That Clocktower is AWESOME!

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sdric.8526


Finally a challenging jumping puzzle!
Finally no edge-hugging=instant-success, but skill to win.
This is what jumping-puzzles should be like!

The only thing that’s really annoying:
When it starts you’re basically blind for some parts since so many people block your field of view.
God! I was praying for a celestial genocide upon all Charr and Norn when this whole thing started….

It would be a nice improvement if you could automatically have a target maker at your head.

sPvPers against gear-grind.
Ascended Gear-progression disables WvW for us.
Stop it now!

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

definitely agree… and the people int he way disappeared for me after exiting overflow… my server tower only had 4-5 people in it xD

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kaderin.7584


Agreed, best puzzle so far and I hope anet has more of these in store!

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Andele.1306


3 points (the small rock, the almost vertical cog and the pillar rock pillar jumps are kitten because of stupid hitboxes) being unreliable, but yeah overall the mad kings tower really does cause a madness of awesome and rage, and i loved it.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Yinn.6507


I love it. But, it seems that a lot of my friends and guild mates have troubles completing this. I think a good mouse is necessary to complete this puzzle. I had a lot of trouble helping my friend do this puzzle at his place.

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sdric.8526


The exotic boots are also a great reward and motivation!

sPvPers against gear-grind.
Ascended Gear-progression disables WvW for us.
Stop it now!

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: tbsix.7085


This is by far the best puzzle that I’ve seen yet. It was difficult at first, but I got it after about 15 minutes of trying. I didn’t seem to have nearly as much trouble as others. I ended up running it about 7-8 more times successfully, just because I liked it so much. I would LOVE to see more of these timed jumping puzzles.

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DemonNinja.1602


I disagree. There are several people who can not complete it due to things like arthritis, and poor reflexes. They can’t complete the Halloween event because of it and its a shame.

Aerilon Starsider
Elementalist Extraordinaire

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: jokeshop.9548


I really don’t agree that games should be at the difficulty level of ‘a one-handed blind dwarf could do it’.

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


This puzzle is very fun. The difficulty is the appeal.

If you dont like lemons dont eat lemons.

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Starhawk.2958


I generally don’t do jumping puzzles because I honestly suck terribly at them. However, I determined in my mind that come hell or high water I was getting this done. Probably one of the most frustrating things I’ve done in a video game in a long time. That said, I really felt like I accomplished something when I finished and for that I think it was awesome!

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Gwendabell.8479


This is a very well done jumping puzzle. Fun, challenging, and entertaining. This alone kept me busy for hours. Even kept doing after I had cleared it just to go and have some fun with some friends and guildies who hadn’t done it yet. Bravo Anet! =)

Gwendabella 80 Human Mesmer – SBI
Guild Leader of [CaLM] Before the Storm

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TJackson.1045


I loved it! I actually never got mad or frusterated when I died. But then again it only took me roughly an hour. Please add more puzzles with this kind of difficulty! And don’t listen to those people asking for it to be nerfed <.<

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sdric.8526


I disagree. There are several people who can not complete it due to things like arthritis, and poor reflexes. They can’t complete the Halloween event because of it and its a shame.

That’s like saying that TV is a bad thing ’cause some people are blind.

sPvPers against gear-grind.
Ascended Gear-progression disables WvW for us.
Stop it now!

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Hughs.6549


AGREED with OP !!! we need more challenging things like this !! Grats arenanet.

ps : it was not that hard … people who are complaining just want everything given in their hands.

“Hey, i suck at soccer, please remove the goal keeper” -> no.

The only annoying thing is that you can’t see anything when there’s a lot or people (or 2 norns), and the bad camera.
Maybe the cutscene can be frustrating for some people too.

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Taihaku.8412


I agree complainers will complain about anything.

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: tom.7468


yes its so cool but because you can never stop when someone jump in front of you and blind you then you just have to jump and hope for the best i mostly jump in the lava

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BroScientist.9875


I agree I hate the complainers of this event. You can’t complete it? Big deal, you don’t get boots, it’s not the end of the world like some are making it out to be. Personally, it took me about an hour and a half to get it the first time. Since then I’ve done it maybe 200+ times farming it for tot bags. We NEED more puzzles like this. It’s great. I love you Anet for doing this.

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: tom.7468


@bro agree i would love to see a lot more things which is actually challenging not just auto attack relax wait 5 min then win.

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kithzyan.5034


I agree with the OP, this is an awesome puzzle and while it is very hard, ANet did the right thing by making it optional*. I would personally have preferred a more strategic ‘thinking’ puzzle that was just complex and required mapping things out than reflxes but this was fun to, and a good rush at the top.

  • By optional I mean its not part of the meta for the event, and the reward (while nice) is not something unique and special you’ll never be able to get anywhere else; it shares the same skin as ‘permanently accessible’ items.

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Evo Sapien.5298

Evo Sapien.5298

Amazing. Done every jumping puzzle and nothing else comes close to this. I admit that after a few hours I was getting frustrated and annoyed but it makes completing it even sweeter.

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Valentine.6529


The clock tower was amazing! Never ever seen this in an MMO before! Thank you to whoever made this! Had a lot of fun falling and winning to owo

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: synk.6907


This was fun.

Shootin’ the "kitten" with my fellow players between attempts and learning from my mistakes, pushing myself to always be at the front of the pack at the beginning, and trying out both forks in the later portion to compare them resulted in quite a satisfied experience at the top after lootin’ the chest.

This is like that one ride at the park I happily get in line for again and again after testing out most of the others.

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Swifter.6451


I think I had the most fun at other peoples expense. Whether someone on mumble raging or seeing a Charr fall to It’s death and out of my view. Good times were had.

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kopipoki.3542


This is by far my new favorite jumping puzzle.

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ayarai.3985


The clocktower jumping puzzle is incredibly fun: Figuring out the route, then actually executing all the jumps properly within the timer offers such a nice amount of challenge that at the end of it you get that rewarding feeling from actually managing to do it all.

Aside from that, I really like the environment art there and especially the background music that plays during the actual jumping puzzle. Not to mention the end reward itself was certainly worth it, definitely the best jumping puzzle in the entire game.

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tyranka.5178


I both agree and disagree. I like the design of the clocktower, I think there should be more jumping puzzles like this – in the open world. But holiday events should be about relaxing, not making some players pull their hair out and ragequit the game…

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Trekk.5694


I agree with the OP and everyone saying this is AWESOME and I hope we get more challenging and hard puzzles like this. Please don’t take the complainers to heart. There is a subset of gamers these days that won’t play anything unless they can stand there and spam one button to win. They are probably the loud minority and should not dictate game design as much as they do in most games. Not all things have to be too easy. I hope Anet doesn’t avoid adding tough puzzles in the future. That said, the puzzle would be a lot more enjoyable if the start of the puzzle wasn’t so crowded.

(edited by Trekk.5694)

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Krag.6210


I absolutely loved the puzzle and seeing all the mad people really makes me wonder what the mmo community have become.
I’m kinda sick of reading stuff like “anti-fun design, not gratifying or rewarding” or “I’m old, I don’ spend my entire life playing, I’m bald” about an optional fun part of the game that many people enjoyed.

Now, EVERY kittenING TIME a new patch comes out, the forum is filled with complaints from people trying to justify their own failure by some bug or “bad design” like they so much like to call it.

This is nothing more than a L2P issue and I know people hate this expression but the only way to learn is to try again and if you can’t, no big deal, you’re probably not good at platformers.

Why am I even writing this, this is as stupid, if not more as the people complaining.

That Clocktower is AWESOME!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Celeras.4980


Yes, its awesome. Screw the haters.