That feeling after 7 hours of Agony

That feeling after 7 hours of Agony

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Edesto.5968


It actually gets a lot easier once you get the hang of it, know when and where to jump.
And I’ve been playing on laptop with max fps 20, so that really increased the difficulty. Share your Victory pictures here!


“Victory above all!”
Lvl 80 Charr Guardian

That feeling after 7 hours of Agony

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Critwrench.8432


Wasn’t that hard for me, but then again I’ve been playing platformers for 18 years. >____>

Did it on both my guardian and my ele(pictured), and got the A2 book on both (The ele is 16)


A shallow ocean only contains as much water as a particularly deep bucket.

That feeling after 7 hours of Agony

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Starhawk.2958


I feel ya Edesto, I am just not good at this type of stuff and it took me the better part of 6.5 hours to finally get it done. I can say that after I got it done I was very happy. Grats!

That feeling after 7 hours of Agony

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rin.2094


Bowing to the most challanging chest in this game!!!


Crystal Desert — Keepers of the heart (Koth)

That feeling after 7 hours of Agony

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Peinen.2953


So happy I got the achieve and never have to set foot in there again!


That feeling after 7 hours of Agony

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Edesto.5968


I actually finished it a second time shortly after, and got like 9 Trick or Treat bags, so I called it a day. The effort is not worth the reward after you’ve done it once.

“Victory above all!”
Lvl 80 Charr Guardian

That feeling after 7 hours of Agony

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Celestina.2894


I will admit the puzzle itself made me want to punt some babies…..but after I finally made it…..I actually felt quite satisfied.

No intention of doing it again though >_>

That feeling after 7 hours of Agony

in Halloween Event

Posted by: aliquis.9180


My hat off to all of you. I’m not going near the thing, because I didn’t even manage to jump into the cauldron after an hour of trying lol.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet

That feeling after 7 hours of Agony

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Andronis.3926


I have completed it about 15 times between 5 characters. It took me about 7 hours last night of continuous failure. Then this morning it only took me 4 tries and it has been pretty much a cake walk since.