Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Swish.2463


This is really the final straw guys.. I can handle the nerfs to the rest of the game.. no punishment to farmers who spend all day getting gold only to lay down punishments to the rest of the community who has none.. the professions still in a state of imbalance.. PvP lacking so severely in so many aspects.. but honestly This puzzle could be a ton of fun but instead it seems to have been designed by a troll who simply enjoys greifing a community.

Yes its a jumping puzzle, yes they are supposed to be difficult, but making one Timed? thats rubbish. Specifically a Puzzle that is available only once a year and needed for achievements across a board.

So anet, with your terrible design choice here that alienates anyone who: Owns a sub par computer, lacks focus, lacks honed reflexes, cannot spend several hours learning every jump, has sub par internet, gets motion sickness, or is simply a casual player… what’s it gonna be?

“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sithaco.4673


The time thing isn’t a problem, and it would be quite easy to complete if it wasn’t for…

A. Other players blocking your view and…
B. The camera being quite terrible.

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Unspecified.9142


Clock Tower achievement doesn’t count towards the title. It is completely independent. Don’t do it and you miss out on 10 Achievement points. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Ten achievement points. Hardly worth fussing over.

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sithaco.4673


I thought it did go towards our title??? What are the 5 achievements that do? Please list them for I don’t know anymore lol.

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Infidel.8412


The jumping puzzle doesn’t count towards your Emissary title. I don’t know why all the complainers choose not to listen to this part.

“Oh, but I want every single achievement in-game!” Why do you want the puzzle to be so easy that it is not an achievement.

All you get is a pair of soulbound slippers that are not salvageable. So basically wear them, or npc them. They have the exact same skin as the other lvl 70 + exotic armor drops. Oh and 10 achievement points. Just transmute a few items, or use heritage skins on a few items and you easily get 10 points.

Points don’t get you anything.

Coming from someone that took over 4 hours to complete this puzzles, and hates puzzles because I am the worst jumper on the planet.

I was a human guardian, no speed at all.

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sithaco.4673


The jumping puzzle doesn’t count towards your Emissary title. I don’t know why all the complainers choose not to listen to this part.

“Oh, but I want every single achievement in-game!” Why do you want the puzzle to be so easy that it is not an achievement.

All you get is a pair of soulbound slippers that are not salvageable. So basically wear them, or npc them. They have the exact same skin as the other lvl 70 + exotic armor drops. Oh and 10 achievement points. Just transmute a few items, or use heritage skins on a few items and you easily get 10 points.

Points don’t get you anything.

Coming from someone that took over 4 hours to complete this puzzles, and hates puzzles because I am the worst jumper on the planet.

I was a human guardian, no speed at all.

Yeah, the main reason I was freaking out was because I really badly want to get the title but I was worried I wouldn’t be able to do the puzzle. Hopefully the jumping puzzle stays in the game permanently lol.

Could someone please list the 5 achievements needed for the title? I always thought that the JP was one of them. Thx

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Infidel.8412


Halloween Huntin, Attend the party, It’s a mad king’s world, trick or treat bags opened, and halloween events for Emissary

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bananasmile.4126


Why are people getting so worked up over one thing?…It’s not like it has any game breaking rewards?…C’mon, this is just getting ridiculous.

Strikethree, Kinetix (Ki)
Aug 2012 (IoJ) → Jan 2013 (FA) → June 2013 (BG)

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Infidel.8412


So basically at this moment you should have 3 achievements. I think mad king’s world should be 3/4

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


So basically at this moment you should have 3 achievements. I think mad king’s world should be 3/4

yes, I believe I have done everything there is to be done so far and I am at 3 achievements and mad kings world is at 3/4

Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Unspecified.9142


So basically at this moment you should have 3 achievements. I think mad king’s world should be 3/4

This is exactly right. There’s still 1 zone of the Mad King’s Realm that we haven’t seen (Dev posted as much somewhere) and 3/5 for emissary.

Finishing Mad King’s World and Attend the Party are the only things you can’t do right now and those 2 will finish the 5/5 for emissary.

Again, Clock Tower and Pumpkins do not count towards the Emissary title.

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Erich.1409


I’m cool with this event, it took me like 1 hour to get the time and the skills with the mouse and camera movement (A Must) and when u nailed it’s amazing.

Keep the way it is or at least for the whiners make a race (species) option

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kromulous.4291


a·chieve·ment [uh-cheev-muhnt]
something accomplished, especially by superior ability, special effort, great courage, etc.; a great or heroic deed: Completing the Mad King’s Clocktower is a momentous achievement.

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Denial Of Service.5732

Denial Of Service.5732

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nox Aeterna.2965

Nox Aeterna.2965

K atm i got on my asura/norn

1) norn , around 50 tries
2) asura , <10 tries

Only human left.

Gear Grind: Confirmed – Searching New MMO: Found – Changing MMO: Waiting Launch

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sithaco.4673


I only have 2 achievements? ToT bags and halloween huntin’. What is the 3rd one I can complete now and how exactly do I get 3/4 of a mad king’s world. (im at 2/4)

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: CHOAM.7852


I only have 2 achievements? ToT bags and halloween huntin’. What is the 3rd one I can complete now and how exactly do I get 3/4 of a mad king’s world. (im at 2/4)

You’re missing Hallowe’en events completed.

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sithaco.4673


how do I get that?

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: CHOAM.7852


how do I get that?

During Act I, opening doors would sometimes make it an event. Right now, if the doors are not opened, there are hallowe’en DE’s on the map that would count. Also, I believe the door events inside the mad realm would count too. You only need 10.

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Celestina.2894


how do I get that?

Do any Halloween related dynamic event.

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


If they removed the achievement, I would still want to do it.
If they removed the reward at the end, I would still want to do it.
I don’t care about that. Well, I do care, but not as much as I care about completion and doing and seeing things myself.
I don’t want this to be easy and handed to me in a silver plate.
I want to do it because it’s part of the game, and I want to see everything at least once, from the first personal storyline to the last random NPC dialogue.

Removing the achievement won’t solve anything for me.

The issues that prevent people from completing it must be solved.

In my case, the worst issue is the camera. It keeps zooming in all the time so I can’t see where I am and where I’m going.

I just want to play the game, all of it.

No exceptions!

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Infidel.8412


Go to queensdale, head to a pumpkin on the minimap, and enter the door. Go through the portal. You can do the events fast there, but I think any doors now count as halloween events? At least the ones that spawn mobs.

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


I Havent finished the tower yet; however, i love it to death its very beautiful!
My only issue I have is the crappy horrid camera, it would be 500x better if the camera auto corrected as you went around the tower. Currently you are fkd if you are an Asura behind all Norn trying to adjust your camera with each jump.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: captaincrash.6528


its meant to be difficult..

Crash ~ Charr Reaper

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


a·chieve·ment [uh-cheev-muhnt]
something accomplished, especially by superior ability, special effort, great courage, etc.; a great or heroic deed: Completing the Mad King’s Clocktower is a momentous achievement.

If they added in a timed iq test puzzle, so that you needed around a 160 to pass. For me that would be quite easy. Of course making it timed would be a requirement. For some of us this would be nothing, for the vast majority of you it would be considered impossible. Yet that would still clearly fit under your definition of Achievement. Does that sound fair to you though?

I’m not complaining about the puzzle, mostly because I play platform puzzle games for fun. The puzzles here are more gimmick than challenge. Oh, you can react fast enough? Well let’s see how well you do if we make the camera have a seizure. Oh, you still managed to do it, well let’s see how you do if you can’t see. That is not a challenge, then it becomes luck.

Remove the Mist or Remove the Achievment.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Fenris.2483


In response to the OP and others annoyed about the Clock Tower JP it is NOT part of the Emissary of the Mad King Title Achieve see Anet Dev post.

Officer of Tyrian Claws 500 Strong Ehmry Bay Guild
80 Guardian |100% World Comp |“Yes I’m a Dev and
yes I’m a wolf and no you can’t touch my tail.”