Stop complaining about the Clocktower

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DeathCrayon.5802


Once you know how to do it it’s simple/ I’ve done it twice on each of my characters so far, and it took me about 30 minutes of attempting it before I managed to get it down the first time.

The only reason I could understand people complaining is if you’ve tried it 4-5 times and given up. Honestly. The more you try the easier it gets, and completing it actually feels rewarding. So don’t go kittening about how you’ve spent “8 hours” doing it because in reality it’s nowhere near as hard as you guys are making it out to be unless you have some kind of disability or insanely slow reflexes, and even then you just have to keep going until you know the path, since once you know what you’re doing, speed isn’t even a limiting factor.

The only valid arguments I’ve seen so far:
-Elementalists Air attunement get increased speed if traited right. This is a valid problem and should be addressed, but yet, it doesn’t affect you in any way. How does the speed of one person affect you?
-Body blocking.

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Airyll.7849


Oh man this is original.

“If I can do it, CLEARLY all of you can because you and I must be exactly the same, like, totally clones. Therefore the fact I can do it invalidates any opinion you may have because I am holier than thou.”

Seriously though, here, have a few other issues with this event:

- camera bugging out on the environment at certain angles. For bigger characters who tend to be zoomed out further, this is more prominent than on smaller characters.
- warriors can take in a banner with them to AoE buff EVERYBODY. You know, everybody. Including you, the guy in the middle of a jump who then suddenly overshoots it because HOLYGEEZSWIFTNESS.

There are actual several very valid arguments as to where this puzzle is frustrating and it has nothing to do with the jumps, the timer, or the puzzle. It has everything to do with the exploits, the uncaught bugs and the people you try to play with to complete the puzzle – but almost 100% of the time end up playing against instead.

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

This puzzle isn’t hard. It is designed absolutely terribly. I can easily complete it if I get lucky enough to not have the norn warrior zerg who think it’s amazingly funny to grief people in this map.

It’s not hard. It doesn’t need nerfed. It needs *FIXED*. And we should complain about broken content as much as possible, otherwise A-net will never do anything about it. Remember Shadowform?

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Giles Marchand.6970

Giles Marchand.6970

No really, people need to stop making new threads about the Mad King’s Clocktower, once you’ve done it the first time it’s simple. When you solve a puzzle you use through trial and error to figure out what works and what doesn’t if jumping a certain way onto a certain object gives you a bad camera angle logic would be not to do that again. I can tell you that the way I get to the top without failing 8 or 9 times in a row doesn’t have any “bugging out on the environment camera angles” I’m a Charr warrior.

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Krag.6210


This puzzle isn’t hard. It is designed absolutely terribly. I can easily complete it if I get lucky enough to not have the norn warrior zerg who think it’s amazingly funny to grief people in this map.

It’s not hard. It doesn’t need nerfed. It needs FIXED. And we should complain about broken content as much as possible, otherwise A-net will never do anything about it. Remember Shadowform?

You don’t have to see your character do complete this, it’s just a matter of rythm and timing.
Or consider all the other players part of the challenge as well.

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Amonde Daneren.2380

Amonde Daneren.2380

You don’t have to see your character do complete this, it’s just a matter of rythm and timing.
Or consider all the other players part of the challenge as well.

Yeah you don’t even need a working computer… clearly all you have to do is L2P.

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Krag.6210


Guess so.
Probably the same guys who can’t get past the lasers in CoE or bees in TA.
Bad design is the new fancy word for trial and error.

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Feothyr.6072


You don’t have to see your character do complete this, it’s just a matter of rythm and timing.

It’s not on you to decide whether I need to see my character or not. Fact is, the jumping puzzle is more difficult for people with smaller characters. For a lot of players this is a disadvantage, which needs to be fixed.

Goroth – Necro | Valea – Mesmer
Naneth – Guardian | Brannoc Oakbark – Ranger
Is all that we see or seem just a dream within a dream?

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Binary Rain.4869

Binary Rain.4869

Congratz. you made it through in 30 minutes. Lucky you. But this seems to be only for better players, but for some reason i am unable to complete it AT ALL. I HAVE spent 8 hours on this puzzle, and this is no exageration. No i do not have insanely slow reflexes. I am just some reason unable to do it. Arena Net did make this far too hard, especially with all the bugs that have been hindering me, not to mention giant norns.

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DeathCrayon.5802


Oh man this is original.

“If I can do it, CLEARLY all of you can because you and I must be exactly the same, like, totally clones. Therefore the fact I can do it invalidates any opinion you may have because I am holier than thou.”

Seriously though, here, have a few other issues with this event:

- camera bugging out on the environment at certain angles. For bigger characters who tend to be zoomed out further, this is more prominent than on smaller characters.
- warriors can take in a banner with them to AoE buff EVERYBODY. You know, everybody. Including you, the guy in the middle of a jump who then suddenly overshoots it because HOLYGEEZSWIFTNESS.

There are actual several very valid arguments as to where this puzzle is frustrating and it has nothing to do with the jumps, the timer, or the puzzle. It has everything to do with the exploits, the uncaught bugs and the people you try to play with to complete the puzzle – but almost 100% of the time end up playing against instead.

I’ve run this puzzle many times and I’m yet to see a warrior able to carry the banner into the puzzle, so excuse me if I’m doubtful.

What I meant to say was that some of us actually enjoy the challenge and won’t appreciate if Anet makes it easier just because some people are crying about it being too hard.

I agree, some of the bugs need to be fixed, but this was directed mainly towards those complaining solely about the difficulty.

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Giant norn. Giant charr. A bored person bringing in clutter skills, banners to suddenly burst you forward, or a simple wall of text in /say to block your view. And, let’s face it, the clocktower is a race, where two professions just have a huge, unfair advantage.

Let’s face it, if in any other part of the game, a profession was simply hard-coded to be 25% better than everyone else, it would be fixed, and someone would probably be shamed for having made such a huge error in design. Why is it ok here?

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Chalice.1280


Well I’ve done the puzzle on all of my characters, including a norn, a charr, an asura, sylvari and human. Yes I have all races, took me about 40mins to an hour my first try I’ll admit, and this was back when people spammed banner swiftnesses, engineers using med kit, it wasn’t even annoying because they’d all fall down and die before 1/4th of the way into the puzzle honestly. It’s not hard, learn the jumps, trial and error. Some of my friends took between 3 and 5 hours to do this puzzle AFTER they fixed the banners, medkit, etc. It’s just a difficult puzzle and takes a slight amount of skill, make up all the excuses you want. Btw I play fully zoomed out at all times, no serious camera issues, I’m not understanding the complaints.

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Radene.3194


I’ve run this puzzle many times and I’m yet to see a warrior able to carry the banner into the puzzle, so excuse me if I’m doubtful.

Oh they can, I can testify under oath for that.

And well, about enjoying challenges, I enjoy challenge. When my skills are being challenged, not my patience, and my tolerance for bad design. Want a challenge, thy the entire thing with one finger, and the “challenge” will be along the lines what we have here – something that is difficult for virtually every other reason but the reasons it actually shoud be difficult.

Doing it a few hours later in the night, when I was instanced with only two other people made the entire thing a lot simpler and less aggravating and I was done with it rather quick. Oh sure, I failed several times still, but it made a huge difference. And it shouldn’t have. How many people are doing it should not be a factor of difficulty to that degree.

So yeah, I’m going to call “difficult by bad design” and not “real difficulty” here. This puzzle doesn’t need to be nerfed, it has to be fixed.

If people keep whining about “making it easier”, then add some funky jumps to compensate or something, just make difficulty stem from what it should be stemming from in the first place for crying out lout.

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I’ll stop complaining when I stop getting things like this:

Sometimes Steam says I deleted the image, but I didn’t. Bugs and glitches, bug and glitches everywhere!)

Here’s the direct link:

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Chalice, have you yet ran into a group of norn spamming gibberish in blocks in /say to block the view of everyone in the puzzle?
How about a bored warrior who waits, and speed buffs people mid-jump to watch them die?
Or actually had a serious camera issue, since day one of the game?

All of these things happen to people, and it destroys what would otherwise be good content. I’m usually the guy who tells people to suck it up and get better at the game, but this is just absolutely poor design on A-nets part.

There are a number of ways a bored person can make an alt, and in ten minutes, cause grief to whoever he happens to run in to on the puzzle. The basic, competitive nature of the green fog, joined with the fact that one group of people is simply designed 25% faster than anyone else not using an exploit is bad.

If this wasn’t just a holiday event, people would be far more upset, but they have a right to be upset now. The basic design philosophy has been thrown away, and this limited time content has been put together in such a way that it is simply exclusive, barring a vast majority of players.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vistal.2906


I’ll stop complaining when I stop getting things like this:

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824


Some of these complaining players would never have made it out alive if they were born in the original Nintendo/Super Nintendo era when games were actually challenging.

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Adam.4103


This puzzle isn’t hard. It is designed absolutely terribly. I can easily complete it if I get lucky enough to not have the norn warrior zerg who think it’s amazingly funny to grief people in this map.

It’s not hard. It doesn’t need nerfed. It needs FIXED. And we should complain about broken content as much as possible, otherwise A-net will never do anything about it. Remember Shadowform?

You don’t have to see your character do complete this, it’s just a matter of rythm and timing.
Or consider all the other players part of the challenge as well.

Agreed, once you know when and where to jump you can pretty much do it from memory alone. Besides most people fail before half way anyway.

Adam The Vanquisher

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vistal.2906


Some of these complaining players would never have made it out alive if they were born in the original Nintendo/Super Nintendo era when games were actually challenging.

Try born during atari when the games had 0 ENDINGS!

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

The problems aren’t with timing. I can time it perfect until a bored warrior shows up with a banner and puts quickness on me mid-jump, causing me to overshoot the platform.

As for the age of Nintendo platformers, y’all need to get to the split screen on pac-man without google, then come back and talk about precision, timing, and skill.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Giam.3524


I was like all of you guys once. After 5 hours I finally got it. Don’t give up, stop complaining.

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Giam, it didn’t even take me an hour to get it. Doesn’t mean it’s not broken. Just because something is possible does not mean that it’s functioning as intended, or as it should be.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824


Some of these complaining players would never have made it out alive if they were born in the original Nintendo/Super Nintendo era when games were actually challenging.

Try born during atari when the games had 0 ENDINGS!

The jumping puzzle in Pitfall needs to be nerfed!

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

The Clocktower seems to be working pretty much as intended. It is a brillant perfectly timed sequence that requires practice, and speed, lots of it!

The only problem right now is people bringing speed-boost banners, charr/norn blocking view, and the green mist not killing you at the final jump (delaying the reset of the sequence for other players).

Other than that, it is fine. But it’s hard.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vistal.2906


Giam, it didn’t even take me an hour to get it. Doesn’t mean it’s not broken. Just because something is possible does not mean that it’s functioning as intended, or as it should be.

Well said. Some people have or are very lucky. I seen this Fricken clock towers grafix lag .. not render.. camera goes where you dint put it people and my car model disappear randomly ..A@@^^hole warriors use speed buffs and make the whole group jump off the cliff and so on and so on and so on.

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Gisei.5749


I found it to be an immensely enjoyable jumping puzzle. Difficulty is just right to really challenge the average player. Not everyone will be able to do it, but there’s nothing wrong with that.

Perhaps make it instanced with a 8 man cap or so.

I personally experienced 0 problems. As an Asura, I was often times completely engulfed within a Charr or Norn, but I don’t actually have to see my character to know that he is still in the center of my screen. Anyways, I would just have to endure being blocked for just under 10secs. By then, whoever it was has fallen off or got left behind.

It is definitely a game of trial and error. Learning exactly how to jump, and how to start fast enough to stay ahead of the group makes it only mildly challenging.

But after 32 successes, I’m satisfied. Nerf it to silence the whiners(as if).

I’m really looking forward to more puzzles similar to this.

~Sorrow’s Furnace~

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Yinn.6507


I demand more puzzles like this. Megaman was way tougher.

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Blackwolfe.5649


Yes, its not designed very well.

1. People getting in the way.
2. The camera messes with you just like in alot of jumping puzzles.
3. Small bits of terrain.

However, its still fun. No, I havent finished it yet, but Ive tried, numerous times and getting frustrated as well. The camera issues need to be fixed, but that wont be done for this event.

Colin Johansen casts – Working As Intended
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Warrax.5967


1. people getting in the way
2. camera messed from day one
3. bits of terrain
4. i playing norn, i just climb one stair, and some asura and humans are already 1-2 stairs away on the platform (and they not elementalists) wth is that? fair challenge?
ps. already on this for 2+ hours. always around 5-7 other people, while on streams ones who done puzzle are mostly done it in solo (there was noone except them in instance), and i not seen yet a single norn who got to the top.

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Yinn.6507


The only part where the camera was messed up is near the finale of the clocktower. I’ve had no other camera issues even when Norns were engulfing my Asura.

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Warrax.5967


camera messed almost at the begining, after you wait for platform to apear, then you jump, and stucking with head at some boulders or some other crap. And lose time, because you can’t really see wth is going on.
oh and as mentioned already cam is glitching from day one – i not had that crap at head-start

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tirid.9514


After 6h of trying all those problems ppl say that bothers them camera,charrs norns all dissapeared to me since i knew like robot each and every move what to make and how many jumps but what made me most mad was the cog + stairs part i allways sliped at that part and 2 times i even failed last jump inside tower hahaha but still i finnaly made it.
My tip would be zoom bit more to your char and hide UI ctrl+shift+h it helped me.
Also lower graphics you don’t want lag in here :P

(edited by Tirid.9514)

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Hellforge.3418


It was challenging, at times frustrating, loved it.
Would like to see more of the same.
Found myself holding my breath on almost every-run.
Once I started getting to the drop it was consistent, and much easier.
Learn to see where you want to land ahead of time,
this game has the Mario like ability to control your character in the air.
It is very satisfying when you complete ..because it was difficult to master.

Stop complaining about the Clocktower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Chalice.1280


Chalice, have you yet ran into a group of norn spamming gibberish in blocks in /say to block the view of everyone in the puzzle?
How about a bored warrior who waits, and speed buffs people mid-jump to watch them die?
Or actually had a serious camera issue, since day one of the game?

All of these things happen to people, and it destroys what would otherwise be good content. I’m usually the guy who tells people to suck it up and get better at the game, but this is just absolutely poor design on A-nets part.

There are a number of ways a bored person can make an alt, and in ten minutes, cause grief to whoever he happens to run in to on the puzzle. The basic, competitive nature of the green fog, joined with the fact that one group of people is simply designed 25% faster than anyone else not using an exploit is bad.

If this wasn’t just a holiday event, people would be far more upset, but they have a right to be upset now. The basic design philosophy has been thrown away, and this limited time content has been put together in such a way that it is simply exclusive, barring a vast majority of players.

Join a different overflow? Or, turn off your game UI as you REALLY don’t need it for the jump puzzle.
Also yeah I’ve had people randomly speed buff me and I really never died from it because it was so early in the puzzle that it didn’t matter.