Pumpkin Carving Doesn't Count?

Pumpkin Carving Doesn't Count?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TemperHoof.6438



I’ve completed 3 Halloween Achievements, the latest one was Pumpkin Carving. Yet, when I finished the achievement and carved 150 Pumpkins, I did get the title but it didn’t count as a Halloween Achievement towards the “Emissary of the Mad King” title.

Is this intended? If so, I feel like I just wasted my time entirely doing pointless busywork.


Pumpkin Carving Doesn't Count?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vithaar.8637


maybe it counts towards the second achievements “events completed” that will update when you do the jumping puzzle clock tower?

Not sure but we ALL have the same thing 2 on the top meter for 3 below

Pumpkin Carving Doesn't Count?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TemperHoof.6438


So far, I’m going to have to call “FOUL” on this. Pumpkin Carving is under Special Event Achievements and it clearly suggests that completed it is a requirement towards “Emissary of the Mad King”, but it looks like it doesn’t count towards anything other than it’s own title, “Master Carver”. If this is not supposed to go towards Emissary, then at least put a disclaimer somewhere, like:

This Achievement doesn’t count towards Emissary of the Mad King

Pumpkin Carving Doesn't Count?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ryze.1584


Im in the same boat as you TemperHoof and was just wondering the same thing

Pumpkin Carving Doesn't Count?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lorana.2468


it doesnt matter, if you look at the progress bar for the title you’ll see 2 events takes up around 35-40% of the bar which means doing the other 4 events is going to garuntee you get the title.

and even if it didnt, the bug would be reported and it would be fixed, you have nothing to worry about atm.