Run Yourself - Mad Memoires Scavener Hunt

Run Yourself - Mad Memoires Scavener Hunt

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sir Morgan Malory.2069

Sir Morgan Malory.2069

When getting pages for the scavenger hunt for an under leveled char. Instead of waiting for a group to clear a path through dungeon. You can switch over to your main character, clear your own path. Then relog with you alt low level char and run to pages before mobs respawn.

Incase this wasn’t obvious to you already. I was on my 7th scavenger hunt waiting for a group to kill the campion to get 6th page, before releasing I could open the end dungeon door this my main and relog… it was a real facepalm moment.

Run Yourself - Mad Memoires Scavener Hunt

in Halloween Event

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


I always thought the mobs would respawn by then but good to know.