RELAX, its only Act 1...

RELAX, its only Act 1...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Dekanon.6298


Think of this event as a movie or better yet a trilogy. if Anet did their homework ( and i believe they did), they will be ramping up each act for a great finale. Each act will be more intese than the following one. mark my words, every whiner at the end of the event will be silent on the forums if not manning up and admitting they were wrong..

RELAX, its only Act 1...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: spacemayu.4817


But Act 1 is for 4 days; the most days of any of the events.

So it should have the most things to do… but it doesn’t!

All there is to do is: Farm Candycorn, Farm Haunted Doors, Get the book, carve pumpkins…

That’s it.

RELAX, its only Act 1...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zindrax.6259


Don’t forget you can carve pumpkins too to get the Master Carver title and not to mention that achievement needs to be completed if you want that Emissary of the Mad King title. If you like getting titles of course….

RELAX, its only Act 1...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cyric.7485


But Act 1 is for 4 days; the most days of any of the events.

So it should have the most things to do… but it doesn’t!

All there is to do is: Farm Candycorn, Farm Haunted Doors, Get the book, carve pumpkins…

That’s it.

Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah.

You could try to find the new jumping puzzles or the new mini dungeons, you even participate in the perpetual costume brawls in Lion’s Arch.

Losers make excuses, winners make it happen.

RELAX, its only Act 1...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Dekanon.6298


But Act 1 is for 4 days; the most days of any of the events.

So it should have the most things to do… but it doesn’t!

All there is to do is: Farm Candycorn, Farm Haunted Doors, Get the book, carve pumpkins…

That’s it.

Act 1 in any movie and or play is the longest. it sets the theme, introduces characters and establishes the direction of the rest of the story..

RELAX, its only Act 1...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: obiemvy.5632


I’m even happy with the event as it is now. It’s fun :-) and it’s hilarious running across an open grassy field to come across a…. Candy Corn the size of an Asura! LOL

The costume brawls are fun too. I’m glad I purchased the Mad King Thorn outfit… tho the witches costume is so awesome I might just have to buy it too… ANet outdid themselves with the 2 costume choices… they really are designed in an amazing way.

I’m sure Act 1 is longer because it is the first act, to warm people up to the event, to give time to fix bugs or other issues that pop up. And also, all 4 days are weekdays, so a lot of people are working or at school the majority of the day.

RELAX, its only Act 1...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TheUnNamedHero.4167


Act 1 also takes place entirely on weekdays when players have the least amount of time to play. Makes sense that it would be the longest.

2012 Halloween Tower Champion
The Lost Shores should have stayed lost.

RELAX, its only Act 1...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Drunken Mad King.8193

Drunken Mad King.8193

Act 1 also takes place entirely on weekdays when players have the least amount of time to play. Makes sense that it would be the longest.


Have fun with it at a relaxing pace. Don’t do it at breakneck pace and complain there isn’t much more.

RELAX, its only Act 1...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DumpTruck.2945


considering the majority of mmo players are the “gimme now” crowd it makes sense why there are a lot of people complaining. but if you take it into context this event is intended to be a FUN event with a touch of lore to it. and if you played GW1 it ties together their previous holiday events. i’m actually having a good time in the event because I’m looking at it in a positive light. if you have a negative crowd there will be negative comments in the just of it.

Bleedingmascara – Lvl 80 Ranger
Fort ASSpenwood – The Many Beards of Liam Neeson[MBLN]