The Halloween Music Theme is Brilliant
I don’t even hear it. I only hear normal year round music if my machine can even load it.
Guitarzero – where exactly do you hear it? I didn’t manage to hear any new music and I’ve the Music Interval option set to shortest. All I hear is brawl sound and the Mad King’s costume talking, lol.
I get it in LA
i also found a link to the song (which is from the trailer) but i’m not sure if I can link those on here
it also has the clocktower theme
I get it in LA
i also found a link to the song (which is from the trailer) but i’m not sure if I can link those on hereit also has the clocktower theme
ANet posted the links to both songs on their Facebook page too…just wanted to chime in so folks will know.
I love the music.
I’m going to add to the consensus that it is absolutely fantastic. Even my family members were commenting on how good it is and asking who the composer is.
liked it too but dont hear it in LA which kinda sucks.
Here is the soundcloud link that ArenaNet posted on their facebook yesterday. The complete versions of the two Halloween tracks. They really are awesome!
I don’t hear the Halloween music in LA either. Either no music at all, or the normal Kryta music.
I guess this is another bug to be fixed?
Yeah, I have to agree, I heard this in Lion’s Arch and it really set the mood for Halloween. This event has been great so far, I can’t wait for the next acts.
Strange, i only get the normal LA music. I also want to hear the halloween themes in townes.
It’s just not the same with not fitting music
Btw this music is absolutly great O.O
I want htis ingame plz >.<
PS: I just heared the old GW 1 themesong in LA played with bells. Now that also soundet pretty spooky. But i wonder is this there all the year or just now?
(edited by Icewolfnector.1487)
The only thing I hear in LA is the regular music you always hear.
I’m listening to the music. The comments say they snuck in the Sylvari theme “Fear Not This Night”. Didn’t hear it. I did however hear the Guild Wars: Prophecies theme. Which is put every where, from the clock tower in LA to the under water organ.
Yep, so it seems it is bugged. After clicking the link to SoundCloud, I heard the music for the first time. Game client had an update today, weird that they didn’t fix it yet.
I don’t hear anything in Lions Arch either, but listening to them on Storm Cloud, wow! I love them. Playing it in the background while walking around in Lions Arch is perfect. Really sets the mood. I hope they fix the bug. The music is great. ^-^
Same, first time I heard it was from the facebook link. I wish that this would play in game. I am just playing it in the background. It’s a shame because it’s such a great track. I hope they fix it to play in game.
By far the best halloween event i’ve seen in an MMO.
What music? I never heard it Music often doesn’t load correctly especially in overflow server which occurs in LA…can you post it on youtube?
Dittos on the no Halloween music.
Honestly, I have the music interval set to ‘short’ and I almost hardly hear ANY music, let alone Halloween music.
The only music I’ve heard at all so far is the normal Krytan Overworld theme and the Order of Whispers mission theme in those quests.
I wonder if ‘shortest interval’ doesn’t mean what we think it means. Either that or the music is just really, really, really, really subtle.
Or, you know, it’s bugging out.
They really just need a ‘continous’ option where the music keeps playing. It’s quiet entirely too often in my travels.
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Should we start a thread in the bug forum since it seems like a lot of people can’t hear it :S
Never heard that music in game, always have the music on…
I have custom music for city/ambience so it seemed pretty natural that I wouldn’t hear it. However, I moved the soundtrack out of the GW folder, restarted GW, but for some reason it didn’t seem to solve the problem. o_o I actually hear no music at all in LA, which is odd (even with my City soundtrack back in the folder).
I would so love to hear this music playing! I love it! It would be neat to even have a download link of some sort too.
The tracks appear to have reached their download limits. Is there somewhere else we can get access to them?
I too have the same problem. No music plays in LA anymore since the beginning of the Halloween event.
Here is the soundcloud link that ArenaNet posted on their facebook yesterday. The complete versions of the two Halloween tracks. They really are awesome!
That is wonderful! Wish I could hear it in game.
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet
The tracks appear to have reached their download limits.
Is there somewhere else we can get access to them?
I’m wondering this as well. I tried asking GW2 via twitter twice yesterday, but got no response
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