad and I have no patience and time this year.
I hope the clocktower will be there every halloween :)
I gave up on it but mostly because of limited time and wanting to do the other events. I have no problem with it being one of the Halloween activities. I hope to complete it next year but I’m going to buy a gaming mouse by then to improve my chances of completing it. My current mouse is a jumping puzzle/vista hazard.
I will give up this year. But I really hope I can try that jumping puzzle next year! The clocktower is really awesome! My skill is just too bad and I have no patience and time this year.
I hope the clocktower will be there every halloween
Wish more people had your attitude dude Hope you get it next time! If you want to practice before next Halloween I recommend this one since it’s also timed and requires fast jumping:
Best to do it naked though, I got quite a repair bill from that one when I did it :P
After many tries I think I will give up too. I’ve made 3/4 of the way to top but I either miss a jump and fall or get out of time. It’s more stressful than enjoyable experience. To go top one needs to make a perfect run, fast and precise.
I feel I could do it eventually but it’s going to slow to spend more trying this.
3/4? You’re nearly there!
Don’t know where exactly you mean with 3/4, but if you made it to the part where you jump down to the cog with chest, then do not give up!
If you can reach that, you can do the last bit more relaxed, since you’ll have relatively much time to look/prepare jumps if needed.
Thanks for the advice, Kana! I will try to beat the Spekks’ Laboratory jumping puzzle next :)
Yeah, I don’t know why I should blame the jumping puzzle. I see that many people are able to beat that tower, so I know it’s because I suck that I can’t beat it at the moment xD But I still curse like a sailor when I fall down and get frustrated. My bf can’t stop laughing at me :P
I totally love the music and design of the jumping puzzle. I even love the talking npc. It always makes me laugh when I hear them talk. Until now I even had luck with the other players. Everyone is really nice and funny. I wish I had more time this year.
I would be disappointed if they wouldn’t add the clocktower to next years halloween event. Please! Please add it next year again :)
Yep! I’m supposed to have fun playing the game, but cutting myself with a razor seems more fun then trying this tower again :P
Not everyone likes the same things, be happy there is enough to choose from to have some fun.
Hehe i was just raging there Actually just done it now
Just had to switch characters
Spekk’s Lab was tough for me and it took me a long time to get through it, mostly the part between the second and third stations, but if I missed a jump (and I missed a lot) I didn’t have to start over at the beginning, I didn’t have to sit there twiddling my thumbs waiting to try again, and while I was there I saw only one other player. After completing it (and Goemm’s Lab) I felt like I could handle any jumping puzzle the game threw at me.
So much for that notion.
@ Myrdreth
You’re welcome The fact that the tower doesn’t kill you and give repair costs is pretty nice too. It took me about 5 hours to beat it and as a bonus the other puzzles seem a lot easier after all the tower practice!
@ Midi
On SoR it got to the point where people were griefing at the tower trying to make players fall off. An event this hard to complete, this big a time sink, which also invites players to actively grief others – no thanks.
I’d be happy to never see an event like this again. The “your attitude is great” line from above is silly – any time a fail event leads to griefers you know there is an underlying flaw. This is supposed to be a fun celebration, not a grief-fest.
@ Midi
Congratz! I am so jealous*haha* :D
@ Tachenon
Next year we will be able to beat that clock tower! Don’t give up :)
@ Kana
Oh yes! Repair costs would hurt! I am glad they didn’t do that to us. And you are right. After so much jumping around, the other jps will be easier for us. At the beginning I tried to jump into the cauldron in lions arch and it was so hard for me!(I really suck at jumping puzzles in general…). But now it’s a lot easier for me :)
@ Icecat
What’s griefing? o.o
Sorry, I really don’t know what you are talking about^^°
But it sounds like it’s something to do with other players. If you land in a group full of idiots just re-enter the tower. This way you join a different group of players. I was lucky until now and haven’t had mean players in my group.
I like the jumping puzzles in the game, I just don’t like them combined with ADHD level time limits. I would have preferred to see some fighting along the way instead with more than just one jump path, even include mobs that telegraph knockbacks so you have to jump through the fighting to avoid getting knocked down, made it interesting and have some reason why there are so many other players in my face.
@ Vim
I love that idea! I hope they will make such a jumping puzzle in the future…maybe for christmas? :)
I don’t know what to tell the people that give up on this except, deal with it. Nothing should change beyond making it a personal instance next year.
I’m generally good at jumping (and other) puzzles. I’ve done all the pre-update puzzles in PvE, most of them repeatedly while helping others through them. My last game (DDO) had several puzzle oriented dungeons, along with a raid (<3 Twilight Forge), that I loved running.
I just no longer handle the timed pressure that the Clock Tower uses. It’s a great puzzle, I just personally can’t do well at it.
That’s not a problem with the puzzle, just with me.
I would like to see it come back next year, with only minor changes. Block all the griefing methods used. And, make the other player models either the same* or “ghostly” so that you can still see where exactly to land.
- But that can mess up your own jumping, if you’re used to how a charr jumps and get turned into human-like form.
Not a fan of time limits is all, I do every other jumping puzzle including the Eternal Battlegrounds one. Frankly, I think all the entitled whiners who want free loot should look at the giant naked norn who managed to complete the puzzle when they couldn’t.
no way when my model is completely engulfed inside a norm or a charr model halfway when just 3 of us remains (happened me so many times) i can definitely say its not an excuse…..
Btw i find the jumping puzzle bad designed and unfun…i usually try to complete any challenge, but in this case after some hours i just understood its just not fun, and i have many other things to do in the game that instead are fun…..
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Personaly i havent managed to finish it yet, but planning to give it another go late tonight… I like the time challenge and skill challenge on it. Only thing that is a bit of a fail in my opinion is the fact that it isnt a personal instance. As it is right now if u are a small toon, u are more or less boned when 10 charrs are blocing ur line of sight 24/7…
Tried it twice, then swore never again. I hate the jumping. Being on a timer in a mob of other people just makes it all the worse. I always feel like I’m being greifed by the devs when I’m jumping for the vistas or whatever. No thanks.
I’ve given up. I can make it just a few jumps past the exploding wall and no further. I’m too old and there’s too many other players in the way for me to see what I’m doing, and if I wait for them to move, I’m too slow to stay ahead of the liquid then. Fun puzzle, it’s just for someone younger than me
Playing a various Stormspire alt – if it’s Stormspire, it’s probably me
Guilds: Elder Prophets [EP], Principality of New Katulus (PiNK)
I had a lot of fun trying for a couple of days but I gave up once I learned it wasn’t a new skin.
I just finished making a video of my clock tower run. I hunted down a tower run that was pretty much empty and I turned off my HUD for the run so it’s easier to see where to jump in order to beat the tower. I hope it helps anyone still wanting to complete it. It took me close to 4hrs straight to complete it my first time so don’t get discouraged. The more you do it, the better you get. Good luck in there and don’t give up!
(edited by ceno.1584)
Yeah, I have a serious problem when trying any jump puzzle when someone else is there. I think I get stage fright or something. So having 8-12 people in there with me… no way I can do it. I have high hopes that if it happens again next year, they’ll consider at least having smaller groups if not allowing it to be a solo climb.
I’m with OldRodKS above.
In general though, I struggle with the stationary jumping puzzles. Judging distance in 3d apparently is beyond my abilities. ha!
I kept waiting for it to become fun and after 3 hours or so, I gave up. The fun never arrived for me.
I did have an OK time meeting and laughing with others that, like myself, ended back at the start only moments after the first pause. :P
I have several guildies that banged their heads against it for upwards near 10 hours before they got it. Another got in in four tries. They loved it… I hated it.
Personally, I hope they stay away from such designs later. My worry is they will add such a puzzle as future content ignoring actual playable fun content with story, lore and interest (this was sold as an RPG, not platformer). I wouldn’t mind such jumping puzzles added as side content (like this one was) for those that like it though – as I said, some guildies loved it, so for them, it’s a good thing. But we ALL (guildies and myself) really enjoyed the Ghost Scavenger hunt the most and wished ALL the skins had been available through playable content like the scavenger hunt vs jumping puzzles, RNG, Gem Shop buys and grindy farmfests. Would have really stretched out the content (unless we got cheap and wiki’d it).
I gave up after a couple of tries…
I gave it a good 30 mins. or so before deciding I had better things to do. Went and had fun in Reaper’s Rumble instead!
I’ve given up because only I don’t have enough time to keep trying with everything else I want to do before the Halloween event ends. If I had more time, I’d be still working on it.
I just finished making a video of my clock tower run. I hunted down a tower run that was pretty much empty and I turned off my HUD for the run so it’s easier to see where to jump in order to beat the tower. I hope it helps anyone still wanting to complete it. It took me close to 4hrs straight to complete it my first time so don’t get discouraged. The more you do it, the better you get. Good luck in there and don’t give up!
I am seriously impressed and jealous of your skills! :o
I handle the puzzles very simply. I call my daughter and she does them. I do not have the skills or the patience and she does. She LOVES them. In fact, last night, I sent her to a zone area I knew had a puzzle and turned her loose. She located the puzzle, did the puzzle and had a blast. It’s a win for everyone. I feel no regrets for having not done them myself.
Usually I try them first for awhile, fail and then when I get frustrated turn it over to her.
6 hoursish… gave up, I’m okay with it, I tried, gave it my best shot… I’ll get the pumpkins I need to carve today and then be done with the event after the party.
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
Yeah, I have a serious problem when trying any jump puzzle when someone else is there. I think I get stage fright or something. So having 8-12 people in there with me… no way I can do it. I have high hopes that if it happens again next year, they’ll consider at least having smaller groups if not allowing it to be a solo climb.
Yeah. It’s the same here. But it is more the added effect to people posing a visual distortion to me either due to their frantic movements already challenging your vulnerable tactile and timing abilities or simple occlusion (like suddenly cannot see that rock). Throw in awkward camera and actual mistakes of your own and becomes a giant clusterkitten – not trying to take a jab here.
Been trying since days, now I used the whole day so far but I think I am giving up which is something I really loathe doing lol. What’s been annoying so far I got into the purple zone and failed to jump onto some stair there and still fail due to simple misjumps in the beginning. I am sure if that were singleplayer I might have had a few hours of cursing but at the end beaten it. It’s not the first challenge ever I’ve beaten and I am usually harder towards myself than others. Every failure shames me a little. Takes longer to get a distance and realize it’s a game ’why u haff to be med?".
When I’m playing WvW I’m really playing LSD.
Ive had tons and tons of fun with the clocktower, between occurances of almost smashing my first into my keyboard. But.. I have mostly only myself to blame. So.. for my own sanitys sake, I.. no.. dont give up.. but save it for next year!
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over
I did not give up and I am posting in your thread. Zow!
I really do find the first third of the run the most treacherous. After the drop down to the 2nd chest, it’s extremely easy and you have plenty of time.
no way when my model is completely engulfed inside a norm or a charr model halfway when just 3 of us remains (happened me so many times) i can definitely say its not an excuse…..
Actually that is the definition of an excuse. Plenty of us have done in on asura (my elementalist is the smallest you can be in the game). On my asura ranger, me and a male charr completed the puzzle together.
I think people are really scapegoating the character models (external attribution) in place of their own ability to perform well under pressure (internal) as it’d be a threat to their self-esteem. The pressure or stage fright that you experience is to be expected – its social facilitation – that is easier tasks are better performed when in a group whereas harder more complex tasks (this puzzle) are harder to perform when in a group. It puts strain on us and makes the task that much more difficult. I’m sure arenanet set the puzzle up this way with this social psychology principle in mind.
As time went on, my issues were %90 camera freak out more so than other toons blocking my view. If i failed a certain jump it was mostly that my mouse fell off my pad and i couldn’t pull it back in time. I tend to over adjust since the camera hits objects and freaks out. I rarely look at my characters location, it’s actually more of a distraction then just looking forward and knowing when to jump based on my view.
I pretty much gave up after the goo got me. I realized I had gone as fast as I could and that wasn’t going to be fast enough. I’m a keyboard turner and reluctant to change so I’m ok with not getting this done. I wouldn’t want the difficulty changed because it wouldn’t feel like an accomplishment if I finished it after that. Maybe I’ll work on my mouse turning and try again next year. I enjoyed trying the clock tower and all of the other Halloween content and had a blast during the event
I only spent about 15 minutes doing the Clock Tower and I gave up. I didn’t even get that far either. I’m just not the type of player that is motivated by achievements.
HI. I just want to give you one citation from “Pierre Corneille” A Famous FR Writer.
" A Vaincre sans peril on triomphe sans gloire"
“Triumph without peril brings no glory”
Enjoy this Puzzle Game, it is awesome.
I think people are really scapegoating the character models (external attribution) in place of their own ability to perform well under pressure (internal) as it’d be a threat to their self-esteem.
Yeah. I believe that you are thinking that but I can assure you that it is incorrect. Why? Because it assumes all the players are pretty incapable of self-criticism and tend to reflect faults on others. While this may be true for some you can’t just deflect that on these grounds. As a developer anyway because a lot concerns have a high possibility to be genuine if they are brought forward from all ranges of their demographic playerbase. I know what’s my fault and what is not. Comes with my job – I am happy to add that by the way.
The pressure or stage fright that you experience is to be expected – its social facilitation – that is easier tasks are better performed when in a group whereas harder more complex tasks (this puzzle) are harder to perform when in a group.
It puts strain on us and makes the task that much more difficult. I’m sure arenanet set the puzzle up this way with this social psychology principle in mind.
No. Apparently the setup was a compromise rather than an elaborate social scheme.
When I’m playing WvW I’m really playing LSD.
(edited by Ravenblade.7685)
I gave up very quickly. If I had been able to SEE my character while doing it, probably would of given it a few more tries, unfortunately it was a zerg fest with very little room to breathe.
Excuse or not, I did not enjoy it a single bit. I am glad it is not necessary to get the Final Halloween Title.
80’s – Necro/War/Ele/Guard
To be honest, I liked having people there. It made a fairly frustrating jumping puzzle very fun due to competition.
First of all, i do NOT jump well and do not have the dexterity like other players.
And i rarely use the mouse since silly ncsoft took out the mouse-click run (mouse-click run in gw1) .
That being said, I am still able to get 100% world map completion and do some of the jump puzzles.
But the clock tower is totally UN-fun.
It’s a good concept, but poorly designed and very poorly implemented and probably not fully QA tested.
About 33% of the time, i get big races with their granny dresses blocking my view, so very hard for me to
see where i am jumping. The other 33% of the time is when any object get close to my head,
the game automatically changes to close up view, so i can only see back of my head
and can not see where to jump.
If it was just my bad jumping 33% of the time, then i would keep trying and eventually get to top.
like i do with other jump puzzles. At least i have a slim chance.
If NCsoft has fully QA tested it with little assuran race
and whole group of people running up at same time, then they would know what i am talking about.
What ncsoft developers could have done was make it a little wider and about 3-4 feet more away from
the clock wall, so people can see where they’re jumping and their view angle will not be blocked nor
automatically change to close up view by game.
I have seen the youtube video of a little assuran run up to top and get chest. But I do not know how they
manage to keep their view angle high over the shoulder constantly ..(10 feet above their shoulders)
may be they have super-dexterity and constantly change the view angle with mouse.
I even use the -testVerticalFov to see larger area, but it didn’t help.
and yes u can die from falling off clock, but i am not sure if it also damages your armor.
I hope they never bring the clock tower back
Gave it my best for over 10 hours, but I just couldn’t make it to the top. Guess I have to thank ANet for showing me I no longer have what it takes…
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
I handle the puzzles very simply. I call my daughter and she does them. I do not have the skills or the patience and she does. She LOVES them. In fact, last night, I sent her to a zone area I knew had a puzzle and turned her loose. She located the puzzle, did the puzzle and had a blast. It’s a win for everyone. I feel no regrets for having not done them myself.
Usually I try them first for awhile, fail and then when I get frustrated turn it over to her.
I’m pretty sure you just admitted to a violation of the EULA…
Kind of amusing how people assume it was QA’d before release just because someone failed it and refuses to continue. Not everyone is going to pass a test of skill.