Sorry but I have no idea of wth is going on...what events?
3rd party sites~ well, was how I found out.
Some of the random things are mostly self explanatory but it does appear to be chaos from the get go. It would be a nice edition to have a party NPC that could explain some things and give a little direction to those who may need it.
Map chat happens to be an excellent resource for these kind of questions. I don’t know about you, but big icons on my map attract my attention quite easily. Take the big Jack ‘o’ Lantern over the event NPC’s head? Yeah its sort of a no-brainer for that being a good place to start.
Yes its a shame there wasn’t some sort of in game mail explaining what can be done, or which NPC to start at etc so all level of game players can partake in the event without being confused. I think that would be more player friendly then just leaving everyone to panic about what is happening.
I only found out what was happening when I stumbled onto the event located on the map at LA, then everything else from a wiki site.
I was wondering why there wasn’t something to start everyone off in game, like a clue or a mail. I guess I’m too used to playing other games that do that.
There is the news post, but its cloak and dagger to add drama and atmosphere. Which is great, but not everyone knows to look at that. (Again, maybe something in-game to mirror that would help).