Screenshots of Mad King's Armor?

Screenshots of Mad King's Armor?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Firebelley.6129


More specifically the crown. I’m looking for a new helm and I was wondering if the Mad King’s Crown (light armor version) is a unique skin or not.

Screenshots of Mad King's Armor?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: RenRen.5706


It’s not. It’s Leather/Seer/Pit Fighter skins.

Screenshots of Mad King's Armor?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Firebelley.6129


It’s not. It’s Leather/Seer/Pit Fighter skins.

Ah, thanks. That’s disappointing, I would have thought it would have been all sweet looking and whatnot

Screenshots of Mad King's Armor?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: jokeshop.9548


No, it’s not those, they have unique skins, it’s just the tooltips are the same.

Screenshots of Mad King's Armor?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: illgot.1056


I saw a pair of the slippers and they were duelist leather model.

Screenshots of Mad King's Armor?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cilph.6758


Same skin as Leather/Seer/Pit.

Screenshots of Mad King's Armor?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sherbniz.5938


I can confirm this, someone posted some parts into chat, and they look like the Lvl 70 exotic set.

Screenshots of Mad King's Armor?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: ayimera.7028


Also can confirm, the light armor is exactly like the lvl 76-80 Acolyte set. I had the hat drop, previewed it, sold it (I will be angry if they retroactively change this skin).